Evgeny Konovalov - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Evgeny Konovalov is a popular Russian executor in the style of Chanson. Sincere love for music, the ability to write and penetrate the lyrical songs brought a simple working guy recognition from fans.

Artist Chanson Evgeny Konovalov

The artist persistently works on the solo career, the proof of which five solo albums became proof, cooperates with other performers and helps young talents.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Konovalov was born on December 17, 1979 in the city of Usolye-Sibirsk (Irkutsk region) in a family not related to art. Soon the parents of the future star chanson moved to the city of Angarsk, located close to the previous place of residence. There were children's and school years of a talented child.

Evgeny Konovalov in childhood

At first, Eugene studied at school number 25. The boy was considered a hooligan, so Mom was often forced to justify himself before his class leader. During one conversation, the teacher recommended to give the Son to the music school so that he would send energy to the useful course, especially since Eugene's musical abilities began to demonstrate from three years. As a child, the boy became stool and enthusiastically performed in front of the relatives of the song "Katyusha", "Bird of Happiness" and others.

In the music school, Eugene studied in the Bayana class. At first, the parents wanted the boy to make the game on the guitar, but since the set in this direction was discontinued, they decided to choose the bayan. As a result, Konovalov visited the school for three years and was satisfied with his studies.

Singer Evgeny Konovalov

Later, the family moved to another area of ​​Angarsk, and Evgeny began to attend school number 38. There he met new classmates, among whom was Roman Borzenkov, who later became his best friend.

When the guys studied in the 7th grade, the novel suggested Konovalov to compose a song. The guys coped with this task, and Evgeny just fell in love with the writing of poems. Soon they write text for the second song, and in a couple of days, friends go to the music competition to fulfill their debut compositions on the air of local radio. Eugene and Roman returned to the famous celebrities. Since 1995, Evgeny Konovalov starts writing songs independently, and the first youthful love gives him the inspiration.

Evgeny Konovalov in youth

At the end of the nine classes, Eugene decides to study on mechanical techniques in School No. 32. This choice was not accidental, because at the school there was a studio of pop art, which was led by a talented musician - Yevgeny Yakushenko (the father of the violinist Artem Yakushenko).

In the school, Eugene was most interested in not subject to the specialty, but music. The young man began to engage in pop-mastery studio and, together with other guys, often toured with concerts on the Irkutsk region.

Chanson Evgeny Konovalov

Having received a diploma technician, Konovalov was called into the army, but even there did not forget about his addiction. In the distance from the family and friends of Zhenya wrote a mental song "For Friends". At the end of the deadlines, a talented guy leaves the army in the rank of the junior lieutenant of the reserve.


Next, the time to search for itself and the desire to reveal creativity. Evgeny records songs in Mikhail Prozorov's studio. In addition, Konovalov cooperates with Edward Pokrovsky and Viktor Zherebtsov. The composition recorded during this period is soon becoming popular among the residents of Angarsk thanks to the old kind "Sarafan Radio".

Artist Chanson Evgeny Konovalov

Evgeny was full of musical ideas and wished to develop further. Nevertheless, the music has not yet brought him a stable income. The guy was forced to work as a mechanic at the chemical plant. He worked hard for six years on this harmful production. But being an ambitious person, Evgeny continues to learn. His choice fell on the Angarsk Technical Academy, and after her end, he received the qualification of the engineer.

In 2007, Konovalov arranged to work in the city's energy company. Despite a solid position, he decides to challenge and take an exceptional music. In the studio of Irkutsk, a novice singer overwrites the best songs at that time: "For friends", "Olya", "close people", "I can't do it," and others. After that, Eugene's composition began to fall into the pirated Chanson collections, which indicated their demand.

In May 2009, the young performer decides to speak at the Golden Voices Festival (Angar) and even conquers the audience a prime sympathy. Next year, the singer participates immediately in two festivals: "Walking the soul" (Moscow) and "Black Rose" (Ivanovo). In addition, in 2010, Eugene, together with the executor of Chanson, Love Shepilova records the song "Strange", which became popular, and the names of singers are even more recognizable.

In 2012, progress has emerged in the creative biography of the young artist. He presented the first solo album called "Thank you for love." It includes 13 songs, the words and music of which were written by Konovalov.

In the same year, many Evgenia compositions were included in the database of Ukrainian Radio Chanson. As a result, the best songs of a young singer (for example, "I will kill you," "And where to run", "not Ori", etc.) participated in the charts of this radio station.

Singer Evgeny Konovalov

Konovalov continued to cooperate with the love Shepilova, and in 2013 their second overall composition "I'm sorry" appeared. In addition, the duet of Eugene with a talented singer Galina Zhuravlev was turned out to be no less fruitful. The result of their collaboration was the romantic and gentle song "White Snow". In the same year, the second album of the talented artist in the style of chanson called "White Roses" was released.

The musical composition of "Roses White" became a singer's business card, Evgeny was confident in his Schuger from the moment of his writing. The song also became the favorite musical work of the eldest daughter Konovalov.

Eugene himself ranks his songs to the genre of lyrical pop song. His favorite musical group, which is equal to the performer, is "Affectionate May." Today, Konovalov songs are performed by many pop artists. For example, among them the Galina Zhuravleva, Arthur Rudenko, Love Shepilova, Oleg Golubev and others.

In addition, Eugene cooperates with the Ukrainian author and performer Alexander Zakszhevsky. It was he who acted as an arranger of almost all the latest compositions of Konovalov. At the request of Mikhail Gutserieva, the owner of Radio Chanson, Yevgeny Konovalov wrote music to the song "Two Stools", which later replenished the repertoire of Alexander Marshal.

Due to the increased popularity of Evgeny, it is forced to travel often from Angarsk to Moscow. In addition, the singer often goes on tour in different cities of Russia and neighboring countries. Also in 2014 (from February to June) Konovalov performed the role of the soloist of the popular project "Andrei Bandera". Previously, the vocalist of this project was the performer Edward Mesmestyev, who, after the completion of the contract, began work under his own last name. Eugene successfully replaced Eduard, as the voice timbres in both were similar. But after military operations began in Ukraine, Evgeny stopped cooperation with the authors of the project.

Already next year, Eugene Konovalov presented the third author's album "Mom not cry". At the same time, the work of the artist finds a response in the souls of an increasing number of people. It is not surprising that in April 2016 the fourth album called "Three Chord" appeared.

In addition, a popular musician and a singer seeks to help other creative personalities. So, he supports the original and original executive-countrywoman love Popov. The beginning of the singer in 2016 worked on the first album, which entered the compositions written by Eugene Konovalov and other authors (for example, Irina Yakushkaya and Irina Demidova).

Personal life

Evgeny Konovalov always caused an increased interest among the wonderful sex. A cute guy of high growth, which was distinguished by hooligan behavior and talent to create touching songs about love, could not help but attract attention as classmates and fans of his work.

Eugene konoval with his wife

Nevertheless, in his personal life, the guy demonstrates enviable constancy. Having found a kindred soul, Eugene decided to marry and became an exemplary family man. The wedding took place in March 2005. Since then, the couple has lived happily together.

One tragic story is connected with the artist's wedding. A day before the celebration, the school friend of Konovalova was left his life - Roman Borzenkov. It was a heavy blow to Eugene, after which he could not come to himself for a long time.

The executor of Chanson touchingly responds to the parent and says that the wife has become a "medicine and salvation" for him, because it was she inspired him to writing all the hits. The artist loves children, and therefore the birth of the daughters of Elizabeth and Svetlana he calls the gift of fate. In 2016, the singer presented the wife of the Music Composition "Wife", which has deserved popularity and its grateful fans.

The singer calls the spouse of his muse, which over 15 years inspires him for creativity. A woman with understanding refers to the musical works of her husband and is not even jealous when other female names appear in the songs. For example, the musical composition about Olya Yevgeny wrote, still being an employee of the FEF. According to the artist, this name is easily rhyme and poems are written quickly.

According to Evgenia, he does not consider himself a composer due to the lack of specialized musical education. For the public, he is more likely narrator songs. Composition The author writes on the voice recorder.

Evgeny Konovalov has official communities in Russian social networks - Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. The performer has an official website where it places information about the upcoming concerts, presents new songs and publishes photos from creative meetings.

Evgeny Konovalov now

By 2017, the artist repertoire expanded to 700 songs. At the same time, the discography of Konovalov consists of only five albums, the last of which appeared in 2017 and received the name "You for me." Not all musical compositions were published in the form of collections.

Now Evgeny Konovalov continues to develop in creative terms. In February 2018, the premiere of the new musical composition "Sinful happiness", which the singer fulfilled a duet with Olga Plotnikova. Clip for the song replenished the video collection with songs by Evgeny Konovalov. Previously, the author of the executor has already presented the clips "Forgive", "I don't need you," "I can't do you without you." Already in April 2018, the artist pleased the fans with a musical composition "from the phone".


  • 2012 - "Thank you for love"
  • 2013 - "White Roses"
  • 2015 - "Mom Do not Cry"
  • 2016 - "Three Chord"
  • 2017 - "You are for me"

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