Casey Affleck - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Ben Affleck, Brother, Filmography, Oscar 2021



Casey Affleck is a popular actor, producer and director, whose career first developed in the shadow of the glory of his older brother. The artist managed to change the public attitude to himself thanks to Harizme and Talent. Casey's voice many and today resembles Marlon Brando. Nevertheless, the star reluctantly leaves the "ghetto of film festivals" - the copyright film is closer to him in spirit than mainstream, and he remains faithful to himself.

Childhood and youth

Casey Affleck was born in August 1975 in the city of Falmouth (Massachusetts). It has Scottish, British and Swiss roots. Casey is the youngest of children in the family, he has a famous brother - Ben Affleck.

Childhood of Casey and Ben passed in a tense atmosphere - the father changed one work on the other and rented a family to alcohol. Mother - a teacher of primary classes with Harvard's diploma - could not tolerate the alcohol addiction of the spouse and was filed for a divorce.

After terminating the Union of Parents, nine-year-old Casey and his older brother Ben brought up his mother in Cambridge. Subsequently, their father threw a drink and began to professionally help other people overcome dependence. This transfiguration was so struck by Casey that in adolescence he restored the connection with his father and since then has supported communication for many years.

The main role in the formation of the brothers was played by their mother, who instilled in both Affale, a passion for acting skills and in general to creativity in all his manifold manifestations. She drove them into theaters, inspired to create domestic video, in their home in Cambridge, representatives of the creative intelligentsia were regularly gathered.

Friendship of Mother Casey and Ben with the Local Casting Director contributed to the fact that the children began to receive the first job proposals, be it shooting advertising, an episodic role in the series or participation in the crowd during films.

Being a high school student, Casey visited courses at the acting school and participated in numerous theatrical productions. It was then, according to his own admission, he felt how exciting and stimulating could be the work of the actor as she likes. The young man decided that he was ready to devote to acting all his life.

At 18, with a desire to start a professional career, actor Casey moved to Los Angeles, where he took an apartment together with Brother Ben and their shared friend Matt Damon to conquer Hollywood.


Started the thorny career path of Affale with participation in the crowd and with secondary roles. In 20 years, Casey received a proposal from the director Gas Wang Senta to be held in the role of a second plan in his picture "Die in the Name". It was an important role for the young performer, but after her, a breakthrough in his career did not happen.

At one point, he even threw the idea of ​​getting into full-length cinema and instead had left to receive higher education - first in Washington, and then in New York. In Columbia University, he focused on the study of physics. For two years, "Gray Granite Science" and lived in Manhattan with his grandmother.

However, the guy did not receive a diploma, the tempting invitations began to appear about the work, from which the artist could not refuse.

One of these proposals was a secondary role in the film "Umnitsa Will Hunting", the scenario to which his brother and Matt Damon wrote. The film became a sign for their generation and entered the lists of mandatory pictures for viewing paintings, and the Affleck brothers went on different career paths. While Ben became a star and starred mainly in blockbusters, Casey chose the path of independent cinema and Arthaus.

Actor and popular projects appeared in the actor repertoire. In 1999, the "American Pie" was released, which received international recognition. In the cash film, Casey played only the episodic role of the hero of Tom Myers. In the same year, the acting game of Afflek, the viewers appreciated in the comedy "200 cigarettes" about the New Year's youth party. Both brothers were starred in the film, as well as Kate Hudson, Courtney Love and Christina Ricci.

In the biographies of this period, frankly failed projects appear, and those that brought the actor income and popularity. For example, he managed to get into the caste series of films Stephen Godberg about adventure friends of Oushen, where the stars of Brad Pitt were filmed, Julia Roberts and George Clooney. The roles were not the first plan, but rather episodic, but they served the actor a good service.

The breakthrough for Casey was the next turn in his career. At first, his elder brother decided to develop as director and called on the main role in his film "Goodbye, Baby, Farewell" (2007), in it, Junior Affleck appeared in front of the audience in the image of a private owner. The picture was friendly meeting with film critics, she was repeatedly nominated for the Golden Globe International Prizes, Oscar, Saturn and others.

Then, in the same year, the second picture was published with the participation of Casey - based on the novel of the film "How a cowardly Robert Ford killed Jesse James", which also played Brad Pitt. The film received numerous positive feedback, and the image of a young rebellion, a cowardly and dustered, made an impression on the audience, and on film critics. For the recreation of the image of Robert Ford Casey received his first nominations for Oscar and Golden Globe.

After such a successful performance, as an actor, Casey chose the path of the operator's director. He invested all his strength and funds in the film "I'm still here" (2010) with a friend and a relative from the wife - Hoakin Phoenix - in the lead role. Despite efforts and work, the painting was coolly met by the audience and film critics.

The period from 2013 became for Casey by the time of exit to the extent of Hollywood. In 2013, 2 projects were bought at once with his participation - a thriller "from the baked" and the melodrama "in the run".

Later, the screens stormed the fantastic film "InterSellar" directed by Christopher Nolan, where Casey Affleck had a characteristic role. To work on the idea of ​​the picture, an American physicist Kip Thorn was attracted. On his proposal, only the studied physical laws and officially existing alternative theories were used in the plot.

Casey does not like to watch films with their participation, and InterStellar did not exception, despite the love of the actor to the work of Christopher Nolan. According to Affleck, a minute of stay on the set, where this genius creates, should cost every $ 1 million.

In 2016, 3 projects appeared in the artist filmography at once, various in genres, in each of which Casey played a major role and showed the verge of his incredible talent. Among these paintings are the piercing drama "Manchester by the Sea", which fell into the Short List "Oscar" as the best movie. The artist himself received a statuette for the best male role in this project.

For the game in "Manchester by the Sea" and for the total set of diverse Casey projects was the Hero of Hollywood at the end of the year. Therefore, his appearance on the cover of a special edition W Magazine as the leader of the list of actors who became the best in the end of the year turned out to be timely.

The production project of Afflekas became the Drama of the love of 2019 "The Mir of the Coming". In the film, the actor played one of the main roles. Another film in the repertoire of the artist "Friends forever" was created based on the real events described in the article in the gloss journal.

Personal life

In 2006, Affleck after a long novel took an actress and fashion model Summer Phoenix, which is the sister of Hoakin Phoenix and Rivera Phoenix. The spouse presented Casey two sons - Indian Augustus was born in 2004, Attikus - in 2008. In March 2016, it was announced that the pair was submitted for a divorce due to the "loss of trust". The broken-produced procedure lasted a year, did not help prevent parting even the help of a family psychologist.

The popular actor was not long alone. In glossy publications and magazines began to appear photo Affale with a new chief, which was the 33-year-old actress Florian Lima. The relationship of the couple did not lead to a serious final: the lovers broke up.


The media argued that the cause of the collapse of personal life could well be a scandal that broke out around Casey. The actor was charged with the estimated sexual habitation by directly two women - director of photography and producer of the documentary film "I'm still here", in which Casey performed by the director.

Both cases were closed by agreement of the parties - after receipt of applications for marins for women, negotiations were held behind closed doors. The conflict participants came to the agreements, as a result of which all the accusations were withdrawn, and women paid a certain amount of money.

The question has long been closed, but the press continued to discuss this topic, because the case did not communicate to the court left the public in bewilderment. Many would like to know whether the actor or voiced harassment is guilty - it is only empty charges.

In 2018, the tradition of Affleck was invited to the Oscar ceremony as a celebrity, who introduces the audience with the name of the Prize laureate. But after the publication on the Internet, the petition required to prevent him up to the celebration, Casey refused to participate.

Politics and activism

Even in the youth of Casey became anger of an animal advocate. Now he cooperates with international organizations on this issue. Casey Affleck adheres to a vegan diet since 1995. Refusal of meat food helps the actor maintain an impeccable external form. With a height of 175 cm its weight does not exceed 69 kg.

The actor is confident that every person must at least per week to abandon meat products. In his opinion, in this way it is possible to reduce the number of animals intended for slaughter. Casey himself remains a big lover of nature: at different times, cats, dogs, turtles and snakes lived in his house.

But not only the zoo shifts worries the star Hollywood. With his idol Affleck calls Parks Rose - a political activist, which one of the first raised the issue of civil rights of African Americans. Her photo artist posted on his page in "Instagram".

The actor supports annual national games for disabled veterans, and also participates in the awards ceremony of the Veterans Awards. Together with the mother founded a project to collect funds called "Tomorrow's History". The Company is intended to support the availability of education and nutrition for children around the world.

Casey Affleck now

The major role of Casey received in the American thriller "Every Your Inhalation", the premiere of which was held in early April 2021. This time Affleck reincarnated in a psychiatrist, which is in danger. Initially, Zak Efron was considered.


  • 1995 - "What is worth die for"
  • 1999 - "American Pie"
  • 2000 - "Madly faithful wife"
  • 2001 - "Eleven friends of Oushen"
  • 2004 - "Twelve friends of Oushen"
  • 2005 - "Lonely Jim"
  • 2007 - "Thirteen Friends of Oshen"
  • 2007 - "Goodbye, baby, goodbye"
  • 2010 - "Killer inside me"
  • 2014 - InterStellar
  • 2016 - "Manchester by the Sea"
  • 2017 - "History of Ghost"
  • 2018 - "Old Man with a Pistol"
  • 2019 - "Light of My Life"
  • 2020 - "The Mir of the Coming"
  • 2021 - "Everything your breath"
  • 2021 - "He will not let you go"

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