Daria Balabanova - biography, personal life, photos, movies and last news 2021



Daria Balabanova is the Russian film actress, who gained fame at a young age, thanks to the role of Girl-Wunderkind in the psychological thriller Alexander Strizhenova "Yulia".

Daria Alekseevna Balabanova was born on May 7, 1997. Girl's parents come from Novokuznetsk. Mom Daria - Inna Balabanova, works in the theater sphere in Moscow. Girl's father - Novokuznetsky musician Alexei Balabanov, who until 2001 was a member of the Yermakov and Co. group.

Daria Balabanova in childhood

Daria grew by a clever child, showed a variety of talents, so parents gave it to a physical and mathematical school. The daughter of Balabanova took the love of music from his father, since childhood he studied to play the piano. The girl graduated from Gnesinic Music School. Darya's personal qualities helped her aged 10 years of receiving the role of Girl-Wunderkind in the domestic thriller "Yulia".

The sonorous surname of the young actress raises a number of questions from her fans. Spectators are interested, whether the film director Alexei Balabanov is a father or a relative of Darya. His death in 2013 only strengthened this interest. Daria's dad is a complete tassel of a famous director. The actress really falls by the daughter of Alexey Balabanov, but not the winner of the nickname premium, but the musician from Novokuznetsk.


The premiere of the psychological thriller "Yulia" took place in 2009. Russian bloggers appreciated the film as the best Russian drama of 2010 and awarded the reward of People's Cinema "Georges". Daria Balabanova performed the main role in the picture. The first job of the girl in the movie turned out to be successful. The Talent of the Young Actress helped the experience of director Alexander Strizhenov.

Daria Balabanova in the film

In life, Daria is very different from his heroine, naked prostitability and the cruelty of which hides for the pretty, children's appearance. On the set of Balabanova worked with Marat Basharov, Irina Kzchechenko and other famous artists. After the end of the work on the picture, the girl seriously thought about the career of the actress.


After the release of the film "Yulia", Daria was involved in several projects. In 2011, she performed small roles in the films "Suicides" and "Slove. Right in the heart". In 2013, a film came out about the first Soviet cosmonaut "Gagarin. The first in space ", in his shooting Balabanova also took part.

Daria Balabanova in the film

The role of the girl was not big, but the film was released with the support of a good advertising company, ensuring the buy surface and the attention of the public.

In the same year, the premiere of the comedy series "Super Max" was held on the STS channel, in which Daria fulfilled the role of the second plan. The multi-metering humorous film gathered the army of fans, and for Balabanova participation in the project was successful.

Daria Balabanova now

In 2016, the girl again appeared in the cinema, as a performer of one of the roles in a detective melodrama with Maxim Averin "Natarnage". The girl appeared in the fourth series of the designated series as a daughter of one of the heroes. Daria plans to act further, but not to the detriment of his studies.

Daria Balabanova now

The young actress's career is just beginning to develop, despite the success of the sensational psychological thriller about Yulia Malevskaya. Now Daria Balabanova is a student of the Theater University of Gitis. Her fresh photo is constantly appearing on the Internet, although Dasha does not have an official account in the Instagram network. The girl more than once confessed that she has no time for social networks.

After the execution of the role in the film "Yulia" Dasha dreams to play a positive character, for example, the fairy from a good fairy tale or a magic. This dream appeared in her childhood, as a desire to compensate the image that expects the audience after a reliable game of young actress in a psychological thriller.


  • 2009 - Yuleka.
  • 2011 - suicides
  • 2012 - Slove. Right in the heart
  • 2013 - Gagarin. First in space
  • 2013 - Super Max
  • 2016 - Nail Polit

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