Victoria Postnikova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



Victoria Postnikova is a talented Russian pianist, the second wife of Vladimir Spivakov, the widow of the famous composer and conductor Gennady Christmas, the Mother of the Scribes of Alexander Christmas.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Valentinovna Postnikov was born on January 12, 1944 in Moscow. Already at six years she began to seriously learn the game on the piano in the central music school. The first speech of the girl took place at the age of seven, when the baby successfully performed the piano concert of Mozart for the public.

Russian pianist Victoria Postnikov

After graduating from the CSM, Victoria entered the Moscow Conservatory. The girl took to himself on the course of Yakov Flyer, who was known not only to his talent of the virtuoso performer, but also the gift of the teacher. Under the guidance of the mentor, the postnikov honed the technique and already at the fourth year of study, the names of Chopin's pianists in Warsaw was successful. She did not become a laureate, but received an enthusiastic review of the members of the jury.


The postnik's pianist spoke in Europe after she in 1968 became the winner of the prestigious music contest Viana da Motta in Lisbon. The Victoria Championship was then divided with the Azerbaijani musician Farhad Badalbely. In 1970, luck smiled again at the Tchaikovsky International Competition. Victoria turned out to be in third place among the pianists.

Victoria Postnikov in youth

Interestingly, the future husband Postnik, Vladimir Spivakov, took second place in the same competition among the violinists. Reviews of the competent jury, awards and personal charm helped Victoria become a successful international pianist at the end of the sixties of the last century. On rare photos of that time, Postnikov is always surrounded by eminent colleagues.

Natural data and filigree technicians allowed Victoria to choose an interesting and complex repertoire for themselves. Postnikov is a performer of piano works of Glinka and Tchaikovsky, Chopin and Yanachek, Brahms and Richard Strauss, Bruckner and Sibelius.

Pianist Victoria Postnikov

The most accurate reflects the talent of Victoria execution of romantic music. Thanks to the complex works of Prokofiev, the postnikov can demonstrate excellent equipment and artistic taste.

In the eighties, Victoria successfully performed symphony No. 5 of Sergey Sergeyevich, accompanied by a large symphony orchestra under the control of the conductor Gennady Christmas. In 2014, along with his spouse, the postnikov was on tour in Tallinn.

Victoria Postnikova for the tool

She performed the writings of the Estonian composer ARVo Pärot, with which the husband of women has long and successfully cooperates. In May 2016, the pianist visited France. In the walls of the Paris Philharmonic, she performed the music of Rachmaninov.

In the autumn of the same year, Victoria Postnikov organized the evening of Music Schubert in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. For performance, a woman chose chamber compositions of the composer: piano expression and quintet "Trout". Helped a woman in the presence of a quartet, consisting of Alexander Christmas (Violin), Vladimir Kvokova (Alt), Evgenia Avrushkin (Cello) and Oleg Troopsov (double bass).

Personal life

Victoria's personal life is no less interesting than the creative way. The pianist had two husbands, and both of them are famous personalities in the world of music. The first time Victoria married the conductor Vladimir Spivakov.

Victoria Postnikov and Vladimir Spivakov

The son was born a son Alexander. Postnikova - the second wife of Spivakov, before her the conductor has already consisted in official relations, but there were no children. The first marriage did not and for Victoria Valentinovna successful. At the beginning of the eighties, the relationship with Spivakov ended in divorce.

Postnikov left Vladimir for the sake of composer Gennady Christmas. Spivakov loved his spouse very much, but he accepted a woman's decision about the break. It is known that Vladimir even conveyed a thing of his wife to a taxi when she left for another man.

Victoria Postnikov with her husband Gennady Christmas, Son Alexander and a friend of the family Alfred Schlesinger

However, despite this sad fact, later the violinist arranged a personal life in the third marriage. The actress and TV journalist Satenik Zareevna Spivakova, which under her husband for 18 years old became the new chief of the musician. The spouse gave her beloved two daughters. A couple more took into the family of Girl Catherine, the child of Svivakov's sister, Elizabeth, when a woman died.

The second marriage of Victoria Valentinovna turned out to be strong. Husband Postnistened was for her a regular partner on a musical field. Christmas adopted the Son of Spouse from the first marriage and gave him his last name. At the same time, Vladimir Spivakov always laid with young men and helped the former spouse in the upbringing of Sasha.

Victoria Postnikova with her husband and colleague

Victoria and Gennady often appeared together on stage. The couple did not share the details of the married life and gave little interview.

Musicians lived peacefully. Victoria Valentinovna for 13 years younger than the second spouse, but they have never appeared common children. Alexander Christmas went to the footsteps of his parents and became a violinist.

Victoria Postnikov with Gennady

The young man was educated at the Moscow Conservatory. After that, Alexander was enrolled in the Parisian Royal Music College and Conservatory. The young man lived in the capital of France, but then returned to his homeland again, to Moscow.

Thanks to his career, Victoria traveled a lot around the world. Together with orchestras, the Postnikov visited Australia, Japan, South America and many European countries.

Pianist Victoria Postnikov

Details biography and personal life are interested in Victoria Postnikov fans. But the public is only available that sometimes the pianist says. A woman is not registered in the social networks "Instagram", "Twitter" and "VKontakte". Fans are available only to those photos that they can find on the Internet.

Victoria Postnikova now

On June 16, 2018, Victoria Postnida Gennady of Christmas was not a spouse. The famous conductor died after a long illness. Matters of the Russian scene expressed regret and condolences to the spouse of the composer. According to artists, a whole epoch has left the death of Christmas.

Gennady Nikolayevich buried on the introduced cemetery, in the grave of the mother.

Victoria Postnikov and Gennady Christmas

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent Victoria to the Postniste Telegram, in which he expressed condolences about the death of the spouse. The head of Russia called the Christmasly outstanding musician and a bright representative of the conducting airship.


  • 1968 - Winner of the prestigious music contest Viana da Mott in Lisbon
  • 1970 - International Tchaikovsky Competition, 3rd place

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