Louise Shipulin - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Louise Shipulin - the wife of the Biathlete Championist Anton Shipulin, the mother of two children.

Louise Tairovna Sabitova was born in 1988. Judging by the surname, the nationality of the girl is Tatarka or Bashkirka. Louise for the year younger than the famous husband. Since the girl was never a media face, about her biography to a meeting with Shipulin, little known.

Louise Sipulin in childhood and now

Louise rarely gives an interview, but she has an account in "Instagram". As a child, Louise lived in the settlement of Andra on the Obi River, in the north of the Tyumen region.


After the end of the Andrin secondary school in 2005 moved to Tyumen, where he entered the local college. Living in Tyumen, Louise often changed the job.

Louise Sipulin

A few years after the end of the college, she still decided to continue their education. The girl became a student of the Ural Institute of the stock market.

Personal life

In 2012, randomly, lush page on the Internet, Anton Sipulin saw an attractive girl. Young people began to correspond, and after a while, when Anton came to the late summer to the sports club of his Native Tyumen, they met. The girl did not immediately recognize the field of activity of a young man. Questions about the Profession of Shipulin first missed. Sometimes I sometimes wanted to be a simple person, and Louise did not discuss biathlon with him.

Louise Shipulin met her husband in social networks

In September, the athlete invited Louise to the parental home for familiarizing with his family. The girl liked the parents. A month later, the couple had already flew to the fees in Austria. Since then, Louise has ride with Anton for all fees. The exception was only periods of competitions, which athletes are forbidden to take close.

After some time, Louise and Anton moved to Yekaterinburg's native Anton. The fans of the biathlete immediately noticed an attractive companion of the idol and pleased with him. The first joint photos in "Instagram" were marked by many benevolent comments.

Louise and Anton Sipulin on Skiing

Anton immediately began to learn the girl skiing. Louise first mastered the classic style, for this she often went to classes in the Rine Creek club to the coach Ivan Alypov, and then Anton taught her style "Konk". Together, a couple can be seen not only on ski slopes. They love to ride horses, and in the city ride on the rollers. Anton and Louise plans are a ride to Baikal. They both love nature and rest in tents.

In the spring of 2015, the girl told his beloved that was pregnant. This news was pleased with Anton, as they and Louise had long dreamed of a small miracle. On May 7, a significant event occurred for a couple: the biathlete asked his beloved to marry him. It happened in an unusual way in the cinema "Cinema Park" before watching the film "And the dawns here is quiet." It was an evening trip to the movies, and Louise knew nothing about the surprise. During advertising, frames of amateur shooting appeared on the screen.

Wedding Louise and Anton Shipulin

A young athlete appeared in front of the audience, who began a small story about himself, about his love for Louise. Frames flying on the screen with a smiling girl, scene of joint walks. At the end of the roller there was a feeling that Anton jumps from the screen right on the scene. After Sofita was lit, a young man with a gorgeous bouquet and a ring appeared in the hall. He approached his beloved and beautifully made her an offer. Shining Louise under the applause of those present gave their consent.

Sipulin wedding has also been unusual. The celebration took place on June 20, 2015. Anton rented a big raft on the lake, on which marriage passed. After that, all participants in the event moved to wide festive tents, which stood on the shore of the reservoir.

Wedding Louise and Anton Shipulin

Among the guests it was possible to meet athletes, governor and artists of the Ural KVN team. Dmitry Malyshko and his wife, Evgeny Garanichev, Ivan, Yevgeny and Alexey Volkov, Andrei Rozhkov, were attended at the wedding. At the initiative of the friend of Anton Ilya Trifanov, foreign biathletes - Dorothea Virr and Ule-Einar Bjorndalen - recorded a video with congratulations. And Chelyabinsk musicians for the sake of such a solemn event, the track was composed.

Already six months later, a young family was replenished: Louise gave birth to a happy father's dad, who was called Dmitry. The weight of the newborn was 4.29 kg, and the growth is 55 cm.

Louise Sipulin with family

After the birth of the baby, Louise stopped accompanying the spouse at the fees, she was busy baby. But the newlyweds still find time for a joint holiday on the sea coast.

On February 7, 2019, Anton became the Father for the second time. Louise gave her husband to the daughter of the world. The girl was born with a weight of 3634 gr, 55 cm growth. Happy parents hid the second pregnancy from all to the very end.

The spouse has already studied Anton Tastes. The athlete never refuses the creamy paste with chicken and mushrooms, and abroad misses dumplings and boors, which Louise is excellent.

Louise Shipulin now

Louise Shipulin continues to live with his family in Yekaterinburg. From the wedding, the Career Anton Shipulin rushed up. Four seasons in a row an athlete was part of the top three of the best biathletes in the overall competition of the World Cup, I only inferior to the Frenchman Marten Fourcada and Norwegian Johannes Tinnes Boy. And in 2017 Anton Shipulin became the world champion in biathlon. Of course, on the success of Anton on the highway influenced family happiness, that comfort, who creates Louise's houses.

Louise Shipulin and her son

The spouse studied the character of the athlete and developed her husband's support tactics. In the sports career, Anton met not only good luck, but also defeats. In such cases, Louise tried not to discuss the results of speaking on hot trails.

According to Shipulin in an interview, Anton is inclined to self-analysis and often reinforced himself for mistakes on the track. In this case, communication with the son helps. Dima always causes positive emotions from Anton.

Spouses Shipulina

The year in front of the Olympic Games was intense. Anton trained a lot, prepared for a trip to Korea at the 2018 Olympics, so the news that he was not allowed to compete, became a real blow to the athlete and his family. Especially since Anton has never been seen in the use of prohibited funds, the athlete avoided even drinking vitamins before competitions.

Without receiving explanations from the IOC to the letter, which immediately sent Anton Shipulin, he decided not to lower his hands, but continued participation in regional competitions and work on the development of a sports charitable foundation. The joy for a family was the fact that the sister of Anton Anastasia Kuzmina chance to become a three-time Olympic champion in Korea. Gold medal athlete dedicated to his brother.

Louise Shipulin with her husband

Now experiences about the missed Olympics behind. In December 2018, Shipulin decided to complete his career. Not all fans accepted this difficult athlete's decision, but close and beloved supported Anton, who further plans to build a political career.

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