Dr. House - History of a talented doctor, his character, quotes and facts


Character History

Dr. House is the main character of the eponymous series about the work of doctors. A cynical and stingy type that can not communicate with patients, diligently "kosit" from work and says nasty. At the same time, Dr. House is the best diagnostic diagnosis to which they are addressed in difficult and incomprehensible cases.

Dr. House and his team

Works with the team of doctors, which was picked up, guided by peculiar criteria. Doctors Forman, African American, House hired for a junior conviction, which was considered a sign of readiness for action, Cameron - for the external beauty, and Chaise - because House called and asked about it.

History of creation

The image of Hawus the creators of the series built on associations with Sherlock Holmes. Even the name of the hero - House (House, from "House" - house) causes direct associations with the name Holmes (Holmes, sounds like "Home", "House" in English). Like a great detective, Haus has a faithful friend and companion Dr. Wilson (whose name is also leading to the Association with Watson). Even the addresses where heroes live, they coincide almost completely. The famous House of Sherlock Holmes is located in London, on Baker Street 221b. Dr. House also lives on Baker Street 221, Apartment B, but in Princeton, New Jersey. Moreover, House and Dr. Wilson occupy one apartment and live in neighboring rooms like Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Dr. House with Dr. Wilson and Sherlock Holmes with Dr. Watson

Similarity with Holmes is not limited to this. Hero Conan Doyle uses cocaine intravenously, when suffering boredom due to a long lack of work. House "sits" on Vicodin, which includes opiate. Vicodin is an painful, and House takes this drug forcedly, and not from whim. But the doctor tried and real drugs, for example, LSD and heroin. Like Holmes, the doctor uses a deductive method and investigation elements to make a diagnosis. Dr. Colleagues searched patients in search of evidence, as if it were a place of crime, and House itself is interested only in extraordinary, complex medical cases and often flows into boredom due to simple and routine work.

Dr. House

Holmes played a violin, and House is also not indifferent to music. The hero plays the piano, guitar and lip harmonica. House as well as the famous detective, unceremoniously belongs to people. Often House not only puts diagnoses using a deductive method, but also gives something about the personal life and the circumstances of the patient. For example, the person says that his wife changes.

Moriarty shoots Dr. Haus

In the life of Hauus flashed and Moriarty. A man with such a surname shot a doctor in the final episode of the second season. And in the eleventh episode of the 5th season of a friend of Haws, Dr. Wilson, tells the bike (fictional) about a certain Irene Adler, in which House allegedly was in love, and she threw the doctor.

The image of Dr. House

House suffers from behind a chromotype, walks with a cane and constantly accepts Vicodin - anesthetic. This does not prevent the hero to let go of evil jokes to the other "cripples". The hero is constantly trying to avoid meeting with patients, trying to spend the day in the office and sniff out from the hospital as soon as the working day ends. At the same time, House is an excellent specialist who is ready to risk and adopted when it takes to treat complex cases. The hero starts treatment often on the go, without waiting for additional confirmation of the pre-delivered diagnosis (there is usually no time for it).

Dr. House breaks a cane

House avoids a medical bathrobe to wear so that patients do not identify it as a doctor and did not attach them to consult. At the same time, House is not indifferent to the fate of patients at all. The hero persuade the girl to continue treatment when she refuses further therapy and wants to return home to die there. Another patient of Dr. House, a young man, after cure returns to a sports team, and House is present on the match, pain for him.

Dr. House with tablet

Externally, Dr. House looks like an aging man, lean, long, "mad" and negligent in clothes. The hero loves to take time by magazines, watching medical TV shows on TV and other procrastination, but when it comes to the matter, the House is irreplaceable. Despite the lameness and dislike for work, the hero is easily coming to the clinic at night, when there is a need for this. Hawa colleagues belong to him with great respect. The director of the clinic in a conversation with a disgruntled patient openly calls Haus a bastard, but can not dismiss him, because this "bastard" is the best doctor in the clinic.


Each series begins with the fact that the audiences show a person who will have to become another patient of Haus. Something terrible and incomprehensible happens to a person, the character falls into the hospital. House demonstrates the utmost unwillingness to fulfill the duties, but in the end it takes about the case. In the course of the action, the patient is trying to choose treatment, which manages not immediately. After passing a number of diagnoses, a house in the end finds a correct solution using a deductive method and a patient information that can be obtained, and not always legitimate methods.

Dr. House with patient

Often it is not possible to establish the correct diagnosis immediately because patients lie about the symptoms and circumstances that preceded the disease. Parents hide that the son is not native, but a reception, thus distorting history. Patients do not report intrigues on the side and venereal diseases, about what drugs or alcohol took, etc. It is not surprising that House refers to people with cynicism and distrust and considers patients with idiots. Especially when those try to engage in self-medication or refuse to make vaccinations to children.

Dr. House and Dr. Lisa Cuddy

House sausages life, but communicates in a stinging and unkind manner, so patients often remain unhappy and even try to apply to the court or complain about Dr. Ham to the leadership of the clinic. House does not carry a medical device, the schedule and rules of behavior do not adhere to the rules, it is often valid for the leadership solutions, quarantine violates. It is capable of throwing patients in the middle of admission if he has insights about the correct diagnosis of a serious patient who takes the attention of the doctor at that moment.

At times, House has to be treated not just rare and difficult diagnosed, but almost forgotten in the civilized world of the disease. As, for example, in a series of "OSP in our house", where the heroine has become infected, accidentally breaking the jar from the sunken ship of the slave workers, which he took out from the bottom, engaged in diving. The bag was full of patients with black smallpox of African slaves and the ship was flooded so that the disease does not apply. But after a couple of hundred years, the virus turned out to be "combed." Sometimes a house has to deal with mental disorders, for example, schizophrenia.

Dr. Forman

Occasionally Dr. House has to treat their own colleagues. In the series "Euphoria" of the Khaus colleague, Dr. Forman, infected with a patient an unknown disease that struck the brain. Foreman loses his eyesight, suffered by the strongest headaches and in the end it is diagnosed - primary amoneous meningoencephalitis.

Interesting Facts

The series about Dr. House ended in 2012, and the popularity of this project is far so far. Therefore, the Russian channel "Russia 1" bought the rights to adapt from NBC Universal. On Russian television there were enough TV shows, which somehow made references to House or hinted at some similarity with him ("Dr. Tyrsa", "Interns"). Now there was an analogue of Haws in Russia - the project "Dr. Richter".

Adaptation implies full similarity with the original, the creators of the series do not have the right to deviate from the canon, so the audience is waiting for something as much as possible on the favorite "Dr. House", but on Russian soil. The process is followed by American curators. For filming, new medical equipment is used, which in the real life will meet not in any hospital. The series will have a lot of medical terminology and authentic technical details. Tools and devices that doctors are used in the frame correspond to the fact that they are used in real medical practice in such cases. The actors and roles are selected and written so that, without deviating from the canon, make the project with a close and understandable Russian viewer, as far as possible. The first season was already out in November of this year.


Not every series of "Dr. House" became a source of ulcer and fun quotes:

"Your sister did not like the diagnosis? I would not like either. Brain tumor - she will die. Boredom. "Dr. Haus: Everything is lying.

Dr. Cameron: Dr. House does not like to deal with patients.

Dr. Foreman: Did we become doctors not to treat patients?

Dr. House: No, treat diseases - That's what we have become doctors. "" Dr. Foreman: Cameron, you will need for a couple of hours.

Dr. Cameron: What is?

Dr. Foreman: When you live in someone's house, always better so that with you there was a white chick. "" Dr. Haus: I need a lawyer!

Vogler: Have you killed someone?

Dr. Haus: So far no one. But not even evening. "" For women! You can not live with them and you can not kill them, saying the neighbors that they left at Atlantic City to dance striptease. "" Orange Patient: What is it? What are you doing?

Dr. House: (Taking Vicodin) painful.

Orange patient: A, yes. For you, for your leg.

Dr. House: No, this is because they are delicious. "

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