Yuri Entin - biography, photo, personal life, news, poems 2021



Yuri Entin is the famous poet and the author of the songs on which whole generations of children have grown in Soviet times. Fame received thanks to the authorship of the songs written for the most popular cartoon paintings and movies for the children's audience, which were constantly broadcast on television in Soviet times and continue to appear on televishes in modern Russia.

Childhood and youth

A glorious poet songwriter was born in August 1931 in the capital of Russia. Parents - representatives of the intelligentsia: Mom was an economist, and dad - physician. Fans are wondering if Yuriy is real names. The answer to this question is positive, but as for the name, then there is an unexpected turn - the real name of Yuri Entin sounds like Yosef Ben Zvi Ha-Coen. His grandfather, a merchant of the Second Guild, in the 20s moved to Moscow from Gomel.

Poet Yuri Entin

Nationality of Yuri all his youth did not give him peace - to live in the Soviet Union, being a Jew, it was not easy. He recognized that the nationality was appropriate for external signs, but in nature determined himself otherwise. However, with age, I understood and accepted this as a given, and the first journey abroad was held in Israel.

As a child, the boy loved music and listened to children's records with songs on the poems of Agnia Barto and Sergey Mikhalkov. The boy bought a violin, and he was preparing to enter a music school, but the war came. Father was called to the front, where he became a translator and reached Berlin, and Yuri and Mom and Grandfather went to evacuation, to the city of Orenburg.

Yuri Entin in youth

In a new place, the enthine family had to live among the Tatars, who did not speak Russian, so Yuri quickly learned the local adverb. Since the artists of the Kirov Theater and Circus from Leningrad were quartered in the city, the little Yura met the metropolitan stars, among whom was a clown pencil.

After reading the book about the fate of Leo Trotsky's fate, he was seriously interested in his story and tried to enter Moscow University, where, however, the Jews did not accept under any circumstances. Received the poet to another educational institution, began to study the story and even married the granddaughter of Nikolai Kryngoko, Vladimir Lenin's associate. After many years of life in the archives for studying documents, over time the poet realized that interest in history was satisfied and gradually subsides.

Song-songwriter Yuri Entin

Later, after the year of work in a secondary school, Yuri went to receive the second higher education at the Printing Institute at the Editing Faculty. After his end, he became an employee of the Moscow printing house, first as a corrector, gradually reached the head of the editors.

Music and poems

The first poems of young Yuri Entin wrote in adolescence, being in the hospital after removing appendicitis - the muse was then a young nurse, and the topic is delighted how sometimes in dark moments in life can feel freely well.

Yuri Entin with his book

However, dedicated to the study of history, Yuri Entin returned to poetry only at 33 years. At this age, he begins to seriously engage in the writings of poems and songs. In 1962, Yuri was settled to work as an editor of the children's edition of the company "Melodia".

It all started with a happy occasion, which radically changed the creative biography of the poet. Being at the set of the film "Zasva Ilyich", which took place at the Polytechnic Institute, Yuri Entin came to the concert of the Soviet poets Andrei Voznesensky, Evgenia Yevtushenko and Bella Akhmadulina. When Marlend Huziev, director of the picture, suggested reading the poems from the stage to anyone who wishes from the hall, called Yuri Entin. A young man with a slight smile on his face presented poetic parodies on poems that just heard from the mouth of the sixties.

Yuri Entin, Evgeny Krylatov and Joseph Kobzon

The audience appreciated the talent of Yuri. Among the audience was a composer Gennady Gladkov. He offered a young cooperation with a young man. Just at this time, the composer together with the actor, director and screenwriter Vasily Livanov worked on a new project. Yuri Entin happily agreed and soon resigned from the edition for the sake of work on the "Bremen musicians." Since 1969, Yuri is considered a free artist and writes songs and poems to order.

The growth of the popularity of songs among the public was rapidly, children's songs were raised by adults for quotes. The phrases "no one drives with me," "Such - Syakaya escaped from the palace", "How progress has reached" and "three hundred years ago" still often pop up in conversations in adults who have grown on the songs of Entin. The poet himself loves the song Water "And I am a hunting", which he composed, taking a bath. Khudovtset did not want to miss the masterpiece for the words "Eh, my life, yes, so well in a swamp ...", but Yuri managed to convince censors in the opposite.

On the very first day after the release of the song about the "Antoshka", late in the evening, Yuri heard the middle-aged man under the windows on the street, and sowed all the throat "Antoshka, went to dig potatoes." As the poet admits, it became a faithful sign that his song instantly turned into a hat, and for the author there is no greater award than the recognition of the people in any forms and manifestations.

As for criticism, it was more difficult. Many ethnic works were considered harmful, publication and production were delayed, had to defend even harmless songs "Oh, early the guard arises!" and "Chung-Changa". A number of works managed to release contrary to criticism, the rest were postponed in a long box or reworked.

For many years, interesting facts pop up on the history of the creation of some Entin's masterpieces. For example, it turned out that the image of the princess from the "Bremen Musicians" was sought from the second wife of Yuri - Marina. Short red dress on heroine repeated wedding french female poet. The prototype of Atamanshi was the spouse of the director Vyacheslav Kotenochka.

During the preparation of this multiplication musical, there were interesting cases, which were subsequently led to friends as anecdotes. For example, on the night of the voice acting (and the record studio was free at night) of this cartoon from all the stated performers came to the studio only Oleg Anofriev. Despite the cold and high temperature, Oleg voiced first Trubadura, and then in a pure inspiration, the parties recorded all the characters, with the exception of the princess. Her party sang the fellow girl Gladkov Elmira Zherdv. When creating a continuation "in the footsteps of the Bremen Musicians", the heroes were invited to Muslim Magomayev.

Yuri Entin - the author of the songs in the paintings of the "Adventures of Electronics", "The Adventures of Pino", "Catering", "Wolf and Seven Cats for a new way", "Winter in Prostokvashino" and others. Music on the poems of Yuri Entin wrote the best composers of modernity - Eugene Krylatov, Alexey Rybnikov, Mark Minkov, Maxim Dunaevsky, Vladimir Shainsky and David Tukhmanov.

Working on the text to the cartoon about the miracle island, Entin could not come up with a name. But once in the Titors to the television ether "Ballet on Ice", the poet saw the surname of the director. Balletmister called Evgeny Changa. Instantly born the name of the cartoon, which became known to the whole country. Only the director of ice representations then complained about the winged nickname.

The poet has repeatedly handed awards for successful creative activities and successful projects. A respectful age does not become an obstacle for Yuri Entin, and creativity continues to hold a lion's share of his time.

Poet Yuri Entin

During the career, he wrote more than 600 songs, participated in the creation of 150 films. Entin issued many books, released musicals, created children's programs on television, produced performances and launched the All-Russian and international competitions of children's songs. In 2016, Yuri Entin was awarded the title of Laureate of the President of the Russian Federation for "contribution to the development of children's literature."

In his work, Yuri Entin always made a bet on a new generation, and it upsets the current state of affairs in the country. However, he is trying to make a constructive in his style - so far everything is concerned about with topical news, Yuri develops the international project "Winged swing", its own creative center and produces a musical about the "Bremen Musicians".

Yuri Entin and his best songs

Yuriy writes fresh songs in the hope that the new generations of children will give preference to good and bright motifs and verses against the depraved trends in society. After all, he said, the children's song in Russia "died as a genre" in the distant 90s. And it needs to be revived. About the situation with children's creativity in the country, about the chance of Russia to use animation and melodies as a means of capitalization he constantly speaks in an interview.

Personal life

Yuri Entin is married twice. From his first marriage, he had children - the daughter of Elena, who gave a dad of three grandchildren (and those, in turn - great-grandchildren and lunics). Then followed the divorce. The second marriage and wife Marina, as Yuriy himself says, gave him a "ready" three-year-old son Lenya, who grew up, became a professional artist, a designer, his photo is enjoyed and sometimes works together with dad.

Yuri Entin and his wife

Yuri Entin carefully and with great respect refers to an old house in the suburbs, where he lives with his wife. After all, before the revolution in 1917, this building belonged to the representative of the highest clergy. There is a legend that inside this building the priest left the treasures that Entin and his wife had not yet found.

Around the personal life of Yuri Entin often there are rumors and non-residents - for example, at one moment the press was interested in the poet's orientation. In part, the reason was a thorough analysis of the song "Why I Blue" in the cartoon about the "Blue Puppy". The poet even had to comment on these rumors and explain that during the creation of the text of a song about another, not a color, the meaning of the word did not know that neither he nor his colleague.

Yuri Entin now

Now Yuri Entin departed from creativity, he spends most of the time in his own house in the village of Dendenvo. The poet does not appear on the television screen, with the exception of the family transfer "While all at home" Timur Kizyakov.

Since childhood, Yuri Entin has developed a habit of sleeping in the daytime, which, in his opinion, has a positive effect on health.

Songs to cartoons

  • 1969 - "Bremen Musicians"
  • 1969 - "Merry Carousel. Issue number 1 "
  • 1970 - "Catering"
  • 1974 - "Well, wait!"
  • 1975 - "Wolf and Seven Cats for New Flood"
  • 1976 - "Blue Puppy"
  • 1979 - "Flying Ship"
  • 1980 - "Baba Yagi against!"
  • 1984 - "Winter in Prostokvashino"
  • 2002 - "Firefly"

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