Richard Gir - Biography, Personal Life, Photos, Film and Latest News 2021



Richard Gir is a talented actor, humanitarian activist, sex character of the 80s and 90s. Incredible popularity was accompanied by his entire career in the cinema and theater, for fans, he personifies natural charisma, inner power and incredible attractiveness, even magnetism. The actor's growth is 180 cm.

Born in 1949 in the city of Philadelphia in the United States in a large family of a housewife and an insurance agent. Richard's family lived very modestly, but friendly. The childhood Gira passed in nature - he lived on the farm and helped in caring for animals and natural land.

Richard Gir in youth

He studied at school, engaged in a gymnastics circle. Further entered the university in Massachusetts on the profile of director and philosophical sciences. However, the Higher Education did not receive - he left first to fulfill his dream to become a trumpeter, then switched to a desire to perform on the stage of the theater and migrated to New York.

Richard Gir in youth

At the beginning of Career Richard absolutely did not know how to use all his potential. His character had a calm and closed, in society he kept cold enough and removed. Families considered him gloomy and inexpressive. His career could not take place.

Richard Gir in youth

However, specialists of their business - director of casting in theaters - saw the talent in the hire and invited to try themselves and their strength on theatrical stage.

He started a gir with episodic roles in various productions, in 1975 he received a cherished main role in the work of the "killer head".

Richard Gir in youth

The story was very serious and difficult, Richard's character was sitting on the stage with a bandage in his eyes and told his story, passed all emotions and experience only one intonation of the voice. The talent of Richard opened the world, the play stunned success, and the film producers instantly drew attention to a new star. In the future, Richard Gir participated in several successful productions on Broadway, he received the role in the work of the "tendency".


The young actor at the dawn of his career in the cinema in the mid-70s played several roles, which immediately approved the title of bright and extremely attractive actor. And the main role in the film "American Gigolo" turned it into a sex symbol and a dream man for millions of fans.

Richard Gir in youth in the film

Richard Girome films are now looking and loved people around the world, his talent and charming made it a real form of generations. The girls are in love with him, and men want to be as stylish, successful and attractive. The romantic picture of "Beauty", in which the partner Gira became incredible Julia Roberts, became in his own legendary. By the way, Richard himself has long refused the filming in this film, since he did not consider a scenario with a successful and interesting. He persuaded his agent to shoot the actor, recalling the essential financial debts that could cover remuneration for shooting. It turned out that he played his most popular role, having agreed to work for money.

Successful projects followed one after another. In 1999, Richard Gir was called "the sexiest man of the planet." The alloy of two passions of the Gira - Theater and Cinema - became the Musical "Chicago", for the main role in which he was awarded the Golden Globe Prize.

Richard Gira had a lot of and successful films, and those that the public and critics could not accept. Of the most memorable films and images of the actor, you can call several. This is his character in the film "Primitive fear," where he visited the role of a young man's lawyer, who played Edward Norton superbly. His piercing role in the film "Invalid" and in the painting "Autumn in New York", where the partner Gira became charming young Winon Rider.

Richard Gir in youth in the film

The touching history of devotion and the unconditional love of the dog to a person, told in the "Hachiko" film, is particularly highlighted. She forced the whole world to sob. In this drama, the gir played the role of the PSA host, who after the sudden death of the character Richard for many years he went to the railway station and waited for his deceased owner from work.

Another unexpected role of Richard Gira in a completely extraordinary role - in the role of the homeless - saw the light in 2015 in the movie "Break on the vigilance". A funny incident occurred on the filming of the film in New York. At some point, Richard Gir played the scene in which he rummaged in a trash can in finding food on a crowded street.

Richard Gir in youth in the film

One tourist, by the will of the case, having fallen into the territory of the shooting, saw it, did not recognize the guy and treated the "unfortunate homeless" piece of pizza. The star of cinema of the first magnitude appeared in front of it in front of her in front of her, the girl learned only a couple of days later from the newspaper, having seen his photo on the cover.

Well, and in Russia in recent years, Richard became the subject of jokes and jokes. The network appeared in the network called "And today we are 50", the video sequence to which the romantic cutting frames from the movie "Night in Rodantte" with Richard Girome and Diane Lane.

The mounted clip looks like a story of love two mature people who removed the video sequence specifically under the song. That is why many Internet users first decided that this is a real music clip on the song of Russian performers with the participation of the Great Richard Gira.

Personal life

Despite the fact that women are in love with all countries of the world in love, Richard has not so stormy personal life. The first long-term novel has happened at the age of 22, followed by the second no less serious and prolonged relationships. His beloved secretly dreamed of a wedding and family, but in his youth Richard did not want to think about it. Only reaching the 40th anniversary, he matured and was ready for marriage.

Richard Gir and Cindy Crawford

Richard Gir was married twice. The first marriage with the top model of Cindy Crawford, concluded in 1991, lasted 5 years. Seven years later, Richard married the second time - the chief of the actress Cary Lowell, a famous public on the role of Passia James Bond in the film "Murder License".

The children were in the plans of the pair initially, because the birth of the son did not make himself wait a long time. The boy called Homer. Also, Carey had a daughter from the previous marriage, which also lived with them. The wife abandoned his career and devoted himself to marriage, her husband and raising children. It is a friendly family that the real rear turned Richard out of a rather gloomy and closed man in a truly happy man who knows how to rejoice at every day.

Richard Gir and Carey Lowell

However, the fate of Richard brought with the beauty of the TV host from India, and a passionate novel broke out, which lasted many months. An affirmage became known to his wife, and in 2013 Richard and his wife decided to divorce due to the loss of confidence. The court was closed, on recognition of the witnesses, he turned out to be a painful and extremely long process (from the moment of filing a statement about the dissolution of marriage and before the closure of the case in 2016 passed three years), and the spouses parted at a very "non-busting note."

Richard Gir today

Richard Gir continues to actively participate in various projects, despite the solid age. True, now he began to enter the roles of roles, which can only play a man who marked the 65th anniversary. A vivid example was the incendiary film "Hotel Marygold. The settlement continues ", the main caste of which amounted to the actors of the retirement age, and the main idea of ​​the project becomes the faith in what to know love, harmony and achieve happiness is never late. It was the first experience of filming Richard in hotly beloved India.

Richard Gir in India

The actor admits that he does not feel his age, but does not hide. For example, he does not agree on the roles that require a cardinal change of image and, in particular, staining its gray hair into another color. He perfectly feels gray, for which he got the nickname "Silver Fox".

Free time Richard spends with children. The son, according to him, is absolutely not interested in the film industry, but they have many other common interests with dad.

Richard Gir now

A very important role in the life of a popular actor plays his faith - a gir to confess Buddhism. Back in the distant 80s, he began to be interested in the philosophy of the East, for the first time went to communicate with teachers and gradually imbued with Buddhism, who became his companion throughout his life. He repeatedly publicly advocated the rights of the inhabitants of Tibet, participated in protest actions and all the ways showed attention to the problem of human rights in this region.

Richard Gir

Also Richard Gir is a member of a public organization for the protection of the rights and land of representatives of tribal peoples living on our planet. He participates in a public dialogue about the problem of ecology and the spread of AIDS (in India, he even sponsored the creation of the Center for the Fight of these Disease). The actor financially supports many humanitarian missions in India. Richard Gira is not alien and politics - he sharply responds about the decision of America to introduce troops to Iraq.

In April 2018, Richard Gir married. His choices became Aleukandra Silva. The wedding was held in Spain, but the celebration itself was held in New York.

Richard Gir and Alekandra Silva

Richard Gir began to meet with the Spanish businesswoman Alekhandra Silva in 2015. However, surrounded by couples say that the relationship arose in 2014, and the proposal of the hand and heart of the gir did the beloved at the end of 2017.

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