Arkady Ukupnik - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, composer, "instagram", clips 2021



Arkady Ukupnik - Russian singer and composer, author of popular pop hits, many of which went into the people. His compositions are often inherent in humor, and the clips are characterized by cheerfulness and positive.

Childhood and youth

Arkady Ukupnik was born in the city of Kamenets-Podolsky in the west of Ukraine on February 18, 1953 (Aquarius on the sign of the zodiac). As a joke, an artist claims, his real surname is a duplicate, but when writing, letters confused in the registry office. Arcadia's parents by nationality Jews, all their lives worked at school. Semyon Fomich was a teacher of algebra and geometry, and Zinaida Grigorievna taught literature.

The younger sister Arkady Margarita went in the footsteps of the parents and also became a teacher. Children attended music lessons, the future composer even graduated from a music school with a red diploma in the class of violin. In his youth, he became interested in the game on the bass guitar.

After the end of the decade, the Son at the insistence of parents entered the Bauman Technical school, where he received vocational education on a technical specialty. In parallel with the study, the young man did not stop doing musical creativity. Moscow for years seemed to come from the province of the city of incredible opportunities from the province of youth. Arkady attended concerts of jazz musicians, teams "Time Machine", "Resurrection", "Red Devolat".

In the free time, the time improved performing skills during the speeches at weddings, parties. The cherished student's dream in those times were jeans-clay, which cost the price of three scholarships. Later, the ukupane was settled to work in the Orchestra Leonid Rockova bass guitarist. On the advice of colleagues, the young man graduated from a music school in Moscow.


In the 70s, the workplace of the ukupane was the teams of Igor Brutis, Yuri Antonov, Stas Namina. In his youth, he tried himself on the theater scene in the formulation of the Jewish director Yuri Sherling "Black Bridle for the White Kobylitsa," where he performed a song on his native adveria. In this theater, Arkady met the singer Larisa Valley, which many hits later wrote.

By the beginning of the 80s, the ukupack gained experience and connections and decided to create his own recording studio, which soon became popular among Soviet pop artists. The musician found his niche: he was fascinated by instrumental music and arrangement, he did not think about writing songs.

However, in 1983, the randomly created composition "Ryabinovy ​​Beads" like Irina Ponarovskaya. In the pose of the singer, it became popular among the listeners. It was inspired by Arkady, and he began to create a hit heit.

On the plates, "a strong woman" performed by Alla Pugacheva, "Cute" Philip Kirkorov, "Ksyusha" Alena Apina, "Fog" Vladimir Presnyakova - the youngest, "love here no longer lives", "the longest night" Vlad Stashevsky. Bright clips appeared on popular musical compositions.

The performers of various genres were built to the fashionable composer that creates his hives. These are pop singers, and jazz musicians, and rock bands. The author could write a song in any style: a humorous composition, lyrics, complex tool music.

For the first time, the ukupnik declared itself as a pop artist on the records of the program of Alla Borisovna "Christmas meetings" in 1991. The Creator spoke with the song "Fiesta" and immediately remember the audience. For the first time on stage, Arkady Semenovich came out with a portfolio. An unexpected scenic move suggested prima donna after the artist appeared at the rehearsal in this form. The composer only sold the car and was afraid to produce a portfolio with cash from hand.

Musican's real fame brought the songs of "Margarita", "the star flies", "I never get married to you" and others. In 1993, the first record of Arkady Semenovich was published, the name "East is a delicate, Petruch". A year later, the discography was replenished at once with two discs - "Ballada about Stirlitz" and "SIM-SIM, OPEN!".

Lightweight and energetic musical compositions in the mid-90s were bought out throughout the country. In addition, the tracks of the first albums disassembled quotes. In the second half of the 90s, the author created new works - "Music for men", "sadness".

Mikhail Tanich, Kirill Krastosh, Ilya Reznik, Larisa Rubalaskaya, Tatiana, were Mikhail Tanicheskaya Poets. In parallel with the concerts and records of the compositions of Arkady Semenovich engaged in producing. His project "Car Man" at that time came out on the first positions of the hit parade of dance music. In the 2000s, the artist experimented with forms and genres. In the studio, he created new tracks, not only traditionally optimistic, but also filled with lyrics and sadness.

In 2000, the album "A completely different movie" came out, which included the "Great Britain" tracks, Angel, Oksana and others. Also in the plate entered the song, which gives the name of the disk. Arkady Ukupnik gladly agreed to participate in major projects. This event of the beginning of the 2000s was the "Chicago" musical, in which the composer turned out to be on stage as Aimos Hart. The musical work has already gained fame due to the time of Broadway, in Buenos Aires, Hollywood. In Russia, the performance was sprinkled by Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva. With the main role, Anastasia Stotskaya was brilliantly cope.

2003 was marked by the anniversary date - the 50th anniversary of the artist, to whom Arkady Ukupnik dedicated a gala concert "really fifty?", Held in the hall of the Kremlin Palace. In 2013, the artist celebrated a double holiday: 20 years on stage and 60 years since birth. In honor of this celebration, the bite held an anniversary concert in Crocus City Hall.

The favorite composer and colleague came to congratulate Joseph Kobzon, Philip Kirkorov, Masha Rasputina, Irina Allegrova, Vera Brezhnev, Alexander Rybak, Oleg Gazmanov, Larisa Dolina, Nikolay Soskov and many other pop stars. They pleased the audience by the performance of new songs of the musician and famous hives.

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A talented artist earned not only music. He starred in several films: "The latest adventures of Buratino", "Arvel of Love", "Mother's daughter", "Baby". The filmography of the composer also entered the "Love-carrots", "Love Story", to which he created Soundtracks.

In 2016, the cartoon "Bremen Rogue" was released based on German fairy tales. Arkady Semenovich wrote songs to the animation tape, telling about the noble robber of Togubin Hood and his friends who save the city of Bremen from enemies. The main characters of the painting announced young performers Alexander Ivanov (Ivan) and Natalia Podolskaya. In an interview, the Ukupnik admitted that, just starting work on the writing of music to the cartoon, immediately realized that Sasha should sing for the central hero.

In his youth, even before the start of the solo career, Arkady Semenovich looked differently, which could be seen in the photo of those years. He was briefly stristed, the artist appeared in the pictures without glasses. But after close cooperation with Alla Pugacheva, who highly appreciated the talent of the tireless composer and his charm, he changed the image.

To do this, I had to make a twist and put on a round glasses. Since then, the artist does not appear in public without glasses. To date, he has a whole collection, but the most beloved remain those that appeared at the very beginning.

The method of a comical character fell to the public, especially since the French filmcomy with Pierre Richard in the lead role was gaining popularity in the mid-80s. The Russian musician turned out to be similar to a charming comedian. In 1998, a significant meeting of celebrities occurred. It happened when discussing the filming of the film "Hello, Dad", which did not see the world due to the crisis of the 1998th. When the composer was filmed in the "Fort Boyard" show, the French, except "Monsieur Pierre," he was not called.

Personal life

The first marriage of Arkady Semenovich registered, still learning in the music school. His choices became Liliya Lelchuk, who studied with a bite on one course. Offer The guy made joking, on the train of the subway. The next day, the young met at the door of the registry office. But with a beloved musician lived for a long time. The family in which the son of Grigory has already been raised, broke up. Lily immigrated to Germany along with the child. In 2008, Grigory was born daughter Alice.

In 1986, the new lover musician Marina Nikitina became his second wife. Acquaintance happened by chance - Arkady simply lesing a fellow traveler at the specified address. The companion was his neighbor in an apartment building. Shortly after the start of living together, a couple was born a daughter Yunna, who is now working by the director on television.

After 14 years, the loving singer again experienced a sense of love. At this time, his heart conquered a burning brunette of high growth Natalia Turchinskaya, who at that time worked as director of the travel agency. Later, the girl occupied the position of the concert director of Arcadia Ukupnik.

At the time of dating with the new chief, the artist was still connected by the Uzami of the Second Marriage, which had to terminate for the sake of new relations. But with Marina Arkady remained in good relationship, as with the first wife of Lilia. At the marriage ceremony with the Third Woman, the employees of the Griboedovsky registry office of Moscow were not kept and asked if the ukupane would have his passport.

For a long time, the spouses enjoyed life together, first on a removable apartment, then Arkady Semenovich bought a spacious apartment in the house of the construction of the beginning of the XX century. The creation of the design project and the subsequent repair of the bite was engaged in himself. I had to master the building terms, study the market of building materials. As a result, it turned out an apartment, which was originally dreamed of her owners - in the style of minimalism, with an abundance of mirror surfaces, spacious dressing room and triangular rooms.

On the 11th year, Natalia Ukupnik gave a daughter to the musician, which was called Sonya. So at the age of 58, Arkady Semenovich became the father of three children. The family has sharply changed the lifestyle, turning away from the active participants in the secular parties in the lovers of home comfort.

Curlons settled outside the city in their home. The village is located 5 km from Moscow, so such a secluded life does not prevent them from riding the capital in cases. Despite age, the artist is full of strength and is in good shape. He supports a healthy lifestyle, thanks to which, with a height of 179 cm, its weight was 74 kg.

In November 2016, a snapshot was hit by a snapshot, on which the ukupnik, together with his wife, stood in an embrace with the US President Donald Trump. Such a photo was surprised by many admirers of the singer's talent. In fact, the snapshot was made in 2013 at the Miss World Competition, the founder of which is a prominent politician. At that time, he just conducted this event in Moscow. It was then that the Russian musician was able to get into the lenses of the chambers together with Trump.

In 2016, rumors appeared that Arkady Semenovich decided to leave to Israel. The fact is that at the beginning of the year the tax services declared it bankrupt, although the singer himself challenged this fact in court. In order not to provoke the development of trouble, the ukupnik left for some time from Russia with his family. The press service of the Israeli Embassy denied the fact that Chet Ukupnikov emigrated forever from the Russian Federation, although the musician has long expressed sympathy for a historical homeland. Repeatedly, the artist visited this country, his wife Natalia gave birth.

At the end of June 2018, the composer became the guest of the television show "Secret by Million" with TV presenter Leroy Kudryavtseva. On the air of the transfer, he spoke about the facts from the creative biography, cooperation with Alla Pugacheva, about buying real estate in the Moscow region, Jurmala, Turkey and, of course, about personal life. With fans, the artist communicates through the official website, and in the "Instagram" on the pages of colleagues, friends and fans appear his pictures.

Arkady Ukupnik now

In 2020, the composer continued his creative activity, and also did not cease to appear in various talk shows. In April, there was a conflict that broke out against the background of the spread of coronavirus infection between Arkady Semenovich and Lvom Leshchenko. When the country (and the whole world) covered Panic about COVID-19, panicked and author Petruchi.

When articles appeared in the press about the fallen Valeryanovich and the hope of Babkina, the ukupnik said in an interview that it was Leshchenko to blame for the infection of "Russian Cossacks". The author of the songs argued that this happened in mid-March, at the birthday of Hope Georgievna.

Having learned about these statements, the performer of the song "Parental House" told reporters that Arkady Semenovich "carries heresy": he did not meet with Babkina for the last three months. The words of the artist confirmed later and the press attache of the singer Alexander Velor. Soon the ukupennik brought Lev Valeryanovich the official apology, saying that he hurried with the conclusions, issuing heard from someone to the truth.

In December, the composer became the guest of the star program on the NTV channel. During the dialogue with participants, the TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva asked Arkady Semenovich, as he appreciates the talent of Nikita Presnyakov, the grandson of the star of the Russian stage Alla Pugacheva. The author of the songs replied that the son of Vladimir Presnyakova - the youngest shows itself as a person, worthy of respect.

At the age of 29, Nikita was developing his own musical project, wrote songs. In addition, the celebrity, as the ukupnik noted, is able to mount as a director, sings well, removed on television. Having great opportunities, being a sibling of the famous family, the grandson of Pugacheva does not look like a "gold boy" - seeks to achieve everything alone.

In comparison with Nikita, the uncente called the behavior of Maxim Galkin at the young age frivolous. Arkady Semenovich told the studio that the first fee was popular now Parodist bought a luxurious Bentley car for $ 130 thousand.


  • 1993 - "East is a delicate, Petruch"
  • 1994 - "Ballada about Stirlice"
  • 1994 - "SIM-SIM, OPEN!"
  • 1996 - "Music for Men"
  • 1998 - "Float"
  • 1998 - "sadness"
  • 2000 - "A completely different movie"
  • 2005 - "Not my songs"
  • 2006 - "Wings in cows does not happen"

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