Edward Uspensky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Books, Children's Writer



In Russia, you will not find a person who will not be familiar to the work of Edward Uspensky. All my life, this man dedicated to children and ways to make them happy. And, for sure, there are no people in the Russian Federation who would not see the cartoons created based on the books of Eduard Nikolaevich. It has deserved folk recognition and love thanks to excellent works that show the right values ​​in understandable and accessible form.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Eduard Nikolayevich began on December 22, 1937 in Yegoryevsk. Parents had no relation to the writing path. Father Nikolai Mikhailovich worked as a filmologist in the Hunting Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU, so there were many animals in the house.

Mom by education was a machine-building engineer. In addition to Edik, two more sons were brought up in the family, Elder Brother Igor and Jr. Yuri. By nationality, the Father of Assumption was a Jew, and the mother is Russian.

When Eduardo turned 10 years old, a favorite dad went out of his life, the children were left with her mother. Family lived in an apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospect.

At the early age of Edik Ros Najor Boy. The child did not care, so "neutsed" to cut two from the diary of the blade. Bad financial support affected: after the death of the father, the family lived poorly. But with all this, in this case, as a child, the future writer dreamed of a career of the Minister or Academician.

Once Edward broke his leg and got into the hospital. Then the boy asked the mother to bring textbooks and began to engage. Soon, performance improved, and the young man ends with gramists for victories in the Olympiads. Especially good young man was given mathematics.

Uspensky's education received higher in the Moscow Aviation Institute. After studying, he went to work as an engineer, and in his free time began to compose scenarios and stories for children. Interest in his creativity, he had in his youth: in school the guy was a permanent counselors for detachments with small students for whom he invented funny children's poems and songs. University education The young man combined with the creation and holding of student cabbagers and speeches of the local club fun and resourceful.

For a short time, worked in youth in the specialty, Uspensky began to engage in the development of a career of a writer. I composed stories and poems for children, but they published them infrequently. Humorous sketches and the stories of Eduard for the Satira block were much more demanded. However, the author did not want to develop in this direction.

It is not known how the fate of the best works would have developed if the creators of cartoons did not pay attention to them. Thanks to the visual illustration of the Osspensky's writings, the world's fame was obtained.

Personal life

The family always inspired the writer, especially in creating the most unexpected characters. The author invented a bright and unforgettable Shapoklyak, recalling his ex-wife Rimma. According to the famous author, the spouse was distinguished by harm. Although in the image, he continues, there are some of the own unsightly features of the writer himself.

And Children's Daughter's crying was first the source of the name of Cheburashka, and later the entire history of this character. The hero became legendary: he was loved by residents of the country of the rising sun, and then became a symbol of Russia in sports competitions.

The personal life of the writer was not easy. Edward Uspensky was married three times. From the first marriage, which lasted 18 years old, he had a daughter Tatyana Uspenskaya, who has its own family and who gave Pope to the granddaughter Catherine and the grandson of Edward. From the second union, the writer also remained children - two twin daughters, whom a couple launched.

The third time Edward Nikolayevich married the popular TV presenter - the chief of the author became Eleonora Filin. Together with the beloved writer led a radio program "Ships came to our harbor." As a result, official relations turned into a real novel.

The marriage process with the last spouse was loud. The wife performed on television and in the press with loud statements, publicly discussed life with the writer.

After decades of living together, when the whole country considered this pair of exemplary, Eleanor was offended by her husband who had given her husband and began to tell what was actually a union with a writer. A lot of unpleasant words have been said to the address now former husband, unlikely characterizing the character of men and behavior in everyday life.

However, few people know that while the former wife performed on television, the writer himself fought with a severe disease - cancer. The man went to Germany, where he passed a course of chemotherapy. Treatment influenced Eduard Nikolayevich's well-being. Photo of the period show that Uspensky needed help from.

At first, Eleanor was next to his spouse, took care of the writer, but the female patience was enough for several months, after which Filina went back to Russia and left Edward one in a foreign country.

Assumption for a long time did not comment on Eleanora's actions, but once made a statement that the cause of such behavior of a woman is a huge cash debt, which, according to the writer, the former wife wants to close at the expense of Edward Nikolayevich.

Nevertheless, the author really was difficult for the author, relatives and colleagues confirm. Soclant with him and productively support personal and working relationships could not all. Some individual features of the character of Eduard Nikolayevich at some point even put a cross at the then unknown story about Uncle Fedor: the essay refused to take into print, fearing the sudden scandals and claims from the writer.

The man rarely wrote to the order, since he did not consider it necessary to make adjustments in history at the venue of third-party people. This disadvantage often ported the workers and personal relationship of the writer. On the other hand, maybe they would not see the light of the favorite Public Characters of the Assumption in that unique form, which the author gave them.

As for Eduard Nikolayevich himself, he adored animals and birds, his parrots and dogs had constantly lived at home, for which the writer was glad to be happy. The writer worked every day, composed in a country house and in Moscow. In his free time, loved watching foreign TV shows, especially for medical themes. Dr. House was a favorite multi-versa film.

It is known that Eduard Nikolayevich respected the work of Oleg Tabakov. That is why the charismatic actor trusted the dubbing of the cat Matroskin from "Prostokvashino".

In April 2018, the writer gave an interview in which he told that the second spouse Elena Uspenskaya was next to him. Woman forgave the former husband and returned. Recently, Eduard with his wife lived in peace and harmony, supported each other and did not remember the past. The couple hoped that the writer would cope with the ailment.

And Eleonora Filina allegedly went to the young lover who under her for 30 years. The TV host took a loan of 6 million rubles. So that the guy discovered a business, but it burned.

Filin itself is not recognized in this. The woman only says he could not be more close to a despotic husband. According to her, with Uspensky, she wanted to divorce a long time ago, but she was stopped by her husband's health and diagnosis.

Literature and screening

The works of Eduard Nikolayevich are popular among readers around the world. The prosumensky stories are translated in more than 20 languages ​​of the world, published and reprinted many years after the appearance.

Attention to the author was given in Sweden. There, the compositions of the men found such popularity that the heroes appeared on television, and in magazines, and Edward Uspensky himself was invited to the Writers of this country. The works of the author appreciated the European masters of children's literature as Astrid Lindgren, Tuva Jansson and Anna Schmidt.

I started Assumption as a humorist. In collaboration with Felix Kamov, he wrote various satirical sketches, feuethms for the pop duet Livshire and Lewenbuk. His skill in this genre, the writer was honed until the end of the 60s.

The most famous for a wide range of readers by the author's books are stories from the three of Prosokvashino series, in which there is Uncle Fedor, a cat and dog. Popular steel and stories in which the crocodile gene and Cheburashka are involved.

Much distribution received one of the first writings of the author "down the magic river". Heroes of fairy tales became children, animals, bizarre beings. In the future, the writer's bibliography was replenished with such works as "fur board", "about faith and anfisu", "25 professions of Masha Filipenko", "School of Clowns".

The history of the publication of many writings was not easy. The author was criticized for the lack of the features of the Soviet pioneer in the image and behavior of Cheburashka, the censorship forbade other verses and sketches. Nevertheless, most of the literary works of Assumption, as well as his songs diverged by quotes and aphorisms.

Potted the author and to the children's folklore. He created a horror book where various "horror stories" gathered. The edition got the name "Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers".

The screening of children's stories occurred under the sensitive control of the writer. Edward Uspensky made a screenwriter to all animation on their own stories. According to the stories and the author's stories, two artistic films created, and later the series was shot.

With the advent of popularity in the late 1970s, Edward Uspensky begins to perform in broadcasts - to read poems and stories. He writes plays telling about favorite characters. In the 1980s, the first compilation with stories about Shapoklyak, Matroskin, Kolobca.

Even from under the feather Edward Assumption, fairy tales "Warranty men" and "Corobs are leading". Poem is popular with the poem "Scary Story" and "Over our apartment".

Eduard Nikolayevich worked on television. He became the ideological inspirer and the author of the transmission cycle for children of different ages.

Until recent days, the children's writer lived in Russia and published new works in the Publishing House Samovar. In 2016, the play about the magic river became the basis for creating a full-fledged performance in the Russian Regional Theater.

Soviet and Russian author repeatedly received award. In 1997, he was presented with the Order "For Merit to Fatherland". In 2010, Eduard Nikolaevich became the winner of the K. Chukovsky premium, which is awarded to children's writers.

In November 2017, a man wrote an open letter to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, in which accused the "Soyuzmultfilm" film studio in violation of copyright. According to the writer, the new series "Prostokvashino" came out without the knowledge of Assumption. He argued that he did not give consent to the continuation.

Anton Tabakov, Julia Menshova, Ivan Okhlobystin and Garik Sukachev participated in the sounding of favorite heroes. Anton and Julia regret that Eduard Nikolaevich spoke so sharply about the new series of the animated film. The first release of the continuation, published in April 2018, collected several million views on the network.

The second episode of the cartoon came out in May. The series was devoted to the memory of Oleg Tabakov. On the first day, release looked 25 million people.


Eduard Assumption 5 years fought with a tumor of the stomach. After recovery, he fell ill again: prostate cancer began. Despite the fact that chemotherapy courses writer passed in Europe, he failed to get rid of the disease.

In the first days of August 2018, Eduard Asspensky was diagnosed in his own home, the author lost consciousness. Caused an ambulance carriage. At the proposal of doctors to go to the hospital, he answered with refusal. A few days later, August 14, the writer died. Doctors confirmed that the cause of the death of Uspensky became cancer.

The funeral of the writer was held in Moscow, the farewell ceremony took place in the central office of writers. Uspensky's grave is located on the Troecorsky cemetery.


After the death of Uspensky, a state remained, which is estimated at $ 20 million. In the will, all the inheritance got his second and fourth wife Elena Uspenskaya. This fact was outraged by Tatiana Asspenskaya, the woman received only a stake from the Writer's house on Klyazma and that came to the right during the life of the Father. Nevertheless, the daughter of the writer did not enter into a financial dispute with the heir.

However, a new contender for accumulated wealth appeared surrounded by the writer. They became writer Valentin Postnikov. The young man in the Studio of the Transmission Studio "Direct Ether" declared that he was the extramarital son of Assumption. According to Valentina, his mother admitted to him, who at one time had a short-term novel with the author of children's literature.

In 2020, in memory of the writer, the Russian State Children's Library announced a competition for the Logo Fairy Tale Logo named after Eduard Asspensky. Tatyana Uspenskaya responded to this appeal, which wrote an open letter asking not to devote the reward to his father.

The woman reported that he regularly undergoed domestic violence, and Eduard Nikolayevich, she recalls only as a family tyrant and adherent sect of Victor Colebun. Later, the words of Tatiana confirmed Eleanor Filina.

The public could not not respond to such a loud statement. Boris Grachevsky reported that in the case of the award, only the author's literary merits are taken into account, and they are indisputable. And Yuri Entin allegedly suggested that the writer's daughter thus disrupts her anger on his father due to the lack of his name in the testament.


  • 1966 - "Crocodile Gena and his friends"
  • 1972 - "Down the Magic River"
  • 1974 - "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat"
  • 1975 - "Warranty men"
  • 1976 - "Amazing Business"
  • 1983 - "Vacation in Prostokvashino"
  • 1985 - "Faith and anfisa in a clinic"
  • 1987 - "Kolobok goes on the trail"
  • 1990 - "Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers"
  • 1997 - "Winter in Prostokvashino"
  • 2001 - "Mushrooms for Cheburashka"
  • 2007 - "New Life in Prostokvashino"
  • 2011 - "Warranty men are returned"
  • 2011 - "Ghost from Prostokvashino"


  • 1969 - "Antoshka"
  • 1971 - "Cheburashka"
  • 1971 - "Redhead, Red, Konopatoy"
  • 1978 - "Three from Prostokvashino"
  • 1979 - "Uncle AU"
  • 1980 - "Baba Yagi against!"
  • 1981 - "Plasticine Crow"
  • 1983 - "The investigation leads kolobki"
  • 1986 - "About faith and anfisu"
  • 2011 - "Spring in Prostokvashino"

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