Jan Frenkel - biography, photos, best songs, composer



Jan Frenkel - a kiniquetommode, a violinist, singer, pianist, actor, folk artist of the USSR.

Childhood and family

Jan Abramovich Frenkel was born in the twenties of the last century in the Ukrainian town of Polov. His dad, Abram Nathanovich, was a hairdresser, he killed his son to music from the small years. According to Yana Abramovich, his father was confident that all the further future of the child depends on the quality of the game on the violin.

Jan Frenkel

A similar approach to the fate of the boy is better talking about the nationality of his parents than the surname or name. Abram Nathanovich taught his son on the book, but in his own way I understood the recommendations of the authors, so the boy received no comments for fake notes, but the struts. At the age of 13 Yang entered the Music Academy. Yakov Shiner and Boris Lyatoshinsky became mentors of the young violinist. Frankel studied at the Academy until 1941.

Musician at war

Jan Frenkel was born in 1925, but in this regard there is a discrepancy. When the Great Patriotic War began, the young musician decided to go to the front and artificially increased his age. In official documents, the young man changed the year of birth at 1920, so that he was enrolled in the Orenburg Military School. There were no questions about the admission committee, since at the age of 16, the young man was already well formed physically. So for all documentary evidence of Yang became older for 5 years.

Jan Frenkel

After graduating from the school in 1942, Frankel went to the front. For an advanced artist spent about a year, but after severe injury and treatment was attributed to the front theater. Yang played on the accordion, violin and piano, composed and sang songs. The young musician did everything to support the fighters of the Red Army. The first song of Frenkel "Walked Pilot on the Lane" was written by him just at that time. At the front, the young musician not only became a composer, but also met his future wife.

Career flourishing

After the end of the war, Yang continued his musical career by settling in Moscow. In the late 40s, nobody interested neither the nationality of Frankel nor his real age. The musician made the processing of famous works, performing them in expensive restaurants of the city. In those years, Frankel rewrite the scores for the members of the Union of Composers of the USSR and engaged in arrangements of their works. Thanks to the relationships in musical circles, Jan Abramovich met talented songwriters of his time.

Cooperation with Mikhail Tanyan, Robert Christmas, Konstantin Vanshkin, Inna Hoff led to the emergence of a number of hives. Career of the composer helped famous musical figures. When Frankel was threatened by an exception from the Union of Composers, Dmitry Shostakovich helped him. He had responded positively about one of Yana Abramovich's songs, putting an end to the injury of the musician envious.

Many Frenkel's songs were born in the face of his close room in a communal apartment. At such moments, the composer ran into a common corridor and fought on the phone a new melody to one of the friends. In the background, children were crying, the neighbors swore, but the musician did not stop the household difficulties. So they appeared on the light of the songs: "Someone loses, someone finds", "Kalina Red", "I'm hurried, excuse me" and others.

In the seventies, the talented composer strengthened his position after he won the competition for the new orchestral version of the anthem of the USSR. The work of the country's leading composers were attracted. The Commission, which determined the winner, headed Dmitry Shostakovich, who had previously helped Frenkel to avoid exceptions from the Union of Composers.

In the seventies, Frenkel revealed not only as a composer, but also as a talented arranger. He knew how to pick up the songs to the films so that they instantly crashed into memory. Filmorezhsters lined up to invite Yana Abramovich to work on music to their pictures. Over the years of creativity, Frankel participated in creating more than six dozen films.

Jan Frenkel in the film

The artist did not resist and from temptation to try himself as an actor. He starred in episodic roles in four films. Garson Louis Leonid in the film "Crown of the Russian Empire" was the most memorable way on the movie screen in the film "Crown of the Russian Empire". The picture was one of the parts of the tape cycle, which are impregnated with Frenkel's music. He wrote for films about the elusive avengers of the composition: "pursuit", "Song of Yashka-Tsygana", "Russian field" and others.

Yana Abramovich tied close friendship with many artists. One of his friends was Andrei Mironov. The famous Soviet actor repeatedly performed the songs of Frankel during filming of films. Certificates of this friendship are numerous common photos and memories of colleagues.

Andrei Mironov and Yang Frenkel

Frankel wrote music not only for movie and pop. He was well managed by melodies for cartoons. The first animation film with Frenkel's music was released in 1962, and the last - in 1986. Frankel melodies were accompanied by stage speeches Maryron and Alexander Menacher, as well as the legends of the legendary comic duet "Tarapunka and a plug." I sounded the music of Yana Abramovich and in TV links.

Frankel became an excellent film composer, thanks to his fine taste and love for artwork. From travel and business trips, Frankel always brought with him some interesting specimens of rare books. During the years of his life, the composer gathered a good library. Jan Abramovich performed in any weather and natural conditions. He did not stop the absence of heating and light, rain or other obstacles. In his life there was a case when the listeners disassembled part of the wall at home to bring the piano from it necessary for the performance of the favorite composer.


One of the most famous melodies created by Frenkel became the composition of the "Cranes". The classical execution of this song belongs to Mark Bernes. The singer completed her his musical career and life path. A month after the recording of the "Cranes" composition, Mark Bernes died.

The song was written in 1968, in its basis the text of Naum Gresheva, who was the translation of the original poem Rasul Gamzatov into Russian. This composition is more than 45 years old in collections of the best military songs. After the release of the song, the cranes became a symbol of the dead soldiers. In the cities of different countries affected by the twentieth century wars, there are several memorial complexes in which the main elements are compositions with caravals.


The success of the song was so large-scale that Frankel could have trouble. One of the anonymous complaints on too frequent performance of the composition has even reached the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. Avoid problems of Frenkel helped Leonid Brezhnev's personal protection.

At different times, the song "Cranes" was performed by: Mark Bernes, Boyan Codrich, Oleg Pogudin, Dmitry Khvorostovsky, Valery Leontyev, Herman Van Ven, Alsu, Elena Vaenga, Mark Olmond.

Personal life

Jan Abramovich met his future wife during the war. After the wedding, Frankel's wife, Natalia Melikova, gave him a daughter Nina. The family lived in a small room in the communal apartment, which Yang took back in 1946. The composer's daughter since 1980 lives in Italy. She has a son who was called Jan.

Jan Frenkel with his wife

The grandson went in the footsteps of his grandfather and became a musician. He works in the orchestra of the US Coast Secondary Academy. The last years of the life of Yana Abramovich was held in the house on Kayanov Street. This is evidenced by a memorial plaque installed at the beginning of the two thousand years.

Completion of life path

In the late 1980s, the doctors found cancer in Jan Frenkel. Treatment to the composer did not help, the disease was rapidly progressed. Due to poor well-being, the composer often found himself in the hospital. In the summer of 1989, Jan Abramovich decided to change the hospital walls on the sea landscape. The composer went with his family to Riga and died there on August 25. The body was transported to Moscow by car.

Monument on the grave of Jan Frenkel

The funeral of the composer passed on the Novodevichy cemetery. They accompanied Frenkel under the sounds of his music. The commemoration of Jan Abramovich was organized at the restaurant of the All-Russian Theater Society. Help the composer's memory came his friends and colleagues. The widow of Jan Frenkel, Natalia Mikhailovna, left his life a few years after the death of the spouse.

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