Oshanin Lev - biography, photos, poems, songs, personal life



Lev Oshanin - the famous Russian poet and songwriter, the author of the most famous songs and poems, for which was awarded the Stalin Prize and many other titles and awards. Lion Ivanovich's biography reflects the difficult fate of immigrants from noble families in Soviet Russia, this is the life path of a person who has passed all the stages of interaction with the soccer and denunciations before recognizing at the level of the first persons of the state and immense sincere folk love.

Lev Oshanin Monument

The family of Lion Oshanin was creative and intelligent, Mom worked as a music teacher, and his father worked at court. The family had 7 children (6 boys and 1 girl), the lion was born in 1912 in the city of Rybinsk. In 1916, his father died, and the family's breadwinner became the mother, who organized charity concerts for the sake of earlier. Soon the family moved to another city, where Mom Poet received a position in kindergarten. The lion studied seven years at school, settled to work as a turner to the local plant, parallel began to write poems that even published in local newspapers.

Speech by Leo Oshanin

However, his origin did not give him to live quietly and develop creatively - at first, the rumors forced the lion to move to Tundra, where he worked first in the factory, and then in the newspaper, and then the denunciations from ill-wishers and envious led to the expulsion from the Komsomol and dismissal from the periodicals. Lev Oshanin returned to Moscow, entered the literary institute, but later the studies had to be thrown.

During the war

At the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Lev Oshanin did not receive permission to go to the front because of extremely poor vision. The family was sent from Moscow to the rear first in Kazan, then in Elabugu. In evacuation, his wife worked in a local newspaper, and Lev Ivanovich could not obtain permission to identical work due to the lack of proper education.

Lev Oshanin

It was here that the famous poet Boris Pasternak was prompted by a great idea - with such vision, it was possible to get to the forefront in the presence of membership in the Union of Writers. Lev Ivanovich goes to the front by the military correspondent, where he writes to military newspapers, performs to soldiers and all their forces contributes to the maintenance of the victorious spirit among the military. It is here that he begins to write those military poems and songs that will subsequently become people and will sound long years across the country.


From the front, Lev Oshanin returned to the already famous poet, he began to work in the Writers' Union and teach young poets the basics of skill. For its length, creative life he wrote a lot of works, many of which were partitioned by quotes and aphorisms. His songs "Roads" remain the most famous, "I drove from Berlin", "And in our yard", "into battle for the homeland." His song "Sunny Circle" received international recognition.

The poet is the author of poems and works and on love topics - in his collections there are numerous beautiful texts in the genre of ballads, romances dedicated to romantics and feelings for a beautiful lady.

Lev Oshanin writes poems

Lev Oshanin became the author of several leaders in the poetic form, including the poems about the great commander Alexander Macedonian. For all his creative activities, he released and published a total of more than 70 collections of various poems.

Personal life

When Lev Oshanin returned to Moscow and entered the literary institute, he married Elena Asspenskaya - the granddaughter of the writer Gleb Uspensky, who also devoted her life to creativity and literature. It is because of his wife and two children, the daughters of Tatiana and the Son of Sergey, the study of Lero Ivanovich had to be quit.

Lev Oshanin with his wife

Many photos of Lion Oshanin have survived, on which he always appears a pleasant modest man in constant glasses in a massive frame. It is such glasses that are present as a recognizable detail to the image on its monument, established in memory of the Great Poet in his hometown of Rybinsk.

Lion Oshanin with children

Lion Oshanin died in 1996 in Moscow. He was buried on the Vagankov cemetery.

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