Rimma Kazakova - biography, photos, poems, personal life, songs and creativity



Kazakov Rimma Fedorovna was born in Sevastopol on January 27, 1932. Initially, the girl was called Ramo, which means "Revolution, Electrification, World October". But at the age of twenty, she decided to take a more harmonious name of Rimma. Father of the future poetess, Fyodor Lazarevich, was a military personnel, and his mother, Sophia Alexandrovna Schulman, worked on the post of secretary-typist.

Rimma Kazakova in childhood

Rimma Kazakov held his childhood years, mainly in Belarus, including difficult wartime, and then her family moved to Leningrad. There, the girl entered the Leningrad State University (at the Historical Faculty), and at the end of study received the distribution to the Far East.

It was then that Kazakov, which Mom since childhood called "Romusi", decided to change the name. As the poetess later recognized, her parents were a bit "shifted" communists, and therefore considered the Abbreviation of Ramo quite a suitable name for her daughter. But to go with this name to the Russian outback to teach the story there, the girl unequivocally did not want. Then she went to the registry office.

Rimma Kazakov with family

There, the graduate of the Pedi Institute said that she had a good revolutionary name, and change it for him. But Kazakov did not give up. In the statement, she wrote that Ramo is an abbreviation of the SSPS, CPC and the like, and not a human name. As a result, the registry offices still surrendered under the pressure of a young teacher and allowed her to become Roman.

Start of a creative path

Having traveled to work on the distribution, Rimma Fedorovna worked in the Khabarovsk district office of officers as a lecturers consultant, and then received a post editor in the Far Eastern newsreel studio. The period when the poetess lived in the Far East is especially noteworthy in that it was here in 1958 the first collection of her poems was published, called "meet in the East".

Rimma Kazakov in youth

Khabarovsk Territory became a real inspiration for the young Rimma Cossack, despite the very stern rhythm of life in the taiga. Because of his work, the girl had to be often sent to various trips and communicate with people living in the Far East from childhood. These people also helped the young poetess to cause the necessary images in the imagination, to choose words, create metaphors and allegories, thanks to which her immortal poems were born.

Although Rimma Fedorovna was well referred to his profession and loved the story, still gradually she understood that she wants the main thing to do with her life. In 1959, a year after the publication of its first poetic collection, Kazakova became a member of the Writers of the USSR.

Success and All-Union Recognition

Wanting to improve your style, the poetess entered the highest literary courses who worked as the Writers of the USSR, and in 1964 they successfully graduated from them. Since then, the poetess published a large number of poems, issued numerous collections, transferred many works from the languages ​​of the countries of the Far and Middle Abroad, and also wrote a number of poems to the songs known to the whole country.

Rimma Kazakov in youth

In 1976, the talented and popular poetess appointed the secretary of the Board of the Soviet Union of Writers, and soon after that, in 1977, Rimma Kazakov joined the CPSU ranks. The post of Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of the poetess worked until 1981. And in 1999 she was elected the first secretary of a similar Russian organization - the Union of Writers of Moscow.

Development of lyrics Rimma Cossack

After Rimma Fedorovna began to lead active activities in the Union of Writers of the USSR and publish their numerous works, it settled in Moscow. But, as the poerass itself recognized, to catch her in the capital was always the most difficult. Roads, their spirit, beauty of different corners of the native country and the whole world, the opportunity to communicate with new people always mean a lot for the Cossack and became the basis of the driving force of her creativity.

Rimma Kazakov in youth

Based on his travels, the poetess wrote such masterpieces as "from the Cuban diary", "I'm on the east", "Tokyo", "and in London Fog", "under the strangers", "Baltic", "Central Asian pages", " Rally in the tropics "," Karlovy Vary "and many others. In such poems, Rimma Fedorovna, on the one hand, tells about different places and people who live there. On the other hand, it shares its reflections about what he saw, transfers the atmosphere and the mood of each city and region.

But perhaps the most famous is her creativity about love, friendship, loyalty, motherhood and other "eternal topics". Being a wise and open person, Kazakov knew how to very sensually and shrill about the power of good, about the love of men and women, about the love of the mother to the child and even about love for the Motherland, although the ideological communist Rimma Fedorovna was never. "We are young," love me shyly "," beloved mine "," Pompey "," I am the island ... "- here is the names of only a few of these poems.

Poetess Rimma Kazakov

The poetic talent of Rimma Fedorovna captivates with its imagery, affecting the wealth of vocabulary, unusual metaphors and epithets. Kazakov wrote singing, beautiful on the sound of the work, whether it was a verse of delicate love or stuffed poem about the war, which came to childhood poetess. At the same time, the writer tried to avoid propaganda and pathos, responsibly refer to the choice of each word.

Poetess Rimma Kazakov

In the 90s, Rimma Kazakova became more and more lyrics to devote to social issues. So there was a collection of "Naugad", in which poetess poetic arguments were collected about modern life, about the actual state of society as a whole and every person in particular, about the sentiments and ideas that are among the people. Of course, after the collapse of the USSR, Rimma Fedorovna described sometimes even rescued, using very contrasting metaphors, but this is so poetess managed to transfer their attitude to what is happening.

Public and political activities

The Publicistic resident of the Cossack Rimma was manifested not only that her poems were increasingly becoming peculiar responses to the events occurring in society.

Rimma Kazakov

As secretary of the board of the Union of Writers, she enthusiastically organized days of literature of various nationalities, the national Pushkin holidays of poetry, traditional poetic evenings held at the Polytechnic Museum. Also, Rimma Fedorovna conducted meetings for beginner young writers.

Songs on poems Rimma Cossack

The poetess became the author of the texts for many of the songs popular in the Soviet and post-Soviet space: "You love me," "Madonna", "Music Wedding", "No way back", "Game", "Ariadne", "Late Woman" and many others .

Her verses were laid on the music of such composers as Igor Krutoy, Alexander Pakhmutova, Vladimir Shainsky, Vladimir Matsky, Andrei Savchenko.

Personal life

The first husband of Rimma Cossack was a publicist writer Georgy Radov, with whom Pephessa lived together for eight years. As Rimma Fedorovna subsequently recognized, the family with Radov turned out to be distant from ideal: the husband drank, periodically raised his hand on his spouse and arranged drunk robs. The only present consolation was children, more precisely, the son Egor is the only child of Rimma Cossack.

Rimma Kazakov with her husband

Some time after the divorce with the Radovy poetess married the second time: for the dentist who was younger than her. However, the photo shows that Rimma Fedorovna has always been a chance and never looked at her age. At first, the poetess was happy in the second marriage, but soon the husband began to change it, and the family again broke up. Such were her men: to meet the only one with which love would be to the coffin, the writer could not.

Rimma Kazakov and Son

The sociable and hardworking Cossack had many friends in the poetic circles of the native country. Among her loved ones was and poetess Bella Ahmadulin. Perhaps partly, the friends helped poetess to cope with the adversities of fate. So, her son Egor in the army began to indulge drugs, and on his return to civilian life married a girl with schizophrenia. Young spouses began to "buzz" together and gave birth to daughter Masha. When Masha was 8 years old, his wife's wife committed suicide.

Rimma Kazakov

Fortunately, Rimme Fedorovna managed to help the only child to cope with severe addiction, and in his last interviews she often mentioned that he was now all safe.

End of life path

Rimma Fedorovna Kazakova went to the world in another 19 May 2008, at that time the poetess was 77 years old. She died in the sanatorium villages Yudino due to acute heart failure. The writer was buried on the metropolitan Vagankovsky cemetery.

Over the years of his life, Rimma Kazakov was awarded many awards and titles: Order of Cyril and Methodius of the first degree, the Order of the Friendship of Peoples, Labor Red Banner, etc.

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