Anne Westerns - biography, personal life, photo, news, songs, age, singer, in youth 2021



Anna Western - the famous artist from Estonia, which has gained popularity in the territory of all of the USSR. Low, but at the same time, a surprisingly ringing voice allowed the bright Estonian singer to consolidate in the starry sky of the Soviet pop.

Childhood and youth

The singer was born in the winter of 1956, on the sign of the zodiac fish. In the early period of biography, the future celebrity was surname Vaarman. Anna's parents, Estonians by nationality, were fond of creativity and played folk instruments. At the same time, both had ordinary professions: Father Ilmar-Tõnis worked as a driver, and Ellen's mother worked as a saleswoman.

Anna grew up in the old town of Rapela, where, together with Brother, Mati studied at a music school. The guys performed in their own formed children's team. Mati Waarman also devoted life to art and specialized in keyboard tools.

In young years, Anna received a higher technical education, because the creative path in understanding the wiggle was not promising. However, the girl was invited to work in the local philharmonic, where the vocalist developed talent and performed as part of VIA "Mobile". Brother actors participated in the group.

Glory about the ensemble spread quickly - first the musical team went to the touring tour, then participated in thematic television shows. In the youth, the singer preferred to perform in the composition of the ensembles, however, gradually moved into the category of solo performers.


Anna gained fame in 1980 due to the execution of the Hita "Queen of the Pink Garden". The most popular artist compositions were "behind a steep turn" and "leaves of the past summer." They produced music clips, which were twisted on central television. Also, fans remembered songs "Island of Love", "Samba with Maradona" and "off-season".

For the period from 1978 to 2013, the wiggle released 29 disks with tracks in 2 languages ​​- Estonian and Russian. The albums were bought by huge circulations. Texts and melodies for Anna composed the best composers and poets Songs of the USSR, Russia and Estonia.

The creativity of the Western was distinguished against the background of the repertoire of Soviet stars, and the focus of vocalist attached a highlight of execution. Together with other fellow countrymen (Yaak Joal, Tõnis Mings), Anna conquered a Russian-speaking audience. Sometimes these artists performed together on the same stage at large concerts. The celebrity recognized that Yaak Joal for her - an example of how shrill it is necessary to sing.

In the midst of the career, the singer was gripped: starring on TV, recorded the transfer to the radio, toured and participated in such events as "Jurmola-86". Anna removed a number of documentaries. Sometimes a tour of the cities occupied many months in a row, without a respite. In such a tense schedule there was one plus - next to the Western was always a favorite spouse of Benno Belchikov, who worked as director of tour.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Anna and Benno tried to do business: Partners have invested funds in the organization of sewing and distribution of fur products. However, this business did not hold out, and soon the couple returned to what he knew how to do the best, to act and please fans with creativity.

For this reason, Anna soon continued to tour in Estonia. In discography, the hungry has increasingly appeared albums oriented to the Estonian public. These are drives "Kallis, Kuula", "Ingleid Ei ...". But Anna did not forget and hospitable Russia.

In the new century, Anna participated in the shooting of a number of musical gears for Russian TV. For example, together with Dima Bilan, the composition "Impossible is possible" on NTV. With Sergey Pencois, repeatedly sang a duet popular song "Sorry for Love." Fans also appreciated the execution with the Ulyana Karakosis of the single "Angels here no longer live" and "good fairy tales of childhood" with Evgeny Martynov.

Speech with Finnish Poland, where the company was hoped by Nadezhda Babkin, today is considered a kind of hit among the Russian audience. From Estonian performers, the bright duet Anna was Coyt Tome.

In 2007, a large concert took place in Moscow dedicated to a vocalist. On the scene, the hungry sang a work, some of which, together with Estonian, performed the stars of the Russian pop. The public was pleasantly surprised by Anna and the young singer named Anton Makarsky, who at that time was on the wave of All-Russian popularity. Creative couple performed the song "Thank you."

In 2016, at the suggestion of Moscow friends, the 60th birthday, the artist celebrated in the capital of Russia, where a solo anniversary concert of the wigger in the Moskvich cultural center was held. According to a solemn case, Anna was also held in the hall of the Church Cathedrals of the Cathedral of Christ. And at home, the Westerns became the participant of the cycle of documentaries about popular Estonian artists in the USSR. This project received high ratings of views on top television.

In 2017, solemn events on the occasion of the century began at the birthplace of the singer since the beginning of the formation of the republic. Speeches were held on the territory of Estonia and in neighboring border Russian cities. Among the stars who participated in most events are the favorite of the public Anne Western. Festive concerts ended only in 2020.

In July 2018, the Western received the status of the chadliner of the first music festival Baltic Sun, which took place in Narva, in Hermann castle. In addition to calling Anna, the concert was decorated with the Radar ensemble with the songs of Yaak Joal, the winner of Eurovision Alexander Rybak, Bravo and The Crossroadz teams.

In addition, 2018 was issued for Anne Jubilee, the flavors noted the 40th anniversary of creative activity. Tours in Estonia and Russia were painted for a year ahead. In an interview, the wigger reported that, as before, the public asked to fulfill the popular Russian-speaking hits of the past years "I will quit the Omut", "Behind a steep turn", "rejoice in life" and "Take me with you."

For contribution to the development of Culture, Anna was repeatedly awarded with national prizes and titles, several times the artist won the All-Union Singers contests, and the compositions of the hungry became the "song of the year".

Personal life

The star is the name of the first husband of Yaaca Western, poet, the author of her first songs. With his wife, Anna was separated from behind the burning of jealousy and the envy of a man. Such a storm of feelings became dangerous for life, so the marriage lasted 4 years. From the first marriage, a daughter named Kerly. Yaak was hard for the divorce, after parting he lived a little more than 10 years. Despite those adversity that Anna survived with the first husband, the singer has warm memories of him.

Westerns continued to rejoice at every day and, contrary to experienced difficulties in his personal life, married a second time per person who made the director of tour. The couple met at the Solo Concert Anna in Tallinn. Soon the lovers signed.

Together, spouses and now ride through countries, spend time together, and therefore there are no accurate accusations and suspicions in treason. Benno Belchikova also has a daughter from the first marriage, so the couple decided not to start joint children. But sometimes, Anna regrets the decision. In a talented blonde, a wonderful relationship with her daughter, there are grandchildren - 2 mischievous magician Dominica and Frederick.

Daughter Anna Wester could go in the footsteps of the mother and become a singer: Kerly's family talent is. However, the heiress decided that touring in the separation from the family for a woman was unacceptable, therefore he devoted himself to home and work by a lawyer in the authorities. Nevertheless, the concern for sons did not interfere with 2004 to 2007 to serve as an consul of the Republic of Estonia in Moscow.

Lives Anna with his spouse in a spacious country house next to Tallinn. In the traditions of the couple to arrange gatherings with friends behind a large table. Prepares for the company a husband, and it makes it a little masterfully. Happy westerns with joy answers only for washing dishes, and in an interview it is recognized that there is little in the farm.

To the dwelling of the star, albeit low, but special requirements:

"It seems to me that the house is a living creature that cannot be left unattended. In the decoration used the maximum number of "living" materials - a tree, a natural stone. It creates a special feeling of comfort, and the benno, this our comfort is protecting in my absence. "

Despite age, the singer looks great, it perfectly turns out in the photo and can pose even in a swimsuit. According to Anna, she did not resort to plastic operations, although nothing against surgery has no surgery. According to some media, the growth of the artist 165 cm, and the weight does not exceed 65 kg.

The secret of beauty Westerns is life, full of love and harmony, because the celebrity is sure that over the years the character of a person is manifested in appearance. Also vocalist spends a lot of time in the fresh air, regularly visits the sauna, where it uses a natural scrub to increase skin elasticity. Such procedures have a beneficial effect on Health Anna.

In a conversation with the "interlocutor", the singer admitted that when he was required to lose 2-3 unnecessary kilos before the event, she sits on a strict diet. A couple of days, the actress feeds on only kefir and loaves, while enhances physical exertion. In recent years, Anna is engaged in yoga.

But Slim Westerns does not lay out pictures in a swimsuit in social networks. With fans, Anna communicates through a personal site, and in "Instagram" there is a stars fan page.

Anne Westerns now

In 2020, Coronavirus seriously hit the plans and budget of the Western. The media appeared in the media, as if at the pandemic period, the performer even surrendered an apartment in Tallinn to earn a living. In the transfer of Ringvaade, Anna recognized that the situation is terrible, but calmed the fans: "On the account, of course, not quite empty, still perform more than 40 years."

Fortunately, restrictions are gradually being removed, and at 2021, Anna Wester has a tour of the Native Republic. Also, a woman is a frequent guest on the Estonian TV channel ETV. On the occasion of the 65-year anniversary in February, the singer was again invited to the studio. There, the artist presented a new single "See, Mis Meid Kokku Viis" ("What is cohered together").

Previously, the composition was performed in Russian and English. Music author - Igor Krutoy. On the air, Anna told about the meaning of the text: "The song fits well this year, because in the summer of our marriage with Benno Belchikov - 40 years old. Of course, the song is dedicated to both Him and everyone who will celebrate the anniversary of weddings. And in general, everyone who loves someone. "


  • 1983 - Anne Veski
  • 1984 - "Behind a steep turn"
  • 1984 - "Sings Anna Western"
  • 1985 - "I promise you gardens"
  • 1988 - "I thank you"
  • 1994 - Kaleidoscope
  • 1994 - "Anne Western"
  • 1996 - "Tunnel under La Mansha"
  • 2000 - Armukarneval
  • 2002 - "Do not be sad, man"
  • 2003 - Lootus
  • 2004 - "Do not regret anything"
  • 2009 - Ingleid EI ...
  • 2013 - Kallis, Kuula

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