Yaak Joal - biography, photos, songs, discography



In the family of musicians, in the Estonian city of Viljandi in the middle of 1950, Yaak Aernich Joal was born - one of the most famous singers of the era of the USSR, sex symbol of the Soviet stage of the 80s. The mother of the boy was on the formation of the musicologist. An intelligent woman worked in the local philharmonic department. From early childhood, she gave his beloved son to a music school, where he immediately began to do progress.

Yaak Joal as a child

The boy visited two classes: piano and flutes. In the youthful years, inspired by the music "The Beatles", Yaak creates his rock and roll ensemble, for which he needed to master the game on the bass guitar and drums. Therefore, entering the music school, the young man was quite formed a musician with his taste. Love for Western culture was also expressed in his hobby in Karting: Jac was a fan of racing on sports cars.

Yaak Joal in youth

In an educational institution, he studied for a long time, as a constant participation in rock concerts and lectures caused a perturbation at the Directorate. Yaaka was expelled quickly enough, after which the young man was forced to immediately go to the army. He served in Tallinn and often played at the city's playgrounds during army concerts. Since by this time a young musician was known to a large number of Youth of Estonia, concerts with his participation were always collected by Achlag. The charming and charismatic singer liked peers.

First successes

After serving in the Armed Forces, the young singer returns to civil life with the firm intention to continue to engage in loved by the rock and roll and creates a group "Lainer". Successful speeches at concerts he combines with solo departures to the contests "Tipheloloodia", "Tallinn Tartu", "Vilnius Towers".

Yaak Joal in youth

Successful young man takes part in the work of several more musical groups: "Kristallid", "virmalized", where he not only sings, but also plays on many musical instruments. And the greatest success was accompanied by him in joint speeches with the Radar group, which became known not only in Estonia, but also beyond.

The turning year for Solist Yaak Joala was 1975, when he managed to receive a reward on the Polish contest of young performers in the city of Sapot. The young artist so successfully performed in Europe that he even offered cooperation with the British Production Center. But the artist refused to offer, due to the presence of an iron curtain in the country.

Those, the famous Soviet composers of that time David Tukhmanov, Raymond Pauls and Alexander Zatsepin became not less interested in his person. Joal began to appear on the CT with new songs, which accounted for to the Soviet listeners. But the singer himself especially loved the song cycle of Tukhmanov "Photos of Favorites". According to Yaaka, these were the best songs that he had to sing. Among other hits of this time, the compositions "I draw", "pick up the music", "love chooses us."

All-Union Success

In the creative biography of the artist, the cinema played a major role. The young, high, slim artist (growth - 170 cm, weight - 72 kg) is invited to the main roles of Duet Duel, Doubles. In them, he not only acts as a film actor, but also writes a large number of songs.

Yaak Joal at a concert

It was through the movies to Yaaku Joale who came all-union recognition: in 1979, promising Estonian was invited to record the music compositions of the film "June 31". After the release of the film on the rental, Yaak Joal, among other the heroes of the film, woke up famous. The premium of the festival "Song-80" fastened this dizzying success. And a year later, Estonia recognized Jaaca Joalu deserved artist of the republic.

In addition to recording on All-Union Music Studies, concerts on the USSR and shooting in films, Yaak does not miss the opportunity to light up in his native Estonia. He gladly takes part in the creation of the Uziklov "Westside History" L. Terrene and the Dachniki Y. Winter, who puts the State Drama Theater Tallinn. It is the theatrical musical art that in the distant childhood became fascinated by a little yaaca into the world of music. The baby loved the sounds of the operas of "Traviato" and "Rigoletto" to imagine himself with an opera singer and sing along with his favorite heroes.

Crucial moment

With the collapse of the USSR, Yaak Joal disappears sharply from the central channels. Only loved by all "Lavender", which he sang along with Sofia Rotaru in the mid-80s on the "blue light", remains on television. But the musician himself settles the permanent residence in Estonia.

He devotes itself to teaching activities in his native school, produces young performers, is engaged in the protection of copyrights of singers under the auspices of the Public Organization "Grams".

The last way to the scene as a soloist Yaak Joal was carried out in 1996 as part of the Estonian trio of tenors together with his friends tõnis musicians and IVO Linna.

The singers presented the program called "Let everything that is good" remains. " After a number of concerts, the musician declared the completion of his solo career and left the scene forever. He was fully arranged a semi-mailer lifestyle in a private house on the farm.

Personal life

Yaak Joal from early youth tied himself to marriage. His first chosen was the girl Doris, who worked in his youth acting. At the filming of the film "Duet-Duel", the novel rose from young people, and soon they got married. In 1974, the Son of Yanar appeared from loving spouses.

Yaak Joal with his wife

After some time, the personal life of the artist turned to the other side. During the preparation for the concert with the Estonian chorus, Tyna Calustea, popular at that time Yaak met the soloist of this ensemble of Mayra and fascinated her.

Yaak Joal with his wife

The second wedding singer played when he was 31 years old. Spouses lived together more than thirty years, but they did not have children. The only son from the first marriage gave the artist granddaughter Carmen. Since Yaak was not particularly close to the former family, he saw the baby only twice in his life. In recent years, the singer and his second wife lived in different places, rarely encountered. Mayra preferred time on the farm, and the elderly musician loved to walk along the streets of the Old Town in Tallinn.

Fatal disease

In 2005, for the first time the singer experienced serious health problems. He suddenly refused the heart. Doctors suggested that this happened due to his passionate alcohol, since this bad habit was preserved from the artist from the youth itself. A year later, shots followed: hemorrhage to the brain and myocardial infarction. Health has sharply shaken.

Funeral Yaac Joala

Yaak Arnovich was forced to go close to his health. He completely removed all public duties and lived calmly until 2011, until the third infarction finally sued him. The singer lasted three more years, after which he left life. The cause of death was heart failure. Date of death of the singer: September 25, 2014. Buried Yaak Joal in Tallinn. The years of his life engraved on the grave of the Estonian legend: 1950-2014.


  • "Sings Jaak Joal" - (1971)
  • "D. Tukhmanov songs on V. Kharitonov verses" - (1979)
  • "Photos of loved ones" - (1980)
  • "Ensemble" Radar "" - (1980)
  • "R. Pauls songs for A. Kovaleva" - (1981)
  • Yaak Joal - (1982)
  • "Love itself" - (1985)

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