Elena Camburova - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, romances, music, theater, films 2021



Elena Antonovna Kambourova is a distinctive singer with a wide voice range and a wonderful musical taste. She acts not only on stage, but also participates in "singing for the scenes". It is her voice that the famous Syroezhkin - the hero of the picture "Adventures of Electronics" sings.

Childhood and youth

Elena Kambourova was born a year before the Great Patriotic War in Siberia. Her father, Anton Semenovich Kamburov, according to the nationality of the Crimean Greek, worked as an engineer, and Mom, Lidia Markovna Zakharova, was a pediatrician. The family of Elena, Vladimir, who went in the footsteps of his father was brought up in the family.

Elena Antonovna was not interested in childhood in childhood, but in the future she learned a lot of information about their genealogical tree. Some of her ancestors were priests who, with the arrival of Soviet power, subjected to repression, teachers, writers.

Lenochka's parents loved music: mother sang low timbers, and his father played her guitar. The girl herself did not sing in childhood and did not speak, but in dreams dreams about what will become a dramatic actress.

Elena graduated from school in Ukraine, where the camburov moved shortly after the end of the war. When the last exams were handed over, she filed documents to the Institute of Industry of the city of Kiev. There Elena studied two years. In his youth, she was too shy and did not decide immediately to enter the Theater Institute. But the dream called for me, and in 1959 the girl went to conquer the capital.

Despite the fact that on the entrance exams in the Schukinskaya school, Elena, such Matters of the Soviet scene, as Cecilia Mansurov and Boris Zakhava, noted, did not take it on the course due to incredible identity. Thinking, the stubborn attorient remains in Moscow, but in order to survive, it is arranged to work with Malar.


A year later, Elena Kambourova entered the Circus School of the city of Moscow, for the course of Sergey Andreevich Kashetelna. Maestro brought a whole pops of pop artists who were known in the 60s in the Soviet Union. Later Elena graduated from Gitis for the same specialty. It was her first teacher who sent Kamburov along the path of pop singing, giving her a collection of works by Novella Matveva, who, along with the songs of Bulat Okudzhava, such as "love and separation", became a business card of a young singer.

Already in early years, Elena has become a popular youth singer. She gained this fame, participating in oral journals of that time. Multiple performances that took place at the university sites or libraries were collected speakers who spent different topics. At the same years, the talented singer got acquainted with Mikael Tariverdiev and Larisa Cretan, with which she collaborated throughout his life.

At the end of the 60s, Elena and Larisa prepared a whole cycle of songs, which came out with a separate disk at the recording studio "Melody". For the first time on television, the young singer appeared in 1970 in the autobiographical television film "Monologue".

The 70s were marked by the flourishing of the creativity of Elena Kamburova. She revealed as a diversified enthusiastic personality. In the repertoire of Cambarous, the romances of the composer Vladimir Dashkevich appeared on the poems of Russian authors of the beginning of the 20th century: Alexander Blok, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Marina Tsvetaeva. The composer and singer recorded two suite on the verses of Anna Akhmatova and Osip Mandelstam. These works have gained a new sound with the beginning of the publicity of the publicity, when the repression and executions can be opened openly. More than once in the early 1990s, the suits sounded from the scene of the Concert Hall of the Moscow Conservatory.

Opened singer and poems of foreign authors, such as Jacques Brel and Leo Ferre. They formed the basis of her musical cycle "You see, I remember ...". For the first time, the singer lined up his speech in the form of a song play. Elena Antonovna took up the execution of the classics: Romances and songs of Franz Schubert, Peter Tchaikovsky, Modest Mussorgsky. These academic works were performed in a new way. With his unbiased vision, the artist destroyed the formed stereotypes regarding the perception of the works of Russian classics - the cycles "in the children's" and "songs and dance of death".

In 1997, the discography of the artist was replenished with the album "Drema", which entered Russian lullabies. " Among them are "Green Care", "Autumn Blues", "Umka".

During the weakening of the Soviet regime, Elena Kambourov was abroad, where the audience took it with delight. The singer traveled with its European programs, visited North America and Israel.

The constant satellites of the artist in her musical travel was always a pianist Oleg Sinkin, who became her faithful concertmaster, and guitarist Vyacheslav Golikov. Both musicians graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, laureates of international musical contests.


A special line in the biography of the singer was inscribed by cinema. With him, Elena Cambroova old and close relationships. In addition to the fact that she starred in several paintings, such as the "theater of an unknown actor", "Memory", "Clown", "My gentlely beloved Detective", Elena Antonovna voiced more than 100 films of various genres.

The voice range allowed the artist to sing by the voices of children, magic or funny heroes. Therefore, in the filmography of the artist, a large number of diverse paintings, where her voice can be heard in musical accompaniment. They are among them: "Come to see me", "Passenger with" Equator "," Slave of Love "," Dulcinea Tobos "," Heaven Promised "," One day twenty years later, "" My gently favorite detective ". Elena Cambouris also voiced the character of Sergey Syrozhuzhkin in the film "Electronics Adventures". And Elena Shuenkova voiced his copy - electronics.

The audience was remembered by her work in the adventure tape "Gardenaryarina, ahead!". Director Svetlana Druzhinina managed to collect a unique singing team. Dmitry Kharatyan sang for himself for Sergey Zhigunov. Mikhail Boyarsky performed a song about the love "Golub". Beautiful Elena Kamburova, together with Oleg Anofriev, sounded in the composition of the "separation", she voiced all the songs for the heroine of Tatiana Lutaeva.

And in the film "Women's Logic", Elena Kambourova performed the romance "they say, Babi Age - Forty years." Her touching vocals penetrate the very depth of the heart.

The voice of Camburova became the most popular on television. Without it, the releases of "Elash", and even the song from the favorite all children "Good night, kids!" The Mozart melody was a padded performer.

In 2017, the People's Artist of Russia became the Guest of the Transmission "alone with everyone". As part of an interview, the artist told the leading Julia Little about his career, takeoff and falls, relations with colleagues.


The 90s made their own adjustments to the country's creative life. Gosbazazov practically did not remain, the actors sat without work. But such a situation only spurned a talented person and pushed Elena Antonovna to create his own theater of music and poetry.

Nowadays, this theater not only did not go into oblivion, but also became one of the reference chamber scenes of Moscow. The Colburo Theater gave the launch of a talented Russian chanson, such as the singer and composer Ulyana Angela, who worked in the team for more than 10 years.

The first season of the theater opened by the play "Game Dreams", in which the singer performed in a new role for himself - the lyrical hero Pierro. In addition to modern poetry, there are a large number of Greek tragedies in the troupe. So, in the play "Antigona" Elena Antonovna played all the roles of the tragedy, which was for her new experience.

There are several dozen performances in the theater repertoire. Among them are most famous: "Drops of the Danish King", "Sofokl. Antigona, "" On your unusual manner, "" Garden dreamed to me ... "," The dreams of the Poet of Levitansky "," Here you, for the hundredth time, Russia ... "," Victory. Requiem".

In 2015, the Crystal Turandot Award in the nomination for the best musical design of the play was awarded the team of the theater for the work of "Silence for Rogozhskaya Studnoye" in the nomination for the best musical design of the performance.

The significant project of Elena Kamburova became its joint program "Road across destiny", which is dedicated to the life and work of Vladimir Vysotsky, to Nikita Vysotsky. From the scene, artists presented to the public of the famous poet songwriter, his letters, poems, music.

Personal life

About the personal life of the singer Elena Cambory knows little. She does not advertise her relationship with husbands, this topic is closed on all interviews of the artist, not in the media and photo of the Elena Antonovna family.

It is known that the first husband of the singer was the composer and pianist Kirill Dmitrievich Akimov. They met even during the arrival of Helena Antonovna to the circus school. Lived spouses together only six years. The second husband of the singer was her colleague Alexey Resurrection. She had no children in the first or second marriage.

Elena Cambouris now

In January 2020, Elena Kambourov became the guest of the program "Hello, Andrei!". It was the first appearance of folk artist on television for a long time. Actresses Elena Solovy and Elena Podlov were also attended the show.

Summer Elena Antonovna spent on self-insulation under Kolomna. This time she devoted reading and reflections. And in July, the famous artist celebrated anniversary. She turned 80 years old.

On September 4, the premiere of the play "Little Prince." Little Prince took place in the Tseater of Music and Poetry Flying in one action. " The artist of this formulation can be said, returns to the very beginning, to his debut song in the movies. This composition sounds at the very end of the performance. And the formulation begins that Elena Kamburova appears to the audience in the image of the pilot. Then she changes her role, the impressive viewers of acting skills.

In the same year, Elena Antonovna released the book "A completely different song". In her, she tells the reader for the unknown side of personal life and creative fate.

On February 17, 2021, the spectacle of the music and poetry returned the play "Twelve. Opera". The production was dedicated to the century since the death of Alexander Blok. Performance of Elena Kamburova, as well as other artists, opened Opera Vladimir Dashkevich on the poem of Alexander Blok and fragments of the vocal symphony "Soldier Requiem".

Now the artist plays in other performances. Among them, "Terra Guerra. Capricchio, "" Dreaming to me the garden "," Victory. Requiem, "" ridiculous. Funny. Reckless. " On the theater website, you can find out information about all future productions. There you can also buy tickets.

In January, Elena Antonovna expressed condolences in connection with the death of Boris Grachevsky, the founder of the TV journal "Yelash", to which she performed the title song.

"Although we have a close relationship with Boris Yuryevich, but I know that he was a good man," the artist noted.


  • 1970 - "Goodbye weapons"
  • 1975 - "Sings Elena Kambourova"
  • 1981 - "Tales of Italy"
  • 1982 - "Listen"
  • 1987 - "Yes Silence Silence"
  • 1997 - "Drame"
  • 1999 - "Drops of the Danish King"
  • 1999 - "Magic Violin"
  • 2000 - "Road"
  • 2005 - "Romance about life and death"
  • 2006 - "Last Love"
  • 2007 - "Memory about the scarmer"
  • 2007 - "Requiem"
  • 2007 - "Little Prince"
  • 2010 - "Dolphinsky Country"

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