Ghost Rider - Character Biography, SUPPLIANCES AND ELECTION


Character History

Under the pseudonym, the Ghost Rider in the Marvel Universe is several heroes with a negative characteristic. Films telling about the adventures of this character are not included in the list of successful comic shields. Fans of the series about the generation of the devil, tracker on a motorcycle, are not sure of the plausibility of Nicholas Cage in this role. Films received controversial estimates of film critics.

Ghost Rider Johnny Blaise

A prototype of the rider performed a ghostly rider - the hero of the Wild West, traveling on a white horse and a hiding face under the mask.

Biography and creating history

The ghost racer combines a human and demonic start. For the first time he is mentioned in comics in 1972. The character quickly became popular. In this role, several heroes performed. The first was John Blaise, Biker, whose progenitors had a medallion of power. The fate of the hero, the keeper of the artifact, in becoming a slave of Mephisto and a ghostly rider. Over time, he began to use the forces of evil against gangsters and criminals. The owner of a flammable motorcycle - the Hero of comic 1973-1983.

Ghost Rider Daniel Ketch

In 1990-1998, Daniel Ketch came to replace him. Unlike the predecessor who came to the transaction with the devil for the sake of the health of the Father, Ketch became the owner of the Fiery Spirit after the attack of the gangsters for his sister. In his motorcycle united the Spirit, which was the ancestor of both riders. In this series of publications, Blaise appeared as a secondary character. He was mentioned as Brother John Blaise.

Ghost Rider Aleukandra Jones

The third owner of the mythical essence became Alekandra. The heroine was described in comics since 2010. For some time, she wandered together with Blaise, but later Johnny would have expelled an evil spirit out of her. Aleukandra became a separate character, which entered the residual essence of the rider.

Ghost Rake Robbie Reyes

Robbie Reyes is the fourth image associated with this character. A teenager from Los Angeles was driven by the police in a dead end during racing and died. He was revived to appear in the form of a fiery demon. In the form of an alternative to the motorcycle, the creators gave it to the "Dodge" model "Chelenger".

Forces and superpower

The biography of the Ghost Racer would be defective if not a description of its supernatural abilities. The hero at any time on his own will turns into a demon, flaming on fire. The surrounding see his skeleton. The ability to transform initially seems to those who possesses it, indomitable. This force requires management. Blaise and Ketch use skill, saving an innocent victim. They become alive torches in the impulse of an uncontrollable anger.

Demon Ghost Rider

The ghost racer is strong and is able to lift the weight of 25 tons. He is hardy and does not need energy obtained from sleep, food and water. Sveges, the character remains resistant to external influence. The spirit does not take bullets and cold weapons, he does not need air, he does not burn down and does not sink. The only thing that is suspended by the evil spirit is magical amulets and artifacts.

The hero is rapidly restored after prolonged executions, and the wounds are self-made. The limbs lost in the fight are regenerated. Despite the fact that the Devil's Spirit is located inside the rider, he is able to act as an angel, healing people.

Phanty Fire Motorcycle Racer

Reviving some, he burst into the same second with a flame designed from the underworld, enemies and criminals. The fiery storm in its path the fiery storm may appear at the slightest character of the character. It is curious that the costume of the hero does not burn at the same time.

The character feels when the crime occurs and evil wins, can take the power of other riders and produce twins consisting of flames. It is teleported between the world of living and the dead and is able to make a burning any transport. Levitation and the ability to foreseerate repeated it in dangerous situations.

Ghost Rider and Magic Chain

At the disposal of the demon several guns. The first acts as a punishing gaze, causing the enemy with a colossal pain, comparable to the suffering of all his victims. This supercoperation has limitations. It acts on animated opponents and on those who have eyes, ineffective against the symbiot and those who come.

The racer has a flammable motorcycle and chain that can lengthen and breaks. From his mouth is also escaping the chains that he attacks bandits. As a firearm, it is equipped with a gun with an unlimited margin of cartridges.


The comics about the ghost rider inspired the directors into two filmms. In both films starring Nicholas Cage. His beloved played Eva Mendez. The actors of Sam Elliott were starred in the ribbons, Donal Log and Peter Foundation. Despite the negative feedback from critics, the tapes used a certain success in the public.

The first film was released in 2007. Its creation was associated with the mass of turmoil, it seems to be the need to adjust the scenario, the needs for recalculating the budget and choosing an artist to a major role. Initially, the image of the Ghost Racer offered to create Johnny Depp, but Nicholas Cage became this work, and he was given the opportunity to embody the demon in the frame. The starting budget was $ 75 million.

The start of the filming was planned for 2000, but the director Stephen Norrington has transfered the start of the project several times, the 50th film crew. In 2002, "Columbia Pictures" tried to become the owner of the rights to the decree. Stephen Johnson performed the film director. He got acquainted with the script and decided to recycle it. The shooting was postponed until 2004, but began in the winter of 2005.

Melbourne chose to work. By June, the main process was completed, the start of the rental was scheduled for the summer of 2006. But the creators again encountered difficulties. At the last moment, the brigade had to recharge some frames in Vancouver. The date of the premiere as a result was appointed for February 2007.

Spectators who saw the picture were inspired. Producers decided to repeat her success, creating a sequel. Work on the second film began in February 2012. Directors Mark Neldendine and Brian Taylor, who became popular after the release of the film "Adrenaline", removed a film with smaller wires than their predecessors. The role of the rider again played Nicholas Cage.

Nicholas Cage in the role of a ghost rider

Both films are filled with special effects, bright racing and spectacular scenes. The atmosphere of kinocartin is dark and corresponds to the style of the image of the chief hero. Contrary to the established perception of a ghostly rider as a character with a negative color, the producers presented the romantic image of a daemon. The central line of the narrative was the love relationship between the rider and Roxana. The hostage of the situation, the hero is unable to get rid of the devilish destination and humble with him, as well as the prototype of comics.

Nicholas Cage, repeatedly embodied on the screen of images of risky heroes, gave the character inherent hisgent the nobility and dignity. Thanks to the actor's contribution, both tapes turned out not terrifying, but impressive. The musical design of the project became the composition of the group "Spiderbait". Christopher Young wrote for them for them.

Ghost Rider - Character Biography, SUPPLIANCES AND ELECTION 1802_9

The ghost racer appeared on the screen in animation films. For the first time this happened in 1994 in the series of the film "Fantastic Four." Then in 1996 in the Hulk cartoon series, in 1990 - in the "people of X".

Interesting Facts

  • Nicholas Cage is a tary fan of comic about a ghost rider and his image. He has a tattoo in his hand in the form of a burning skull, which was accounted for during the filming, because the skeleton could not be tattoos.
  • The actor participated in the work on the creation of films. He was engaged in the adjustment of the first scenario and writing the second. The skull of the ghost rider is created by treating the X-ray of the actor skull. When hero's sounded, a changed voice of the role of the role was used.
Tattoo of the Ghost Rider on Hand in Nicholas Cage
  • Wes Bentley was invited to the role of the main villain of Blackhart, although Colin Farrell spoke his opponent on casting. The latter often appears in the image of antiheroes and embodies the Zloda Sorvigolov on the screen.
  • Today, the ghost racer has a popular film studio "Marvel". In the nearest plans of the company there is no release of a new picture of superhero. At the peak of success now there are representatives of the Avengers. The personalized film about the flammable biker is not expected to expect, but the image is used in the fourth season of the series "Shield agents". This suggests that "Marvel" producers remember the trump card hiding in the sleeve.

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