Bronze Tatyana - biography, photo, personal life, films 2021



Tatiana Bronze - Soviet and Russian actress, writer, screenwriter. Tatiana was born in the post-war Leningrad, reborn after the bombing and blockade, in 1946. The girl graduated from school and, being in the nature of a pretty pragmatic man, decided to get a good working profession. In those years, many dreamed of a career of an engineer, and Tanya entered the "ship" - then the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute.

All his free time Tatyana gave not only school. The girl actively participated in amateur activities, speaking on the stage of the student theater. This activity of the future actress was not limited. The student worked on the auctions of the "Soyuzpool" auction, being a kind of person of this office. Tatiana also showed himself, working in the Leningrad Committee of the WRCSM.

Tatiana Bronzova in youth

In 1968, Bronzonov graduated from the institute and unexpectedly decided to radically change his fate. She went to the capital and entered the MCAT Studio School, at the same time coming to marry. From this point on, its biography will be inextricably linked with the acting profession.

Theater and movies

In the youth of Tatyana Bronzova was very pretty, but somewhat different from windy fellow students. Her neighbors on the hostel, being a little younger, perceived Tanya as a woman experienced and practical, which all moves are thought out.

During his studies at the Studio School, Tanya met Boris Shcherbakov, too, Leningrad. He was a little younger, but I knew how to like women, gorgeously worked out, and a mutual feeling broke out between students. Tatiana divorced her husband and after a few years a couple registered a relationship.

Tatyana Bronzova and Boris Shcherbakov

At the end of the Studio School in 1972, bronzes was adopted in the MCATA troupe, where he worked until 2001. In 1987, a split occurred in Mkate. Tatyana Vasilyevna remained working at the Chekhov Mkate under the leadership of Oleg Efremov.

Four years later, Bronzova was prescribed by the head of the theater. She worked in this position until 2001. Since then, writes books and scripts. Tatyana Vasilyeva wrote scenarios to two ribbons (to the series "Detectives" and the film "The Story of Love or New Year's Raffle").

Tatyana Bronzova in the theater

Since most of the time actress was dedicated to the theater, she starred a little in the cinema, and mostly these were secondary roles. At its account, participation in eleven films, including the following pictures:

  • "Many noise from nothing" (1973);
  • "Day by day" (1975);
  • "Three sisters" (1981);
  • "Prince and Beggar" (1983);
  • "At the corner, Patriarch-4" (2004) and other tapes.


Tatyana Vasilyevna Bronzova wrote and published four books:
  • "Venus in Russian furs" (2009);
  • "On the way for a dream" (2010);
  • "Matilda. Love and dance "(2012);
  • Foute for Colonel (2014).

Personal life

Although Tatyana Bronzov and Boris Shcherbakova connects sincere mutual love, as evidenced by their joint photos, it is difficult to call this marriage. Young actors got married in 1972, being for this time together for three years. Oddly enough, but one of the reasons for the wedding was the apartment question: the hostel was supposed only to family actors of Mkhat.

Tatyana Bronzova and Boris Shcherbakov

In 1977, Tanya and Boris had a favorite and only son of Vasily. Subsequently, the guy graduated from the Moscow State University in a legal specialty, studied French in Moscow and in Sorbonne, and in 2006 he became a graduate of the Director of the Faculty of Vgika.

Tatiana Bronzova with her husband and son

It's just amazing how Tatiana managed to preserve this marriage and family, because she had to repeatedly forgive treason of her husband, a beautiful, impressive and in love by nature a man. Roman Shcherbakova with actress Lyudmila Nikolskaya made a lot of noise. Both actors had children, and Shcherbakov was also a legitimate spouse, but it did not stop him. It came to the point that the leadership and the whole team of the theater intervened. Rumors went different, they rummed that Tatyana almost imposed his hands, although the actress itself categorically denies.

In an interview with the actress, the son of Vasya was always in the first place in her life, and it was he who gave her strength to withstand all the grill. Shcherbakov women had a lot, but he always returned to the family.

Tatyana Bronzon with her husband

The Bronze itself also attribute novels on the side, this is so acting fate - always be the center of attention. She was called the latest Museum of Oleg Efremov, allegedly gave the position of the theater of his beloved theater. Khudruka Mkhat and really was friendly with Tatiana Vasilyevna, more than once came to visit them, but there was no speech about anything about the novel.

Whatever it was, today Tatiana and Boris are still together, they work as far as possible and the souls do not have a sole son.

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