Yuri Saulsky - biography, photo, creativity, personal life



Yuri Saulsky (years of life - 1928-2003) - a domestic musician, conductor, composer, author of many songs, compositions for performances, films, owner of orders and ranks, including the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Yuri Saulsky appeared in Moscow in 1938. Mom of the future composer sang in Church of Sveshnikov, and the Father, by the profession, a lawyer was also a good pianist. However, love for music in the boy woke up not immediately. Mother almost forced him to do it on the piano, and Yura dreamed of escape to escape into the yard to the boys to play football.

Yuri Saulsky in youth

Although the house was preferred to the classic, the boy was fascinated by jazz melodies. Another young he ran to listen to Jazz in the foyer of cinemas "Artistic" and "Driver". Then there was a study at the Gnesinic Music School, evacuation and military music school. The boy even happened to take part in the victory parade in 1945 as part of the military orchestra.

Having received the basics of musical education, Saulsky did not stop at the achieved. After the war, he graduated from the Music School at the Moscow Conservatory, and then, in 1954, and the Conservatory itself in the course of theory and composition.

Musical career

In his youth, Yuri Saulsky was passionate about Jazz, who rapidly broke into the Soviet Union through the trophy radio receivers. Saulsky played jazz in the legendary "Cocktail Hall", which is familiar to the modern public on the film "Styles".

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In 1948, Jazz was banned, but Yuri Sergeevich did not lose himself: he remained an optimistic and cheerful man all his life, which was perfectly combined with his multifaceted talent. The Saulian day studied at the conservatory, and in the evenings he played jazz in small restaurants.

In 1954, Yuri Saulsky graduated with honors from the conservatory. Despite the "unpopular" nationality (Saulsky for Mother - Jew), he was referred to a brilliant musician career, but he chose the stage.

Yuri Saulsky

Over the next ten years, Yuri Sergeevich visited the Music Head of the Orchestra Dmitry Pokrass, Jazz Orchestra Eddie Rosin (who performed several compositions in the arrangement of Saulsky in the film "Carnival Night"), Big Bade TsDri, who won the "silver" on the jazz competition of international Festival of 1957.

Soon the Big Band was disbanded to indicate "Over", and Saulsky himself remained without the possibility to get a job somewhere officially. But even this was not broken by an invalid musician, he earned the arrangements without an indication of authorship.

Yuri Saulsky

In the 60s, the opal ended, and the work of Yuri Saulsky received well-deserved recognition. He becomes director of Music Hall, a member of the Union of Composers and creates the legendary "VIO-66", where the best jazzmen played and the young Valentina Tolkunov debuted.

After leaving the conduction of the conductor and the Arguer "VIO-66" in 1970, Saulsky works by a composer. He writes music to films, performances, songs, creates musical and ballet, composes pop and jazz melodies, instrumental compositions.

One list of songs, music to which wrote this tireless, charming and energetic person, includes several dozen items. The most famous of them:

  • "All soon";
  • "Happy lullaby";
  • "Black cat";
  • "Lestenka";
  • "Snowflake";
  • "Song about dolphins";
  • "Autumn melody";
  • "Kids are sleeping";
  • Tatiana Day and others.

Yuri Saulsky, being an authoritative composer, in every way supported novice musicians. He became one of the organizers and members of the jury of the first rock festival, which took place in 1980 in Tbilisi, where the "Time Machine", Aquarium and Others debuted on the official scene.

Yuri Saulsky

As Chairman of the International Jazz Angezhent, Saulsky organized jazz festivals in Moscow and other cities, was the chairman of the pop festivals and competitions.

In the 1990s, Yuri Sergeevich taught, wrote music, was a musical consultant of the ORT channel, remaining in life, and in the photo, as energetic and cheerful.

Personal life

The personal life of the musician always beat the key, he loved everything without exception and, of course, women. Saulsky was married several times, he has four children.

Yuri Saulsky and Valentina Tolkunova in youth were not only colleagues, they are united by four years of marriage.

Yuri Saulsky and Valentina Tolkunova

Then there was a marriage with Valentina Aslanova, then with Olga Selezneva. With each of them, the composer lived for no more than four years and went away every time, leaving the next spouse a cooperative apartment, for which he received a joking nickname "Builder of Moscow."

Yuri Saulsky with his wife Tatiana

The happiest was the Union of Yuri Saulsky with a journalist Tatiana Kareva. Their marriage lasted 24 years, up to the death of a musician.

The funeral took place on September 3, 2003. The grave of Yuri Saulsky is located on the Vagankovsky cemetery of the capital.

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