Yuri Glyaev - biography, photo, personal life, songs, death



The name of the opera singer and the pop artist Yuri Glyaeva known to many. His songs, a beautiful baritone, thousands of Soviet people were heard, and a smile called "Gagarinskaya".

Childhood and youth

Yuri was born in Tyumen on September 9, 1930. The development of the abilities of a musically gifted boy was greatly influenced by his mother. Fair Fedorovna sang well, I was interested in music and loved her very much. In childhood, Yuri liked to memorize songs and romances with records. His favorite performers became Sergey Lemeshev, Tamara Tsereteli, Varya Panin and Lyal Black.

Yuri Glyaev

The first speech of the boy in front of the public took place at the school evening, when the Aria Lensky was performed in his performance, operating from the record. It was an incredible success with a squall of stormy applause. Zinaida Aleksandrovna Naumova, the class teacher of Yuri, who hesked him the great future and insisted that he was seriously engaged in music.

He managed a lot: he studied in general education and music schools, participated in amateur amateur activities, worked as an accompaniment.

Yuri Glyaev in youth

I did not think about the musical career, considering these classes with a pleasant hobby. Since childhood, he dreams of becoming a doctor, so after school enters the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute. While studying at the Institute participates in artistic amateur activities. Soon the medical student is aware of the mistake and translates into the conservatory. M. Mussorgsky. In 1954, he finishes his studies at the Vocal Faculty in the class of singing F. I. Executory.


After graduating from the conservatory, Yuri Glyaev sings in the Sverdlovsk Opera House. In 1955, he was invited to Ukraine to Stalino (Donetsk), where he becomes the soloist of the Opera and Ballet Theater. The appearance of Yuri Glyaeva's appearance on the international scene was also marked by success. In 1959, in Vienna at the World Festival of Youth and Students, the singer won the first prize.

Singer Yuri Glyaev

A year later, Yuri is honored by the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. This event was preceded by a curious case. In 1960, during the decade of Ukrainian art in Moscow, the delegation of artists from Ukraine was delivered to a banquet to Nikita Khrushchev. At the event there were high government ranks, among whom were the Clement of Voroshilov, Semyon Budyanny, Leonid Brezhnev.

In the midst of the fun artists began to perform songs, but since there was no piano, singing sounded without accompaniment. The search for the accompanist was not crowned with success: the arrived accordant did not know how to play hearing. Then Yuri Glyaev at the request of the secretary of the Central Committee of Ukraine Andrei Skab took a tool in his hands and began to play every wishes to sing. Everyone was satisfied.

From 1961 to 1975 he has been working in the theater. T. Shevchenko in Kiev. Here Yuri Glyaev quail the entire baritone repertoire. In his performance, Morales was sounded from "Carmen", Yeletsky from "Peak Lady", Valentine from Faust, Papagen from the "Magic Flute".

In 1971, performs a number of parties in the Bolshoi Theater, and in 1975 it becomes the soloist of this theater. To move to the capital of the USSR, together with his family, Yuri Glyaev decided after the defeat of the review in the "Evening Kiev" on the opera stage of Evgeny Onegin, in which he participated. No less significant reason for the move was the son's illness: in Moscow, the boy promised full-fledged treatment and rehabilitation.

In Moscow, he did not manage to consolidate Yuri Glyaev. In the Bolshoi Theater, at that time a numerous troupe was gathered, in which the best performers were waiting for several years to exit the scene. The consecration singer was no exception. At this point, Yuri draws an eye on a pop song. Tours begin and records on the All-Union Radio, who made Yuri Glyaeva favorite of the whole country.

Opera arias, romances, folk songs, as well as pop hits were performed at his concerts. In the late 1960s, there is a cycle of songs dedicated to space. Yury Glyaeva, his magnificent voice and the repertoire performed by him knew and loved even in the most remote corners of our country. According to the power of talent and beauty, Yuri Glyaev's voice was often compared with Muslim Magomaev, which did not prevent the friendship of two singers.

Muslim Magomayev, Innokenty Smoktunovsky and Yuri Glyaev

The lyrical baritone singer was harmoniously combined with his appearance. Powerful, high growth, with courageous features of the face, with radiant, beautiful colors with eyes and a charming smile, he was a favorite of the public and was popular with women. Letters from the fans came to singer bags, his photos were replicated in Soviet magazines and newspapers. Each concert of Yuri Glyaeva ended with the works performed by "on bis" - songs "You know how he was the guy was" Alexandra Pakhmutova and "Romance", "Brigantine" Igor Shamo.

Successful, talented, he touches a lot around the country and abroad. Speakers in the countries of the socialist camp, in the USA, France, Canada, Belgium, Japan and Cuba. In 1964, his voice sounds on the stage of the Concert Hall "Olympia" in Paris. He applies to the audience to the public of the best theaters of the world, and the French call the singer "Young Shalyapin".

Yuri Glyaev with astronauts

In addition to the singer's career, he tries himself as an actor, filmography is filming two films. In 1961, Gulyaev appears in Ukrainian Rhapsodia, in 1969 - in the film "New Year's abduction". He also receives roles in a number of musical films.

Personal life

With the future wife, Yuri Alexandrovich meets in 1956. Larisa Mikhailovna was a journalist, editor and teacher. Got married young four years after the first acquaintance. Despite the crowds of the fans who loved the singer "to the tears" (according to Alexandra Pakhmutova), Yuri remained faithful to the spouse and was pleased with the underlying personal life.

Yuri Glyaev and his son and son

The son, whom Yuri named after Pope, was born in 1964. The boy was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, but his parents made a maximum effort to cure the child, and they managed it. Because of the difficulties in the upbringing of the firstborn, Yuri and Larisa did not dare to make more children. Yuri Glyaev Jr. subsequently became a candidate of philosophical sciences, taught at Moscow State University.

Yuri Glyaev and his son and son

Being a world-class singer, Yuri Glyaev was distinguished by a rare "masterness." In the hands of the artist, everything was arguing: he reinforced the players, loved to carpent, disassembled in the car device, drove the car. Yuri Glyaev was an expert on a chess game, he often sat down for the piano, fulfilling the plays of his own essay. From the literature preferred the works of Anton Chekhov and Sergey Yesenin.


In the late 70s, Yuri starts health problems. Contrary to the problem, which attributed to the artist's abuse of alcohol, his condition undermined a dense touring schedule, son's disease and the lack of a full-fledged implementation on the opera scene. After inflammation of the lungs, he ill is bronchial asthma. The rest of the life of Glyaev is more in hospitals than at home.

Yuri Glyaev

The biography of the star broke too early. The singer was not April 23, 1986. The cause of death is a heart attack, which happened to him in the car, when she stood at the garage. In the last minutes of life, the singer thought that a asthmatic attack began, and even pulled out an inhaler to carry out the usual procedure, but it turned out that he could not stand the heart. Death came instantly. Yury Glyaeva's grave is located on the Vagankov cemetery in Moscow.

Grave Yury Glyaev

After the missing death of the singer, his official studio opera records remained. Discography Glyaeva, printed materials, the interview of the Master of Cruppers collected his widow and son with the participation of sponsors and the Foundation of the Russian classics of his name. The artist is dedicated to the documentary "An unfinished song. Yuri Glyaev. "


  • 1967 - "Yuri Glyaev sings Alexandra Pakhmutova songs"
  • 1970-1971 - "Constellation of Gagarin"
  • 1990 - Double Giant Gramplasty "Wish you" Yuri Glyaev
  • 1994 - "He loved you"
  • 1995 - "Eh, Nastasya"
  • 1995 - "Romance S. V. Rakhmaninova, M. I. Glinka"
  • 1995 - "Aria from Opero"
  • 1995 - "Our Military Youth"
  • 1996 - "Romance P. I. Tchaikovsky, A. P. Borodina, A. S. Dargomyzhsky, A. G. Rubinstein, A. N. Rimsky-Korsakov"
  • 1996 - "I am awake on the sky"
  • 1996 - "I wish you"
  • 2005 - "Yuri Glyaev. Favorites. To the 75th anniversary of birth

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