Tikhon Khrennikov - biography, photo, personal life, songs, death



Tikhon Khrennikov - Soviet composer, musician, teacher, laureate of the set of orders, head of the composer union from 1948 to 1991. The author of music for movies "Pinag and Shepherd", "Hussar ballad", "At six o'clock in the evening after the war."

Childhood and youth

Tikhon Nikolayevich Khrennikov Rod from the city of Elts Orlovskaya province, where he was born on June 10, 1913. The boy became a tenth child in the family of Nikolai Nikolayevich, merchant clerk, and housewives Barbara Vasilyevna.

Tikhon Khrennikov in youth

All savings parents invested in their children, in particular in their education. Special attention was paid to the music: all family members were musitis, Tikhon skillfully played the guitar, sang in the school chore, and at 9 years old learned to play the piano.

At the age of 13, a gifted teenager composed the first etude, and then moved to the plays, wals and marches. A year later, Tikhon was awarded consultation by Mikhail Gnesin. Maestro recommended the boy to graduate from school and after that start studying music in the capital. Already then a circle of favorite composers of Tikhon was formed. They became Johann Sebastian Bach, Peter Tchaikovsky and Contemporary Khrennikov - Sergey Prokofiev.

Musician and composer Tikhon Khrennikov

Khrennikov won the Council and in 1929 he entered the technical school, where he was engaged in the class of piano from E. Gelman, and in the class of composition - M. F. Gnesin. After graduating from Gnesinka, the talented musician was adopted on the second course of the Conservatory, where he studied at Vissarion Shebalina and Heinrich Nigauz until 1936. As a student, began labor activities in the walls of the Moscow Children's Theater, who led Natalia Sats.

By the time of completion of study, Tikhon Krrennikov presented to the courts to the courts first symphony. The work became popular in the territory of the Soviet Union, later it was included in the repertoire of American conductors of Leopold of Ukraine and Yujina Ormandi.

Composer Tikhon Khrennikov at work

Symphony and became the graduation work of the musician. An interesting facts of the biography of Khrennikov refers to the case that happened to the final exams. The only exam driver who has already been popular at that time the composer mark "Good," became Sergey Prokofiev, Chairman of the Commission. Since the originally Tikhon Khrennikov hoped on a red diploma, then Blue he just did not go. After a time, the Scientific Council of the Conservatory has changed the decision of the commission and issued a graduate with honors.


Starting from the mid-30s of Khrennikov - the most popular composer of the Soviet Union. He wrote music, taught and concerted, was known in his homeland and abroad.

Tikhon Khrennikov in the film

The first years of the creative activity of Krrennikov was marked by the appearance of a concert for piano with the orchestra, music to the Wakhtangov spectrum "Many Noise of Nothing", Sonatas for Violin and Cello, Pieces for Piano. Romances appear on the verses of Alexander Pushkin and verse Sergey Yesenin "Birch".

The first major stage work in the works of Tikhon Khrennikov became the opera "in the storm", which saw the light in 1939. It is notable for the fact that for the first time on the opera scene, the figure of the leader of the world proletariat of Vladimir Lenin appeared.

In wartime, Tikhon Krrennikov pays attention to creating songs, among which the "song about the Moscow Girl" is listed, "Song about friendship" to the poems of Agnia Barto, "Serenada", "Farewell", "New Year's Song". At the same time, the second symphony appears, which originally conceived as a hymn youth, but the war made adjustments. For the first time, the modified symphony was performed on the All-Union Radio in 1944 performed by the Big Orchestra under the control of Nikolai Golovanov.

Creativity Tikhon Hrennikova is an eloquent expression of the processes occurring in the country, souls and the fate of its citizens. Solving fate, which is under the auspices of Joseph Stalin, the composer retained the faith in the bright future, the leaders promised to the Soviet people. His music is impregnated with light optimism, it is like the culmination of the hopes of ordinary people.

At the same time, the long years of the life of Hrennikov were associated with his activities as the head of the Union of Composers. He was present on a lot of meetings, where members of the Politburo and Comrade Stalin himself peaked out the fate of ordinary mortals, and Tikhon Khrennikov "knocked out" Stalin's awards for musicians and composers.

Many accuse Tikhon Nikolayevich in the amendment Stalinist regime, in attacks on their own associates and teachers: Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Khachaturian. Composers-avant-gardeists were then the persecution, which did not fit into the concept of "bright future communism".

In a number of interviews, Tikhon Khrennikov refutes the fact of the idealization of Stalin, but not a communist ideology. He sincerely believed that Soviet art saves "low blood", and won the musicians who came into disfavor in the eyes of the leader and governments. But the composer himself became the subject of attacks of colleagues. Paskili satirical content was created on it, and the authors often became those whom Tikhon Khrennikov had previously defended.

In the Arsenal Tikhon Nikolayevich many awards and titles, including three Stalinist premiums, two - state and one - Leninsky, as well as the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR and the USSR, dozens of other honorary titles and medals.

Composer and musician Tikhon Khrennikov

Khrennikov wrote music to thirty movies. Among the popular movies, in which the works of Tikhon Khrennikov are sounded, the "Pinwork and the Shepherd", "at six o'clock in the evening after the war," "the train goes to the east." The music of the composer was used in the famous Comedy of Eldar Ryazanov "Hussarskaya Ballad" with Larisa Bulisk and Yuri Yakovlev in high roles. Overture was popular for Duenäya film.

In the 70s, the composer produces a number of ballets. This is the works of "love for love", "Hussarskaya Ballad", created on the already known musical material.

The composer did not leave the last day. In 2000, Tikhon Khrennikov recorded a number of songs, Pieces for Piano, Waltz "Tatianin Day" for the Symphony Orchestra. Among the latest works are music for the adventure militant "two comrades" and the series "Moscow windows".

Personal life

The personal life of the composer proceeded almost as smoothly as his creative career. Tikhon Khrennikov remained faithful to the only wife of Clara Arnoldna Vaks, with which she lived 67 years old, although he was always surrounded by lovers of fans. Clara worked as a journalist at the propaganda of the society of composers. At the time of dating with Tikhon, she was married, besides, he was older than the future spouse for 4 years. For a long time, the girl did not agree to a divorce with the previous husband, but the composer did not give up.

Creating music to the performance of Shakespeare's play, the romance "like Nightingale about Rose" Tikhon dedicated to the future spouse. Listening to the work, Clara remained unhappy, and the beloved almost quarreled. On the same evening, Khrennikov rewrote the play again so that she got a masterpiece.

To check the feelings of your beloved, Tikhon Khrennikov, together with friends, Vasily Solovyov-gray and Ivan Dzerzhinsky played the scene in front of Clara's cottage and her former her husband Boris. Comrades Tikhon put in the back seat of the car and rushed into a house with shouts that the composer dies. The girl ran out on the street with the words "Tishhenka, Favorite", not paying attention to her husband and mother-in-law.

Tikhon Krarennikov with wife Clara Arnoldovna

After the wedding in 1940, the young daughter Natalia was born. Later, the girl received an art education, got a job in the Chamber Theater Boris Pokrovsky, married Igor Kocareva. The son was born the son Andrei, who graduated later than MGIMO.

The grandson of Tikhon Khrennikov became the creator of the foundation of his name. Andrei Kokarev released the anthology of the works of Tikhon Khrennikov, as well as rare records with songs in the execution of the composer. Among the works of Andrei is a book about the life of the grandfather, where rare family photos of the krarennikov fell.

Tikhon Khrennikov with her daughter

Four children were born in the family of Andrei - Senior Victoria and Tikhon, younger Arina and Artem. Tikhon became a successor of musical traditions laid down his great-grandfather. The young man mastered the composer skill. He graduated from 2012 to the Moscow Conservatory with honors, becoming the best graduate of the year. In memory of the great-grandfather, Tikhon wrote a play for the cello "not forever".


Tikhon Nikolayevich died in Moscow in 2007, after a short sickness. The funeral was held in Native Yel, the grave is in the courtyard of the house where his parents lived.

Grave and monument to Tikhon Khrennikov in Yelets

A year later, a monument was established in the hometown of the composer.


  • 1933 - for piano with orchestra number 1
  • 1935 - Symphony number 1
  • 1939 - Opera "in the storm"
  • 1944 - Symphony number 2
  • 1954 - Songs "Boat", "We will tell you", "that so the heart is razoring", "Song of faithful friends" (all on Sl. M. L. Matusovsky)
  • 1957 - Mother Opera
  • 1959 - for violin with orchestra number 1
  • 1960 - Moscow windows (Sl. M. L. Matusovsky)
  • 1964 - for cello with orchestra number 1
  • 1974 - Symphony number 3
  • 1976 - Ballet "Love for Love"
  • 1983 - Opera "Dorothea"
  • 1988 - Opera "Naked King"
  • 1999 - "Captain's Daughter"

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