Rasul Gamzatov - biography, photo, personal life, poems



Rasul Ghamzatovich Gamzatov - the poet of Avar origin, publicist, translator, politician, Kavaler of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei First-Called.

Rasul Gamzatov appeared on September 8, 1923. The future poet was born in one of the Ayov Hongzakh district of Dagestan. Rasul wrote his first verses at an early age when he first saw the plane in his village of the Tsada. The boy overwhelmed emotions, and he decided to reflect them on paper.

Rasul Gamzatov in youth

The first teacher Rasul was his father Gamzat Tsadas, who was the popular poet Dagestan. He told the son of the story, fairy tales, read his poems, encouraged the imagination and a living mind of the Son. In the house where the Gamzatov family lived, the Hamzat Tsadasa Museum is now located. In honor of him, the school was also named, in which his sons and other children of the village walked.

The first poems that were published in local newspapers, Rasul signed the name of Gamzat Tsadasa. The young man came up with his own pseudonym when I realized that his work affects the authority of the Father. So the poet became Rasul Gamzatov.

Rasul Gamzatov with Father

The first edition, which placed the composition of Hamzatov, was the newspaper "Bolshevik Mountains". At that time, the young poet was a schoolboy. He continued to write and princes, being a student. Rasul received pedagogical education. At the beginning of the forties of the last century, Gamzatov worked as a teacher in a small school, which now bears his father's name.

In 1943, the first collection of poems Gamzatov came out. The book contained a large number of essays on the military theme in which Rasul admired the heroism of Soviet soldiers. During the Great Patriotic War, both older brothers Gamzatov died, this affected the attitude of a young man to armed conflicts.

Rasul Gamzatov

Having worked for several years at school, Rasul went to Moscow to enter the literary institute in 1945. At that time, there were already several published books in the Gamzatov personal fund. At the Institute of Avars accepted. Gamzatov discovered a new world of Russian poetry, which was strongly reflected in his subsequent work. In 1947, the poems of Gamzatov were first published in Russian, and in three years later the poet graduated from a literary institute.

The work of this Dagestan publicist has long been on the quotes, but Gamzat never wrote in Russian. His poems and stories were translated by different authors, which the poet responded very well.

Rasul Gamzatov

Many of the poems of Gamzatov were laid on music. Song collections based on his writings were repeatedly published by the company "Melody". Popular composers cooperated with the poet, including Raymond Pauls, Jan Frenkel, Dmitry Kabalevsky, Alexander Pakhmutova, Yuri Antonov. Songs on his poems sounded from the mouth of Joseph Kobzon and Muslim Magomayev, Sofia Rotaru and Anna Herman, Vakhtanga Kikabidze and Mark Bernes.

Rasul Gamzatov for more than 50 years was the head of the writer organization of Dagestan. He was also a member of the editorial board of several well-known Soviet literary journals. For a long time Gamzatov translated into the native language of the work of Pushkin, Nekrasov, Blok, Lermontov, Yesenin and other Russian classics.

Personal life

The first love Rasul Gamzatov turned out to be tragic. His beloved was an artist, she left her life early, leaving behind herself a few paintings and a broken heart of the poet. Gamzatov dedicated to this woman to the poem.

The personal life of the publicist did not end. In his native village, a Patimat girl lived, behind which Rasul often looked after childhood. When a neighbor has grown, Gamzatov was fascinated by her beauty. The poet married a girl who was henger than his eight years, and lived with her all his life. The spouse died three years before the publicist.

Rasul Gamzatov with his wife

In 1956, the pair had a daughter of a snare, after three years - Patimat, and in 1965 - Daughter Salikhat. In the same year, in which the younger daughter appeared Rasul Gamzatovich, he left his mother. Handula Gaidarbecagadzhievna died at the age of 77.

Rasul Gamzatov with family

The poet's wife worked all his life by art historian, one of the Dagestan museums of the visual arts is now her name. The poet has four granddaughters. One of the heiress Rasul Gamzatova Tavus Mahachev became a very famous artist in Dagestan.


In 2000, the spouse of Rasul Gamzatov died, with whom he lived more than half a century. After the death of his wife, the health of the poet has deteriorated greatly. Rasul Gamzatovich had Parkinson's disease, but he did not lose optimism, hoped for positive results of treatment.

Rasul Gamzatov in recent years

In September 2003, the poet had to celebrate his eightieth anniversary, but postponed the celebration because of poor well-being. In October of the same year, a man fell into the hospital. The daughter of the poet visited him a day to death and believe that their father anticipated fast care. Publicist passed on November 3, 2003.

Grave Rasul Gamzatova

Gamzatov left a testament in which there was a place to appeal to the people of Dagestan. The poet asked compatriots to appreciate and love their homeland. Thousands of people came to say goodbye. His body of compatriots carried to the cemetery on the shoulders.

Gamzatov asked not to indicate the tombstones of life and surname. "Rasul" is the only word he asked to write in Russian on his grave stone. Buried the poet in Makhachkala, he was stubborn next to his wife.

Interesting Facts

  • In 1968, Mark Bernes performed the song "Cranes". Music to this composition was written by Jan Frenkel into Russian translation of poem Rasul Gamzatov.
  • The poet at the time of the composition of the "cranes" was inspired by the history of Japanese Sadaka Sasaco. The girl fell ill leukemia due to the consequences of Hiroshima bombing. Sadakov believed that if it would produce a thousand paper cranes, it would be able to cure from his illness. The girl did not have time to finish the job and died. Rasul penetrated the idea of ​​the rejection of all wars and the statue of Sadako in Japan wrote poems that became the basis of the song "Cranes".
  • Rasul Gamzatovich hoped that a boy would appear in his family. He planned to call the son of Haji Murat in honor of the hero of the poem of Lion Tolstoy or Shamil. After the birth of the third daughter, the spouses left attempts to produce the heir. Daughters Gamzatova also did not give birth to sons and believe that there is a secret meaning in this.
Rasul Gamzatov with granddaughters
  • Rasul Gamzatovich did not hide his nationality. He was proud to be a native of a small aul in Dagestan. The poet had a house in Makhachkala and a large apartment in Moscow, but the poet did not want to transport the family to the capital of the USSR.
  • The middle daughter of the poet Patimat was named after his cousin, and not his wife Rasul. Gamzatov's niece early left life, she was a daughter of his brother who died in war.
  • The poet was endowed with a sparkling sense of humor. Rasul Gamzatovich smiles at almost every preserved photo. According to daughters, his jokes were always kind and funny.
Rasul Gamzatov
  • Rasul Gamzatovich was repeatedly elected as a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Dagestan ASSR, he was also a deputy and a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
  • A nine months after the death of the poet, his grandchildren was born a son. The boy called Rasul. A few months before his birth, one of the friends Gamzatov had a dream that the poet came to life.


After the death of Rasul Gamzatov, films about his life and work began to appear. At various times, six documentary paintings telling about the fate of the poet. In 2014, the artistic and documentary film about Rasul Gamzatov, who was called "My Dagestan. Confession".

Rasul Gamzatov

The name of the poet is worn: asteroid, dry cargo ship, Tu-154m aircraft, border guard ship, futsal tournament, Gunibskaya HPP, All-Russian volleyball tournament, eight schools and two libraries.

In Dagestan since 1986, in honor of Gamzatov, the "White Cranes" holiday is held.

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