Valery Nostec - biography, personal life, photos, movies and cause of death



Nosena Valery Benediktovich was born in Moscow on October 9, 1940. His father, Benedict is a skew, was a Pole, who moved to Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century. There he changed not too familiar to the local residents of the surname of the wear on a more harmonious, although funny. While staying in Ukraine, Benedict Nostess took Alexander Subbotin, Kashirskaya Meshchanka.

Valery Nostelo in youth

Valery became the eldest son in the nose family. In 1948, he had a junior brother Vladimir Nosk, who later became an actor. What is noteworthy, the parents of the two glorified artists for cinema, as well as to the theater, did not have any relationship. Father worked as a servant, and the mother is an accountant. Nevertheless, from the fourth grade Valery Nostess, on his own initiative, began to go to the studio of DK ZIL, developing his acting talent under the leadership of Sergey Stein.

Valery Nostelo in youth

After graduation, the young actor did not have any doubts about where he did: he wanted to continue his studies in Vgika. From the first time, it was not possible to enter one of the most prestigious Russian cinematic institutions, and Valery got a job on the plant. Likhacheva Fixer Factory. But he intended to give up his dreams: a year later, he again tried to enter VGIK, and this time successfully. The future famous artist was held in Mikhail Romma's workshop.


Vgik Valery Nostek graduated in 1963, but he began to work in the specialty before. During his studies, the actor starred in the cinema and performed on the stage of the capital Tyuza. The spout filmmaker was a small role of a character named the nose in the painting "knock on any door", released on the screens in 1958.

In the youth, Valery Benediktovich was constantly busy: at the university, at rehearsals, filming, concerts. Nevertheless, the actor was happy to plunge his head in his favorite profession and was not tired of such a rhythm of life.

Valery Nose

It looks cute and simple (it is difficult to find a photo where the actor does not smile), Valery Nostek most often played acute characteristic comedian characters. His open face and not too much growth was in this excellent help. At the same time, sometimes it turned out that Valery, who played a small, but bright role, was remembered to the audience much better than the actors who got key roles.

Valery Nose

Most often, the nose characters were strange, funny, sometimes not too distant or, on the contrary, are too smart. Whatever the role of Valery Benediktovich, it was possible not to doubt that he would put the whole soul into her and one only the film would be able to "pull out".

However, the actor was often lucky to participate in the film projects, which later became the classics of domestic cinema: it is "big change" (where the nose shine in the role of goalkeeper, faint Otto Fukina), and "You - I, I - You" (where the actor fulfilled the role Poacher Grisha), and the fairy tale "Tsarevich Prosha" (in this film Valeria got the character of the wizard Oh), and many others.

Valery Nostec - biography, personal life, photos, movies and cause of death 18010_5

Although comedy roles were unambiguously the "chip" of the nose, he was not at all deprived of dramatic acting talent. Directors were less likely to be so sorrible to see a deep drama in the eternal comic comic, and therefore the artist's filmography contains significantly less such projects. But still, for example, he managed to film the "horizon". The film tells about 12 graduates who came to virgin and in rather difficult conditions were forced to grow up and part with children's illusions. Were in his career and other serious films.

In total, during the years of his life, Valery Nostek starred in more than one hundred movies, and mostly in small, although characteristic, memorable roles.

Work in the theater

In 1965, the actor left the Tyus to the Moscow Theater. Pushkin, where he worked until 1972. In 1970, the Small Theater was headed by a talented director Boris Ravensky, who invited like-minded people from the Moscow Theater to him. Pushkin. He called and the spout, whom he considered a gifted actor. Folding for some time, Valery Benediktovich took an invitation.

Valery Nostek in the play

In the theater, the actor also played a large number of roles. He participated in such productions as: "Konk-Gorboon", "Conversations with a clear moon", "TRAINING SKAPEN", "Eleventh Commandment", "Reaching and others", "Marrying Balzaminov", "Cherry Garden", "Not All Maslenitsa cat, etc.

Valery Nostek in the play

At the same time, the acting troupe was for him as the second family: Valery Nostek was always ready to help his colleagues, worried about everyone, tried to have a lot of time. For the kindness and inner light, the actor was often called "Sun".

Personal life

The famous Soviet and Russian actress Lia Ahacedzhakov, with which Valery Nostek met even at work in the Tyuze became the first wife of the actor. However, for a long time, this family did not exist: Valery and Leah divorced, without developing common children.

Leia Ahacedzhakova and Valery Noste

Some believe that the divorce may have happened precisely because of the fact that children were not born in marriage. However, the former spouses retained warm friendly relations, and the spout itself was always flattering about the talent of Lii Ahacedzhakova.

Valery Nostec with wife Maria

In 1970, the actor starred in the film "Hurry to build a house", and the actress Maria Sternikova attracted his attention there. Shortly after filming, beloved got married, and in 1971 they had a son Alexander Nostek, who later also chose acting careers.

Valery Nostess with son Alexander and brother

Unfortunately, the second wife also did not become for Valery Benedictovich love for life: after nine years, the spouses divorced.


He died on January 4, 1995, the cause of death is a heart attack. On this day, Valery Benediktovich did not go to work, and when closest worried and went home to him, then a scenario was found next to the hopeless body of the actor, which, apparently, learned shortly before death.

Valery Nose

The death of the artist in a fairly early 54th age has become a shock for his relatives. The nose was relatively healthy, practically did not drink alcohol, but, according to his son, "worked as a cautious."

The Belfred Body Valera discovered his brother when he was called from the theater and asked to check if everything was in order with him. The death of the actor was reported only by a small note in the newspaper.


  • 1961 - horizon
  • 1965 - Strayakuha
  • 1965 - Operation "s" and other adventures of Shurik
  • 1965 - Masters City
  • 1966 - Tale of Tsar Saltan
  • 1969 - Crime and Punishment
  • 1972 - Ruslan and Lyudmila
  • 1973 - big change
  • 1974 - Aniskin and Phantom
  • 1976 - You - I, I - You!
  • 1990 - Enchanted Wanderer
  • 1991 - ... on the nicknamed "Beast"
  • 1993 - Anomaly
  • 1993 - Pistol with silencer
  • 1993 - Dnah
  • 1993 - American grandfather
  • 1993 - Ferry "Anna Karenina"
  • 1993 - Shish on Kokui!
  • 1994 - Magician of the Emerald City
  • 1994 - Russian Miracle
  • 1994 - Master and Margarita
  • 1994 - Russian account
  • 1994 - Return "Bremen All
  • 1995 - Boulevard Roman
  • 1995 - at the corner, in the patriarch

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