Frederick Chopin - biography, photo, creativity, personal life and works



Frederick Francois Chopin - the Great Composer-Romantic, founder of the Polish pianistic school. In all her life, he did not create a single work for the symphony orchestra, but its compositions for piano are unsurpassed peak of world pianistic art.

A future musician was born in 1810 in the family of the Polish teacher and Gutener Nicolas Chopin and the tech of Justin Ksizhinovskaya, the nobility by origin. In the town of Zheryovzov, that under Warsaw, the surname of Chopin was considered a respected intelligent family.

Parents raised their children in love for music, poetry. The mother was a good pianist and singer, she spoke perfectly in French. In addition to the little Frederick in the family, three more daughters were brought up, but only the boy showed truly great abilities to the piano.

Frederic Chopin

Having a big mental sensitivity, the little Frederick could sit for hours from the tool, picking up or learning the works like. Already in early childhood, he hit the surrounding his musical abilities and love for music. The boy began to speak with the concerts in almost 5 years, and at the age of 7 years already entered the class for the famous Polish pianist of that time to Wojcuchi lively. After five years, Frederick turned into a real pianist-virtuoso, which, according to technical and musical skills, was not inferior to adults.

In parallel with the classes on the game on the piano, Frederick Chopin began to take the lessons of the composition from the Musician of Joseph Elsner known in Warsaw. In addition to the education, the young man travels through Europe, visiting the Opera Prague Theaters, Dresden, Berlin.

Frederick Chopin in youth

Thanks to the Prince of Prince Anton Radziwille, a young musician became a senior society. Visited the talented young man and in Russia. His game was marked by Emperor Alexander I. As a award, the young performer was given a diamond ring.


Having gained impressions and first composer experience, in 19 years old Chopin begins his piano career. Concerts that the musician spends in Native Warsaw and Krakow, bring him great popularity. But the first European tour, which Frederick undertook a year later, turned out for the musician by parting from homeland.

While in Germany with speeches, Chopin learns about the suppression of the Polish uprising in Warsaw, one of whose supporters he was. After such news, the young musician was forced to stay abroad in Paris. In memory of this event, the composer wrote the first Opus etudes, whose pearl was the famous revolutionary etude.

Frederick Chopin for Piano

In France, Frederick Chopin basically performed in the houses of his patrons and high-ranking friends. At this time, he composes his first piano concerts, which successfully performed on the scenes of Vienna and Paris.

An interesting fact of the biography of Chopin is his meeting in Leipzig with a German composer-romantic Robert Shuman. After listening to the performance of the young Polish pianist and the composer, the German exclaimed: "Gentlemen, remove the hats, this is a genius." In addition to the Shuman, his Hungarian Ferenic Ferrenc Ferrenic Fans Fans Fang. He admired the work of the Polish musician and even wrote a large research work on the life and work of his idol.

Flowering creativity

The thirties of the XIX century become the heyday of the composer's creativity. Under the impression of the poetry of the Polish writer Adam Mitskevich, Frederic Chopin creates four ballads dedicated to their native Poland and experiences about her fate.

The melodism of these works is filled with elements of Polish folklore songs, dances and recitative remarks. These are peculiar lyric tragic paintings from the life of the People's People, refracted through the prism of the author's experiences. In addition to the ballads at this time, 4 scherzo, waltza, mazurki, polona and nocturons appear at this time.

If the waltz in the works of Chopin becomes the most autobiographical genre, closely connected with the events of his personal life, then Mazuriki and polonesa can rightfully be called a piggy bank of national images. Mazurks are presented in the work of Chopin not only by famous lyrical works, but also aristocratic or, on the contrary, folk dances.

The composer, in accordance with the concept of romanticism, which appeals primarily to the national identity of the people, uses the sound and intonation characteristic of Polish folk music and intonation to create its musical compositions. This is the famous Bourdon, imitating the sounds of folklore tools, this is the sharp syncope, which is skillfully combined with the inherent Polish music dashed rhythm.

A new one opens Frederick Chopin and a genre of nocturne. If the name of the Nocturne first corresponded to the translation of the "Night Song", then in the work of the Polish composer, this genre turns into a lyrical dramatic sketch. And if the first opuses of its nocturns sound like a lyrical description of nature, the last works are increasingly deepening in the sphere of tragic experiences.

One of the tops of the mature wizard is considered its cycle, consisting of 24 preludes. He was written in the fracture for Frederick years of the first love and breaking relationship with the beloved. The choice of the genre affected the captivation of Chopin at this time creativity I. S. Baha.

Studying the immortal cycle of Prelude and Fugue of the German Master, the young Polish composer conceived to write a similar essay. But romance has such works received personal coloring of the sound. Prelude Chopin is primarily small, but deep sketches of the internal experiences of a person. They are written in the manner of the musical diary popular in those years.


The fame of Chopin is due not only to its composer and concert activities. A talented Polish musician manifested itself as a brilliant teacher. Frederick Chopin is the creator of a unique pianoset technique, which helped many pianists to gain real professionalism.

Adolf Gutman

In addition to talented disciples, Chopin has studied a lot of guns from aristocratic circles. But truly of all the wards of the composer became famous for Adolf Gutman, who later became a pianist and a music editor.

Portraits of Chopin

Among the friends of Chopin, it was possible to meet not only musicians and composers. He was interested in the work of writers, romantics artists, fashionable at that time of novice photographers. Thanks to the versatile ties of Chopin, many portraits written by different masters remained, the most famous of which is the work of Ezhen Delacroix.

Portrait of Chopin Ezhen Delacroix

Written in an unusual romantic manner, a portrait of a composer is stored now at the Museum of the Louvre. At the moment, photos of the Polish musician are also known. Historians have at least three Dougurotype, on which Frederick Chopin is captured by research.

Personal life

Frederick Chopin's personal life was tragic. Despite its sensitivity and tenderness, the composer really did not experience feelings of full-fledged happiness from family life. Frederick's first chosen was his compatriot, young Maria Vodzinskaya.

After the engagement of young people, the bride's parents put forward a wedding demand no earlier than in a year. During this time, they hoped to learn the composer better and make sure of its financial consistency. But Frederick did not justify their hopes, and the engagement was terminated.

The moment of parting with his beloved musician worried very sharply. This affected the music written by him that year. In particular, at this time, the famous second sonata appears from under his pen, the slow part of which was called "mour march".

After a year later, he was fascinated by the emancipated special, which the whole Paris knew. Baroness called Aurora Dudevan. She was a fan of the emerging feminism. Aurora, not embarrassed, wore a male costume, she was not married, but he fond of free relationships. Possessing the sophisticated mind, the young lady was engaged in writing and led the novels under the pseudonym Georges Sand.

Frederick Chopin and Georges Sand

The history of the love of 27-year-old Chopin and 33-year-old Aurora developed rapidly, but the couple did not advertise his relationship for a long time. Nor on one of his portraits Frederick Chopin is not captured with his women. The only picture on which the composer was depicted and George Sand was depicted, after his death was discovered on the broken half.

A lot of time, lovers spent in private ownership of Aurora Dudevan in Mallorca, where Chopin had a disease, which later led to sustainable death. Wet island climate, intense relationships with beloved and their frequent quarrels provoked tuberculosis from the musician.

Georges Sand.

Many familiar observed for an unusual pair noted that the volitional countess had a special influence on the weak-speaking Frederick. Nevertheless, it did not prevent him from creating his immortal piano works.


Health Chopin, which worsened every year, was finally undermined by a gap from his beloved George Sand in 1847. After that, the event broken morally and physically, the pianist begins its last tour of the UK, in which he went along with his student Jane Stirling. Returning to Paris, he again gave concerts, but soon there was no one and no longer got up.

Close people who were near the composer all the last days were his favorite younger sister Ludwick and French friends. Frederick Chopin died in mid-October 1849. The reason for his death has become complicated pulmonary tuberculosis.

Schopen's grave

According to the testament of the composer, his heart was taken out of the chest and taken to their homeland, and the body was buried in the grave in the French cemetery. The cup with the heart of the composer and today is closed in one of the Catholic churches of the Polish capital.

The Poles are so loved chopin and are proud of them that they rightly consider his creativity by the national heritage. In honor of the composer, many museums are open, in every city there are monuments to the Grand Musician. Frederick's posthumous mask and the cast from his hands can be seen in the chopin museum in the Znilavaya Will.

Chopin Airport

In memory of the composer, many music educational institutions are named, including the Warsaw Conservatory. Chopin's name since 2001 wears the Polish airport, which is located on the territory of Warsaw. Interestingly, one of the terminals is called "etudes" in memory of the immortal creation of the composer.

The name of the Polish genius is so popular among the connoisseurs of music and ordinary listeners, that some modern musical groups use it and create lyrical compositions, stylistically resembling the works of Chopin, and attributed to them on authorship. So in free access you can find musical plays called "Autumn Waltz", "Waltz Rain", "Garden of Eden", the real authors of which are the SECRET Garden group and composers Paul de Senneville and Oliver Tusken.


  • Concerts for piano with orchestra - (1829-1830)
  • Mazurki - (1830-1849)
  • Polona - (1829-1846)
  • Nocturins - (1829-1846)
  • Waltza - (1831-1847)
  • Sonata - (1828-1844)
  • Preludes - (1836-1841)
  • Etudes - (1828-1839)
  • Scherzo - (1831-1842)
  • Ballads - (1831-1842)

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