Maryla Rodovich - biography, photos, songs, personal life and last news 2021



Maryla Rodovich was born in the city of Zelen-Gora on December 8, 1945. The family of the Father's Future famous singer took place from Vilna, where Rodovichi owned their own pharmacy "under the swan".

In the green-guru, Maryli's parents moved at the end of World War II, and it was there that they were born a daughter. Although the nationality of the artist is predominantly Polish, she has other roots: her grandmother lived in Belarus, and his father was born in Ivano-Frankivsk.

Maryla Rovovich in youth

It is worth noting that the head of the family of Rodovichy in those days was considered a representative of the local elite: he was the director of the first lyceum in Poland, as well as the president of the city. Unfortunately, in Soviet times, no one was insured against the persecution, and in 1948 he, for some reason the reasons fell into disfavor to communist power, was in prison. The conclusion of Father Maryli Rovovich lasts until 1956.

The main part of childhood was spent in a green-gur, and the senior school classes she finished already in Wloclawek. Having received secondary education, she unsuccessfully tried to become a student of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, after did not manage to enter the veterinary department of one of the Warsaw Universities, and then, deciding not to wait for a whole year for a re-attempt, successfully entered the Academy of Physical Education.

Maryla Rodovich on stage

Education profile may not really play a big role for Rodovich, because then there was a future successful singer in it. The girl played perfectly on the guitar and sang, became a vocalist of the student ensemble "Sheitani", and also won the student-song competition in Krakow.

Creative career

It is believed that its ascent to the creative Olympus Maryla Rodovich began in the 1960s, although she was fond of music since childhood. At the same time, the peak of the popularity of the performer throughout the USSR fell in 1970-1980. Charismatic blonde with long hair playing on the guitar and performing beautiful songs with a strong voice brought the public to delight. Almost every song performed by Maryli became incredibly popular.

It was during this period that it was recorded, for example, one of the most sought-after artist compositions - "Multicolored Fates", subsequently presented by Rodovich Valery Leontyev. She also repeatedly performed the "fairs" with other performers, for example, the event that the audience was remembered when she was Alexander Malinin.

Interesting of all the singer presented this song in 1977 in Sopot. She went to the scene in a clownish suit with a parrot on her shoulder, and even with a drum. As Maryla is admitted now, such an outstanding image was a big risk: guarantees that people will take a grotesque image, there was no one. But as a result, the room was adopted on the "Hurray" and became one of the key in her career.

The execution of Rodovich songs Vladimir Vysotsky "Horse People" in 1987 is widely known. Also, listeners liked it, which harmonious musical pair was with Maryley, Joe Dasssen.

He was one of the few foreign performers, whose listening to the USSR was not considered to be acknowledged. How untimely spent the Polish singer Anna Herman Maryla Rovich became a real icon of the national pop.

In total, over the years of his career, the singer performed over two thousand songs, mainly in the genres of Pop and Folk Rock. Its discography consists of 20 plates with compositions executed in Polish, and also includes one album in Russian, English, German and Czech languages. In total, Plate Maryli was sold by a circulation of about 15 million, of which two thirds in the Soviet Union and Russia.

Maryla Rodovich now

Now Rovovich, despite his old age, continues to work hard. Unfortunately, the singer does not often happen in Russia: for the last time she came to the fraternal country in 2004. Then Maryl participated in the concert of the popular series "Retro FM Legends", where lively performed many of their hits, which used stunning popularity in the 1980s.

A peculiar gift of Russian-speaking listeners can also be called the performance of the Song of the Song "Wedge of the Zhuravlin", the company in which Rovovich was Vitas.

Although Maryla appears in Russia, it appears, it is actively toured by other countries. So, the best songs in the excellent performance of the gifted singers heard in many cities in Europe, Australia, the United States and even Asia. Over the years of his career, Rovovich took part in the huge number of competitions and received an unimaginable number of honored awards and ranks.

Maryla Rodovich

In addition, she considers her duty to support young talented performers, therefore takes part in the organization of many Polish music festivals. Maryla has made efforts and in order to continue to be successfully held by the National Polish Song Festival, and to maintain and develop the Sopot Festival, and for the regular holding of the Krakow Festival of Student Song. Moreover: the singer took part in organizing similar events in Los Angeles, Tuls and Oklahoma.

Maryla Rodovich now

On the territory of Russia and the neighboring the peak of popularity of Maryli Rovovich long ago, although many of her hits still remember the representatives of the older generation. However, in Poland, the singer, as before, is extremely popular (some even conduct analogies between Rodovich and Alla Pugacheva).

In 2008, a survey was conducted in the country, according to the results of which the majority of Poles admitted to Maryl the best national singer of the twentieth century.

Personal life

The first beloved singers - actor Daniel Olbrykh, part-time friend of Vladimir Vysotsky. However, it was quite difficult to find joint photos, since these relations extended only a few years.

Maryla Rodovich and Daniel Olbrykh

At the same time, Daniel was officially married on the previous spouse, who refused to give him a divorce, and gradually from the passionate love of Olbrykh and Rodovich left nothing left.

The current husband of the performer is the Polish entrepreneur Andrei Dazhinsky. This family turned out to be much stronger. Children were born with Andrei and Maryli: the sons of Yang and Angeay, as well as the daughter of Katerina.

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