Terminator - Character Biography, Actors and Roles, Interesting Facts


Character History

The world cataclysm is the topic that famous directors have been mercilessly exploited for many years. But everyone wants to believe that, despite the global warming, the development of robotics and other ambiguous events, we are waiting for a happy finale. However, humanity has hope. After all, in Hollywood, they are confident that the terminator is a robot with the appearance of a person - will come from the future to save people.

History of creation

What is common between the Mendeleev table and the Terminator? Both creators saw their creation in a dream. James Cameron, not a famous director, hit the hospital after severe stress. The man was fired in the middle of the filming of Piranhas 2. Food poisoning has become the last straw.

Director James Cameron

In the hospital, a future legend had a nightmare, in which a terrible robot gets out of the fire. Waking up, Cameron drew a vision. So begins the biography of the terminator. In addition to nightmares, the books of famous fartors served to create a character:

"I can't write an authorship of the idea about intellectual machines challenging humanity. "I, Robot" Aizek Azimov and other similar stories were published in the middle of the last century and even earlier - in the late 1930s. "

The careless replica of Cameron in an interview was the cause of a loud lawsuit. Mentioned in a conversation with journalists, Fantasy Harlan Ellison accused the director in the plagiarism and demanded that his singer in the titles. Producers decided that a low-budget fighter is not worth the cost of lawyers. So two people were recognized by the creators of the film about the Terminator.

Writer Harlan Ellison

Writing the script took place at an accelerated pace, but even before the start of the shooting, some fragments had to be cut. According to the author, the liquid metal, from which the T-1000 is made (the terminator antagonist) is present in the first part of the franchise. In 1984, such special effects reproduce in the frame was impossible.

Cyborg T-1000

To reduce costs, the director had to postpone the action of the picture from the future to the present. This option saved the budget significantly. Big hollywood bosses also asked Cameron to reduce the number of ruthless moments in the picture.

Initially, two cyborg should be sent to the past. Franco Colombo was propheted to the role of the second villain. Finding the goal of robots should prosthesis visited in the bone. Allegedly, in childhood, Sarah Connor fell, and now she has a distinctive detail. Therefore, Cyborg №2 cuts the legs to victims to make sure the right choice. So bloody details did not suit the roller, so the scenes with Franco did not enter the final version.

Linda Hamilton in the role of Sary Connor

The main idea of ​​Cameron is a robot from the future carrying destruction, but does not stand out from the crowd. Arnold Schwarzenegger, approved by the film studio for the role, did not fit into the concept:

"I imagined something completely different: I saw someone who looked threateningly, but at the same time remained invisible in the crowd. However, Schwarzenegger is difficult not to notice, and his appearance in the film as the T-800 changed my original idea - I hope for the better. "

Despite all attempts to reduce the costs, the final scenes of the tape director had to be removed independently. Not enough money on operators, special effects and permission to shoot. Frames where the evil terminator breaks the windshield of the car, Cameron shot personally. Only director and Schwarzenegger attended the site.

Arnold Schwarzenegger as a terminator

Perhaps the appearance in the picture of bodybuilder and forced changes have caused unprecedented success. The inexpensive film grew into a commercially profitable franchise, which consists of 5 parts:

  • "Terminator" (1984)
  • "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (1991)
  • "Terminator 3: Rebells of Machines" (2003)
  • "Terminator: May Savior comes" (2009)
  • "Terminator: Genesis" (2015)

With each picture, a few-seater robot will acquire human qualities and is experiencing increasing sympathy for people. Over time, the former killer replaces the chief hero of the Father, which he deserves the sympathy of Sarah Connor (the role of Linda Hamilton):

"He will always be there. And he will die to defend him. Of all fathers, ever born on earth, this robot was the only worthy candidate for this place. In our insane world, it would be the most reasonable choice. "

The actors involved in the lead roles did not expect such a turn. Arnold Schwarzenegger, depicting a few destroyer in the frame, persuaded the director to make a couple of murders in the script. Cameron did not respond to the wishes of the artist. The soulless car has become a valiant hero.

Smile Terminator

The author and director of the Terminator left the project after the release of the second part of the franchise, but the development of the character did not change the directions. Producers considered that a kind robot causes an increased interest among the public.

The fifth of the cycle widerly revealed the hero on this side. The executor of the role of the aged cyborg is solidary in this matter with the creators of the painting:

"Our film is very good in your emotional component. Removing the plot in it and in advance, on watching I was still amazed and because I managed to do with the help of special effects (a transplanted face, my battle with myself), and, of course, the emotional force of this film. "

Plot "Terminator"

In the distant future there was a global catastrophe. The whole world is destroyed, and the remaining people fell under the oppression of the Skynet computer system. But the fierce resistance of the survivors to overcome the car. Anticipating the outcome of the war, Skynet sends a cyborg to the past, whose task is to destroy the chapter of the rebels. The terminator must be found and kill Sarah Connor. In this case, John Connor will appear on the light, and the cars will rule the planet.

Michael Bin as Kyle Riza

Following the dangerous cyborg in our time, Kyle Reese resides (the role of actor Michael Bean). The soldier was sent to the future to stop the terminator. Sarah works as a waitress in a roadside cafe and does not suspect which test is prepared.

The final of the first part of the franchise is ambiguous. The evil terminator is defeated, but the world is reappearing on the verge. The destroyed processor, which will find on the site of the death of the cyborg, will be the basis for creating the "Skynet" network.

Edward Furlong as John Connor

The continuation of a fantastic militant caused shock from fans. In the second part, the Terminator is back back into the past, but now the goal of the robot is to save John Connor (the role of actor Edward Farlong). Skaynet leaves no attempts to get rid of the main enemy and sends a new, improved model - T-1000 into the past. In response to the actions of the machines, the chapter resistance reprograms the terminator and sends the cyborg to save itself in the younger.

Terminator rides a motorcycle

The third part of the film is no longer striking the steep changes. For the operation of rescue adult John Connor, the Terminator arrives again. The old friend has undergone changes, but the main function is unchanged - save the leader of the resistance and, if possible, do not give the Skynet Messenger to destroy John's helpers.

In the fourth film, the screenwriters abandoned temporary jumps. The picture of the picture unfolds in the future, where the war of people with Skynetom unfolded in full force. The usual Schwarzenegger in the role of the Savior Robot in the picture did not turn out. John Connor, who only conquers respect for the militia, plans to destroy the "Skynet" core and get rid of the new, not yet released modification of robots. What, as usual, it is possible to hero.

The fifth of the picture again returns the viewer to Sara Connor. Only, unlike the first film, the heroine does not exploit the image of the "girl in trouble". Sarah has long been friends with the Terminator, whose calls Pap, and is waiting for the appearance of Kaila. Director of Painting Alan Taylor Shows Viewers Other Possible Scene Development:

"I spent a lot of time watching" Terminator 2: Judgment Day ", trying to understand what decisions James Cameron accepted and what effect he tried to achieve. I like how Cameron comes to the installation of his films. Therefore, it was important for me to remain inside his style, but at the same time tell my own story. "

Skynet did not manage to destroy John Connor and his father, so the computer makes the second attempt to kill Sarah Connor. But in the past, the terminator appears and saves the girl. Lefting orphans, a 9-year-old child falls under the custody of T-800. The robot prepares Sarah to the cataclysm and trying to prevent a disaster in every possible way.

There are rumors in Hollywood that the creation of Alan Taylor will receive a continuation. "Terminator 6" (the exact name is not yet known) will be released in August 2019.

Interesting Facts

  • Instead of money for the role of the terminator in the second part of the franchise, Arnold Schwarzenegger asked Gulfstream III plane.
  • In Terminator 2 ", the robot gives a promise to John Connor, which will not kill a single person, and fulfills an unusual promise.
  • Fans estimated that the corona phrase "I'll Be Back" cost a film studio about 42 thousand dollars. Artist's fee - 15 million, and his replica in Terminator 2 - only 700. The phrase itself occupied the 37th place in the ranking of the best film sighs according to the "American Film Institute".
  • In the original scenario, the Terminator needs food to maintain the body in the work form.
  • In the USSR, the picture became known as the "Cyborg Killer". So pirates transferred the original tape name.
  • In the fifth part of the movie the terminator aged. Such a move by the new director suggested James Cameron. The creators of the ribbon explained the external changes in the cyborg simply: the outer shell of the robot consists of a lively fabric, which over time fades.


"Hasta La Vista, Baby!" I need your clothes, shoes and a motorcycle. "I feel damage. These data can be called pain. "" Desires - they are your lot, I'm a car. "" To destroy yourself - part of human nature. "" Let's go with me if you want to live. "" In my programs laid the "Basics of Psychology".

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