Olga Makeeva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Nymph, royal special, magic, unearthly, Madonna Renaissance era. Such titles are awarded Olga Makeyev fans in social networks.

Olga Makeeva

The filmography of the actresses make up the series where it is a secondary heroine, and films in which frames with her participation are badly remembered. However, the movie made the image of the favorites of professional photographers holistic and alive. It seemed to materialized the contrast of light and shadows, from the carelessness and fluidity, imprinted in the pictures.

Childhood and youth

Actress Olga Makeeva was born on October 3, 1985 in the Ukrainian village of Kotuelva in Poltava region. From early childhood, the girl showed many talents. Olya was extremely plastic, thinly felt music. Parents decided to develop the talents of her daughter and took her to the musical and choreographic schools. And she drew well and fond of sambo.

Model and actress Olga Makeev

The model appearance of Olga Makeeva led her to Kiev, where the girl at first worked as an assistant and a stylist assistant, but after he made a portfolio, he fell into a modeling agency of the Ukrainian capital. During the next casting, an elegant, low (height - 171 cm) Olga was noticed and offered to play in the "Orngelove" picture.

In 2007, Olga Makeev becomes a student Vgika, where he chooses the Faculty of Actor. She studies with pleasure, and teachers are very satisfied with the ability of a beginner actress. Therefore, in 2011, Olga ends the institute with a red diploma.


Before you come to the movies, the girl appeared in the clips. With the participation of Olga Makeeva, the rollers came out to the songs of Alla Pugacheva "Invitation to Sunset", Dmitry Khvorostovsky and Igor Cool "You and I", Igor Sarukhanova "Thread".

Cinematic biography of Olga Makeeva began with the film Alan Badoev "Orngelove" ("Orange Love"). It was a debut Olya in the cinema, and successful: immediately with the main role. The title of the picture came the audience the idea that this tape is about revolutionary events in Ukraine in 2004. But the film is not about politics, but about love. Olga Makeeva appears on the screen along with the already famous and popular Russian actor Alexei Chado. The couple convincingly depicts a novel, full of love and suffering. The tape speaks about such a terrible disease as AIDS.

Olga Makeeva in the film

During the shooting, the picture becomes the subject of conversations. And this is not surprising, because the director of the ribbon is a popular clipmaker Alan Badoev, and the producer agreed to work the Hollywood Master Vladimir Khorunzhiy. At a press conference, the creators said loudly that the film "OrngelOVE" will be presented at the 59th Cannes Festival, and the picture budget was $ 3.6 million.

Contrary to loud headlines and bright PR campaigns, the film "Orange Love" did not receive the expected success, but for a beginner actress Olga Makeeva, he became a good business card.

At the end of Vgika Olga starred in the second film project "Heavenly relatives". This is the series of Ukrainian director Bogdan Drobinico about a typical representative of modern youth, priorities for which women, alcohol and countless parties. The project was successful, and Makeev proudly added a played role in the piggy bank of creative achievements.

The next ribbon, published in early March 2012, becomes Mom's film-almanac. This is 8 Kinononell, who were lifted by different Russian directors. Olga Makeeva starred in Novalla "partner" Alan Badoev.

Alan Badoev and Olga Makeev

The 2015th was for Olga Makeeva very fruitful and saturated. 2 tapes came out immediately. The first picture is a family-run Saga Dmitry Petruny "Officer's wives." The film tells about the women of the Anton-Terekh family, surrounded by dramatic events occurring in the country. Here and the repression of the 30s, and the Great Patriotic War, and Afghanistan, and the Chernobyl catastrophe, and a straight day of the 90s.

Unlike Mary Poroshina and Olga Arntgolts, for which roles were written specifically, Makeeva to play the hope of Angker, had to go through the casting.

Russian artists, as the director said, were accustomed to filming in the tricky scenes, without understanding how risks. In the frames with Roman Kurzenny Olga was not afraid to repeatedly plunge into the cold river, when the boat turns along the plot.

Interesting and decent attention was the second picture "forever." In a mystical thriller, Vladimir Chrybrikov told about the difficult fate of the writer. After breaking the relationship with his beloved wife, he plunged into deep depression, and the only meaning of life is the daughter, which Olga Makeev played.

In the same year, the actress became the heroine of the video of Mark Tishman on the song "Volga". The singer, according to his own admission, fell in love with Olga, barely only saw her. Emotions were so selected for the former member of the "Stars Factory", which he refused the services of Dubler and performed tricks himself.

In the TV series, Makeev appeared in the form of Sister Sergei Sknyareva, who performed the role of a police colleague, unfairly accused of exceeding official powers. Vladimir Mashkov and Andrei Smolyakov played the main roles in the film.

Olga Makeeva

The episodic role of the client of the magician Nuda Borushkina went to the girl in the Melodrame "Other Life of Margarita" about the former actress, who considered the beloved man dead.

Personal life

Personal life Olga Makeeva interested journalists after on-screen love with Alexey Chadov. No matter how shuddering paparazzi, the actors did not have a love relationship.

Olga Makeev and Alexey Chadov

At one time, rumors were discussed about Olga Makeeva's novel with a singer, composer and poet Sergey Cat. But young people immediately answered that they connect their exclusively professional interests. The cause was the song duet "I can not without you." The cat for the month of casting listened to 27 candidates, but none pulled on an "an extraordinary creative person, capable of embodying a reality." Then Sergey's songs sounded in the "heavenly relatives", and the musician understood that he found the one he was looking for. Olga also wrote words for his part of the duet.

In fact, Olga Makeev has long been married. MARK Mark Visioner (according to the passport - Sergey Borisov) finished graduate school of Vgika and the Philology Faculty of Moscow State University, defended his thesis, teaches journalism at the faculty and removes documentary cinema. In addition, writes music, stories and scenarios.

Olga Makeev with her husband

In Music Tusovka, a man is known under the name of the dock as a member of the Diology and Microelement projects. There are no children in the family yet. Photo Couples occasionally appear on the Olga page in "Instagram".

In 2018, the spouses were part of the organizing committee of the International Film Festival "Cinema Without Barriers", which demonstrates pictures about the life of disabled. In the film presented by American cinematographers, Julia Roberts played the main role. The Hollywood Star has embodied on the screen the image of a boy with a genetic deformation of the face.

Olga Makeev now

In 2018, Olga's filmography was replenished with the historic melodrama "Golden Orda" about the Tatar-Mongol conquerors and the unification of Russian lands. The creators of the film saw in the girl with the appearance of the elf of the servant of Princess Radmila, the wife of the chief hero - Prince Yaroslav.

Work is now completing the work on the Ikaria's anti-nightopia, in which Olga Makeyev fulfills the role of Rada. The film, the premiere of which will be held in 2019, talks about the achievements in the genetics giving people immortality. But the chance to prolong your own existence will receive survivors in a cruel game, where for the sake of victory to participants will have to kill each other.

Olga Makeev and director Dmitry Josephs on the filming of the film

Another picture in which the actress is involved, the historical draft director Dmitry Josephov "Catherine. An impostor ", which became the continuation of the rating serials of Catherine and Catherine. Takeoff". Josephs gathered on the set of young, but talentlify Russian actors whose names speak for themselves. Marina Aleksandrov, Pavel Tabakov, Sergey Marin and Vladimir Yaglych, who had moved to a new project from previous TV shows, again starred in the picture.


  • 2006 - OrangeLove.
  • 2011 - "Heavenly Relatives"
  • 2013 - "Fighters"
  • 2015 - "Other Life Margarita"
  • 2015 - "Officer Wives"
  • 2015 - "Emergency Eternal"
  • 2017 - "File"
  • 2018 - "Golden Horde"
  • 2019 - "Ikaria"

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