Evpathy Kolovrat - biography, photo, feat, battle with Khan Batym



Evpathy Kolovrat - Voevoda, Ryazan Boyarin, Bogatyr, Hero of People's Leaks about the events of the thirteenth century. The feat of the Russian strongman is described in detail in the "Tale of Ryazan Ryazan".

The exact date of the birth of Evpathy Kolovrat is unknown. According to some sources, the bogatyr was born about 1200. This date is considered to be the year of the birth of Evpathy.

Evpathy Kolovrat

One of the sources mentioned the patronymic of Boyarin - Lvovich. It is also known that in the earliest legends, the hero was named Evpathy Fury. Motherland Vityaz consider the village of Frolovo Shilovskaya parish. Evpathy is a native of the Ryazan region, Patriot, the hero of local resistance of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion.

Boyar at the court

Kolovrat was a governor at the court of Ryazan Prince Yuri. The bogatyr was distinguished by a huge physical force, was an experienced warrior, a respected commander of the troops. At the time of the invasion of Ordans, Vityazu was about 35-37 years. Prince Yuri understood that Ryazan would not be against the many thousands of troops, and sent ambassadors to Prince Chernigov for help. Among the envoys was Evpathy.

Evpathy Kolovrat and Bat

The trip to Chernihiv saved Kolovrat from death. Waiting for the news from the faithful subjects, Prince Yuri did the Khan gifts to put his vigilance. Baty demanded to lead to him the first beauty of the principality, which was a Snow of the Ryazan ruler. As a result of the refusal, the young Prince Fedor was killed, his wife and son died, and the Ryazan Prince's army was exterminated in the battle of the Voronezh River.

Prince Yuri took death from the enemy on the battlefield. When the ambassadors returned to Ryazan, they found the mountains of corpses and the scorched land.

The feat of Russian bogatyri

When Evpathy returned to his homeland, he learned that the young prince Fedor was killed, his wife and heir died, and the people of Ryazan were exterminated. Collecting from the surviving men a small regiment, Kolovrat went in the footsteps of the Ordanes. His miniature army consisted of only seventeen hundred soldiers.

Evpatiya detachment used tactical tricks. The warriors attacked the forest, at night or under the cover of fog. Ordans began to believe that they fight angry spirits. In the army of Khan began fermentation. Baty sent to the fight against the enemy of the best soldiers under the leadership of his shurr. Russians were cut off from the way to their shelter and surrounded. It did not work out the leader of Ryazan resistance. Brother's wife Batiya hosted fell in battle, and Russian warriors did not give up.

Evpathy Kolovrat

The final point in the battle was made by stones throwing machines. The weapon that was usually used for the siege of the city walls was sent against the squad of Ryazan Vitya. Almost all the soldiers were clogged with stones. Alive found only six people. Evpathy Kolovrat died on the battlefield.

The body of the governor was given to the surviving soldiers his squad so that they spend a worthy rite of burial. The legend states that a similar gesture of Batya was evidence of its respect for the military valor of Kolovrat.

Evpathy Funeral Funeral was held on January 11, 1238 in the Ryazan Cathedral.

Tale of Ryazan Batym

This Old Russian literary work is the most complete source of information about Evpato Kolovrat. The story story talks about the attack of Batya to the Grand Duchy of Ryazan in 1237. The most ancient surviving texts of this work are dated by the sixteenth century, until that time, the legend was transmitted orally.

For three years, the story covered in detail and inaccuracies. There is at least three versions of this story. All of them tell about who Evpathy Kolovrat fought and how Valiantly graduated from her life.

Personal life

The main source of information about the fate of Ryazan Boyar is the folk response. The personal life of the warrior is not described in it. Perhaps Evpathy had a beloved or wife, but the facts in favor of this version were not preserved.


Evpathy Kolovrat became the hero of Russian folklore along with such heroes, like Ilya Muromets, Ratibor, Dobrynya Nikitich, Nikita Kozhemyaka. The story of Vityaz fells was one of the evidence of the strength of the Russian spirit. In 1985, a cartoon film "Tale of Evpathy Kolovrat" was created on the basis of the people's legends.

Bogatyry installed three monuments in the territory of the Ryazan region. Two monument are located near the alleged place of the birthplace of the hero. The third monument was established in 2007 at the Postal Square in Ryazan.

In 2014, it became known that the director Rustam Mosafir began to shoot the film "Evpathy Kolovrat. Climb. " The film was planned to be made as close as possible to historical events. A year later, the first frames of the tape appeared on the Internet, but for an unknown reason the project was frozen.

At that time, the first information also appeared that the Russian film company "Central Partnership" plans to release the film "Legend of Kovrovrat". Photo from filming and trailer appeared on the Internet in the autumn of 2016. The premiere of paintings was appointed for May 2017.

A historic fighter with elements of Fantasy entered the list of the most anticipated films of the year. The plot of ribbons has an indirect attitude towards historical events of the time of the invasion of Batya. The filmmakers decided to present the viewer a fantasy version of the history of the thirteenth century, focusing on the characters and their feelings

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