Andrei Platonov - biography, photos, personal life, works and latest news



Andrei Platonovich Platonov - Soviet Prose, poet, publicist, playwright. Most of the best works of the author was published after his death.

Andrei Platonovich was born in August 1899 in the Yamsk Sloboda (Voronezh). The boy was the firstborn in the family of railway workshop. Father of the future writer, Platon Firsovich Climen, was a driver of a locomotive and a mechanic, he twice awarded the title of the Hero of Labor. Mother Maria Vasilyevna Lobochekina was a daughter watchmaker. After marriage, a woman was engaged in household.

Andrei Platonov in childhood

The family of climens was big. For his life, Maria Vasilyevna gave birth to eleven children. Plato Firsovich spent almost all his time in the workshops. Older children from the young age helped the Father making money to feed the family.

At the age of seven years, Andrei was enrolled in church-parish school. In 1909, the boy entered the city's four class school. From the age of 13, the future writer began to work on hiring. The young man tried different professions, until eighteen, he managed to work in many Voronezh workshops.


Andrei Climen entered the railway technical school in 1918. To finish training with a young man prevented a civil war. For Andrei, a new period of life has come. He passed the civil war in the ranks of the Red Army. The October Revolution became an impetus for the young man.

At the beginning of the twenties, the climens changed the surname and began to cooperate with the editors of various magazines and newspapers of Voronezh. He tried himself as a poet, publicist, critic, observer. In 1921, the first book of Andrei Platonova called "Electrification" was published from the press. His stories of earlier time are distinguished by aggressiveness. Change of tone in the work of the writer occurred in 1921 after meeting with the future wife.

Andrei Platonov in youth

In the year of birth of His firstborn Platonov released a collection of poems "Blue Depth". In 1926, the writer graduated from the work on the manuscript of the story "Epifanic Gateways". Moving to Moscow and some proportion of fame inspired by the author. The next year was very fruitful for Platonov. From under the writer's feather, the story "Halfish", "City of Grads", "Ether Tract", as well as the stories "Sandy teacher", "Ilyich lamp", "Yamskaya Sloboda" lit.

His major works of Platonov created at the turn of the thirties of the last century. In 1929, he finished work on the novel "Chevengur", and in 1930 - over the social audio "Kotlovan". During the life of the writer, these works were not published. His relationships with power and censorship were very strained. The writer has repeatedly fell into opal. The story "of the future", published in 1931, caused Stalin's strong discontent. The political figure demanded to deprive the writer the opportunity to be printed.

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In 1934, the power of power slightly weakened. Platonov went with colleagues on a trip for Central Asia. Inspiration came to the writer after visiting Turkmenistan, and he wrote a story "Takik" than caused a new wave of disapproval and criticism. When Stalin read some of the works of Platonov, he left the marks in the form of a swiss words characterizing the author.

Andrei Platonov

Despite the dissatisfaction of the authorities, the writer was able to publish several of his stories in 1936. After the start of the Second World War in his work, a place for the front topics appeared. In the fifties of Platonov focused on the literary processing of folk fairy tales.

Personal life

Andrei Platonov married aged 22 years. His chosen was Maria Kashintseva. The girl was the first serious passion of the writer. 6 years after the start of the family life of Platonov, the story "Sand teacher", who dedicated a spouse. The scene was based on the facts from the biography of Mary Alexandrovna.

Andrei Platonov with his wife

The future wife of the writer in 1921 left in the outstand to avoid relationships with Platonov. This "Escape from Love" and lay down the story about the teacher. Maria lived in sixty kilometers from the city. The writer visited the bride two or three times a month. Pregnancy Mary finally decided the question of her relationship with Platonic. The writer his persistence bowed to marriage in 1921. In 1922, the son was born in the family, the boy was named Plato in honor of the Father of the Writer.

Parents Andrei Platonov

In the same year, the brother and sister of Prosaik died from poisoning mushrooms. He experienced severe spiritual flour, taking off between happiness of married life and family grief. The writer's mother did not find a common language with the daughter-in-law, Andrei Platonovich was in a difficult situation. He never managed to reconcile two main women in his life.

In 1929, at the age of 54, the Mother of Prosaic died. Seven years after her death, Platonov wrote the story of the "Third Son", dedicated to Maria Vasilyevna.

Andrei Platonov with his wife and son

The life of the grandson of the climens turned out to be short and tragic. Plato had a lot in childhood, grew by naughty and uncontrolled young men. At the age of fifteen, he went to jail. In conclusion, Plato fell ill with tuberculosis. The young man died from the paste of the age of twenty years. Shortly before his death Platon Andreevich became his father.

The personal life of the writer was reflected in the work of Platonov. His heroes suffered with him, loved with him, went crazy and died. Platonov became grandfather, but the loss of the son broke his inner rod.

Andrei Platonov with his wife and daughter Masha

In 1944, Maria Alexandrovna decided on second childbirth. The daughter of the writer Masha appeared. Platonov at that time was already sick with a charotka. The photo of the last years of the writer's life gives a clear idea of ​​the state of his soul and body.


During World War II, Andrei Platonovich in the rank of Captain served as the front-line correspondent of the newspaper "Red Star". The writer participated in hostilities, did not sit down in the rear, was modest in the soldier's house. According to one of the versions, Cachotka Platon has become infected in war. The soldier's life helped the Writer to collect material for front-line stories and essays that were printed in the magazine "Red Star".

In 1943, the only Son of the Writer died. Platonov cared for him for a long time, but the young man could not recover after imprisonment. According to one of the versions, the writer has infected with a tuberculosis from the son.

Andrei Platonov

In 1946, Platonov was demobilized due to illness. In the same year, he finished work on the story of the Ivanov family, which appeared in the press called "Return". The wave of critics again covered Platonov with his head. He was accused of slander on winning warriors and is off the seal.

The last years of the life of Platonov had to make earnings to engage in draft literary labor. The writer's work focused around the processing of folk fairy tales. Interest in children's literature appeared at Platonov because of his little daughter Masha. In 1950, the writer finished work on the fairy tales "Unknown Flower" and "Magic Ring". Based on these works, Soviet multiplers created multiplication films at the end of the seventies.

Tomb Platonova

The writer in the winter of 1951 died in Moscow from Chakhotka, buried him at the Armenian cemetery. In 1952, the life path of the Father of the writer ended. Platonov's wife died in 1983, she survived her husband for three decades. Their daughter Maria Andreevna devoted her life to the work on the publication of the works of the Father. She also created one of the versions of his biography.

Platonov's books began to be actively published in the eighties of the last century. The works of the author caused a wave of interest from a new generation of readers. In 2005, Maria Andreevna died and was buried at the Armenian cemetery.


  • 1920 - the story "Chief and Epishk"
  • 1921 - the story "Markun", the brochure "Electrification"
  • 1922 - Book of poems "Blue Depth"
  • 1927 - Tale "City of Grads", "Hydroy Man", "Ether Tract", "Sandy Sloboda" stories, "Sandy teacher", "How Lamp Ilyich lit"
  • 1929 - Nag "Chevengur"
  • 1929 - Stories "State resident", "Personal Makar"
  • 1930 - "Kotlovan", "Sharmanca" (play)
  • 1931 - "Poorby Chronicle" "Trick", the play "High voltage" and "14 red hut"
  • 1934 - Tale of the "trash veter", "Juvenile Sea" and "Jan", the story "Takik"
  • 1936 - the stories "Third Son" and "Immortality"
  • 1937 - Stories "River Potudan", "In the beautiful and violent world", "FRO"
  • 1939 - the story of "Motherland of electricity"
  • 1942 - "spiritualized people" (collection of stories)
  • 1943 - "Stories about the Motherland" (Collection of Story)
  • 1943 - "Armor" (Collection of Story)
  • 1945 - Collection of stories "In the direction of the sunset", the story "Nikita"
  • 1946 - the story "Family Ivanova" ("Return")
  • 1947 - Books "Finist - Clear Falcon", "Bashkir Folk Tales"
  • 1948 - Piece "Student Lyceum"
  • 1950 - Tale "Unknown Flower"

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