Black Widow - Biography of Marvel Character, Actress and Superconductivity


Character History

About women called "black widows", rumors and legends walk. Such a nickname is seized by those who buried more than two husbands: there is a superstition that these representatives of the beautiful half of humanity themselves are to blame for deaths of their beloved - because of their destructive energy.

Black Widow

But "Marvel Comics" rethought the phrase, awarding this name a red-haired heroine of comics, which in its popularity is not inferior to the scarlet witch and Gain Gray. Who would have thought that a fragile girl from Russia is actually a professional Agent of the KGB and the fictional organization "Sh.I.T.".

History of creation

Unfortunately, the history of the creation of black widow is shrouded in a halo of mystery. It is known that the heroine of comics, without which it is impossible to present the universe "Marvel", debuted in the Graphic novel "Tales of Suspens" (1964), which was dedicated to the adventures of an iron man. It is worth saying that the heroic pseudonym "Black Widow" wears the whole pleiad of beauties, but the most popular and canonical of them are Natasha Romanova, which Stan Lee, Don Rico and the artist Don Heck came up.

Scarlett Johansson in the role of black widow

The appearance and characteristics of this lady changed over time, for example, it was originally a burning brunette, but then repainted in red color. Since the character seemed to authors original, they decided to extend the existence of a black widow, which began to appear in the plots of various comics. It came to the point that Natasha Romanova even moved to the animated series and Hollywood cinema. On TV screens, the black widow was remembered by the audience thanks to Scarlett Johansson. As actress said:

"Natasha is not a team player, but knows that its place among the avengers."


In fact, Natasha Romanova older than it seems at first glance. The girl was born before the beginning of World War II in Stalingrad. About the child's black widow information is extremely small, but it is known that it was cloudless. The fact is that in those troubled times the place where the heroine grew up and raised, was destroyed by the imperialists: the attackers set fire to the Old House, so the mother of Natasha in front of her death threw a daughter from the window to the hands of an unknown soldier who wanted sister.

Natasha Romanova

The creators awarded this soldier awarded a typical Russian name and surname from the Roman Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". Ivan Petrovich Bezukhov looked after the orphaned girl all his life and replaced her native father. Romanova went well at school, showed herself as an athlete, became ballerina. It is also known that Natasha attracted the attention of Russian intelligence and was recruited by Joseph Stalin. The girl was adopted at the Special School of Taras Romanova, where he studied the basics of spy craft, defense and martial arts.

Natasha Romanova in his youth

When Natasha became an adult, she had love with the test pilot Alexei Shestakov, who is famous for the nickname red guard. He was a FDAK Captain America of Soviet type. Soon the famous dancer married Alexey, and the KGB decided that professional special agents would get from this couple.

When Natasha found out that her husband died when testing a rocket, the girl fell into depression, but in fact this news was a maneuver from the state administration authority of the Soviet Union, which tried to do from Alexey Krasnogvardeys.

Alexey Shestakov (Red Guard)

To get rid of the sad mood and distraction from the terrible loss of Romanov began to work without downtrend, because, as Sherlock Holmes spoke:

"Work is the best antidote from grief."

To honor the memory of his spouse, Natasha in a short time set a goal to become the best operative.

In 1956 Natasha Romanova joined the Soviet Government Program "Black Widow", which was supervised by the organization "Red Room". The heroine promised to give a special chemical giving forces and extending youth. According to another version of the girl's memories of the art school and the career of the ballerina were fake: this information was introduced by scientists in her subconscious, so that the black widow was devoted to his country and did not know about the brainwash.

Boris Turgen (Red Dynamo)

The first task of Natasha Romanova was penetrating into the multi-billion dollar corporation "Stark Industries" with the partner Boris Turgen. These agents had a goal - to eliminate the dissensitor of Anton Vano for the fact that he betrayed his country. Among other things, having enlisted with the support of the falconry, Natasha repeatedly attacked a person-spider and an iron man. Ultimately, the girl decided to stay on the territory of the United States, but act as a secret agent.

Black widow and falcon

This kidnapper of the male hearts decades lasted the rich owners of companies and transferred the received secrets to their bosses. For example, she succeeded in a deception to force his squeezed eyes to steal the drawings from Tony Stark, so the costume hero had to face an iron man.

Black widow and spiderman

Also, the black widow is associated with the organization called "Avengers". The fact is that the fearless girl captured the agents of the PRC and hypnotized. Thus, the black widow became a murder machine that fearlessly came to the avengers. But the PRC plan was doomed to Fiasco, because Natasha got rid of the effect of brain flushing thanks to endless love for a falconry.

Black Widow and Avengers

To correct your guilt before the crew of superheroes, Romanova stood up on their side and helped in the fight against the extremist organization, which is called the Sons of the Snake.

Super abilities

The black widow received superhuman abilities due to the chemical preparation, which gave it physical strength and immunity and slowed down the aging. In addition, Romanova knows foreign languages: Italian, English, etc.

Black Widow

A girl in a black suit not only owns ballet skills, but also knows martial arts, such as karate, aikido and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. If Natasha unexpectedly found surprise, it easily uses cold or firearms.

Friends and enemies

It is not surprising that the black widow acquired both friends and unfriendliers. The seducer met not only with Alexey, she also twisted the romance with a winter soldier, however, their relationship was short-term. In addition, the creators of graphic novel thought out the romantic line of Romanova with Sorvigolova, but the beloved decided to go in different ways. In the "Ultimate Marvel" comics, which are an imprint of the Universe with a rethinking of the biography of superheroes, Tony Stark makes Natasha Romanova's hand and heart offer.

Black Widow and Sorvigolov

The young man originally approached the most joyful event in the life of the girl. He suggested flying to his homeland of the Black Widow, where he agreed with the locals who came out on the street with the inscription: "Get out of me." But these relationships were not like the story of Romeo and Juliet, because the business owner preferred to Natasha an attractive blonde.

Black widow and iron man

If we talk about the allies of black widow, then they belong to the majority of Marvel's superheroes, relating to the Avengers and the organization "Sh.I.T.". Natasha Romanova "Friends" with Torok, Halk, Captain America, Warrior, Wolverine from "People of X" and other fictional heroes.

As for the enemies, this list is not so diverse. The girl struggles with any manifestation of evil, but among her sworn enemies there is a cunning god Loki and Superzlodein on nicknamed whip.

Interesting Facts

  • Natasha Romanova became the main acting person in the animated film "Secret materials of the Avengers: a black widow and punisher" (USA).
  • The black widow participated in the team "Champions of Los Angeles," where her colleagues in the workshop were a ghostly racer, Hercules and angel. But this superhero quartet did not bring success to the creators, so the detachment soon collapsed.
  • Natasha Romanova is not the only heroine on the nickname "black widow", so called another girl - Elena Belov.
Black widow Elena Belova
  • One day, a black widow tried to stop the villain, whose name was October: the criminal wanted to ignite the third world war. But, as it turned out later, Natasha Romanova was this usurper: the girl acted under strong hypnosis, which gave rise to a split personality.
  • For the fact that the black widow showed sympathy for a falconry, she was shot by the bosses, because the passion for the American could cause desertion in the future.
  • There is a different version according to which a falcon-eye kills a black widow, which allegedly betrayed him and contributed to the death of a superhero family.


"Sorry. I seem to you, all the fun ruined? "" You are not here because of my beautiful eyes, isn't it? "" - Hey, Lady, what is your name?

- Rashman. Natalie Rashman. "" - Natalie if it were your last birthday, how would you spend it?

- I would do whatever I want. And with whom I want. "

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