Boris Pasternak - biography, photo, personal life, poems, works, death



Boris Leonidovich Pasternak is one of the few masters of the words awarded the Nobel Prize. His poems and translations entered the Golden Fund of Russian and Foreign Literature.

Boris Pasternak was born on January 29, 1890 in Moscow in an intelligent family. Mother - Pianist, whose career began in Odessa, where the family moved before Boris's birth. Father is an artist and a member of the Academy of Arts. Some of his paintings were acquired by a famous patron for the Tretyakov Gallery. Boris's father was friends with Lvom Nikolayevich Tolstoy and engaged in illustrating his books. Boris was the firstborn, after him, three more children appeared in the family.

Boris Pasternak in childhood

Since childhood, the poet surrounded the creative atmosphere. Parental house was opened for different celebrities. The desired guests in it were lion tolstoy, composers of Scriabin and Rakhmaninov, artists of Ivanov, Polenov, Nesterov, Ge, Levitan and other famous personalities. Communication with them could not affect the future poet.

A huge authority for the boy was Scriabin, under the influence of the composer for a long time he was passionate about the music and dreamed of going in the footsteps of his teacher. Boris learns to perfectly, finishes the gymnasium with a gold medal. In parallel learns at the conservatory.

Boris Pasternak in youth

In the biography of Pasternak, there were repeated situations when he had to choose, and this choice was often complex. The first such decision was the refusal of a musical career. After years, he explains this situation in the absence of absolute hearing. The purposeful and efficient, all that he did, brought to absolute perfection. Boris realized that, despite the limitless love of music, he could not achieve his height on the musical field.

In 1908, it becomes a student of Jurfak Moscow University, a year later translated into the philosophical department. According to all subjects, he has brilliant estimates, and in 1912 he enters the University of Margburg. In Germany, Pasternak predicts a successful career, but completely unexpectedly he decides to become a poet, and not a philosopher.

First steps in creativity

Pen's sample falls for 1910. His first poems are written under the impression of a trip with his family to Venice and the refusal of the beloved girl, whom he makes an offer. One of his colleagues writes that in shape it was children's poems, but in meaning very meaningful. After returning to Moscow, it becomes a party to the literary circles "Lyrics" and "Musaget", where he reads his poems. At first, his symbolism and futurism implies him, but later he chooses the path independent of any literary associations.

Boris Pasternak

1913-1914 - years are filled with many creative events. Several his poems have been published, a collection of poems "twin in clouds" came out. But the poet is demanding on himself, he considers his creations not enough. In 1914, he meets the Mayakovsky, who has a huge influence on Pasternak on Pasternak.

In 1916, Pasternak lives in the Perm province, in the Ural village of Vsevolodo-Vilva, where he is invited by the manager of chemical plants Boris Zbarsky. Works in the office assistant on business correspondence and is engaged in trade and financial reporting. According to widespread opinion, Yuurchatin from the famous novel "Dr. Zhivago" is a prototype of Perm. Visits the Berezniki soda plant at Kame. Under the impression of what he saw in a letter to S. P. Bobrov calls the plant and built under the European sample village "Little Industrial Belgium".


Creativity is an amazing process. For some, it is light and pleasant, for others - hard work, requiring great efforts to achieve the goal and achieve perfection. Boris belonged to the second category of people. From much works, thoroughly honing phrases and rhymes. The collection "My sister is life", which came out in 1922, he considers his first achievement on a literary field.

Boris Pasternak and Sergey Yesenin

Interesting, even the curious fact of the biography was his relationship with Sergey Yesenin, who did not like the work of Pasternak. On this basis, their relationship was turned into an open confrontation. Once a fight happened between poets. There are interesting memories of Katheva, in which Yesenina he calls "Korolevich", and Pasternak "Milat".

"Korolovyza held an intelligent Mulatto for breasts with one hand, and the other tried to give it to his ear, while Mulat - on the walking expression of those years, similar to Araba and on His horse with a blazing face, in a fluttering jacket With bitten buttons with intelligent inefficientness, he was tuned to poke the Korivichy fist in the scarlet that he could not have succeeded. "

In the 1920s there is a number of important events: the emigration of parents to Germany, the marriage of Evgenia Lurie, the birth of the Son, the publication of new collections and poems.

Soviet authority

In the early 1930s, Pasternak and his work recognizes power. Collections of poems are reprinted annually, in 1934 he speaks with a speech at the congress of the Union of Writers. It is considered the best poet in the country of Soviets. In 1935 it goes to Paris to the International Congress of Writers. A nervous breakdown occurs on the trip, the writer complains about insomnia and upset nerves.

Boris Pasternak and Anna Akhmatova

In the same year, Pasternak stands for the son and her husband, Anna Akhmatova, who were arrested, and then released Stalin after his letters. In gratefulness in December 1935, the poet sends Stalin as a gift a book with translations of the lyrics of Georgian poets. In the accompanying letter, he thanks for the "lightning liberation of relatives Akhmatova."

Akhmatova with family

In January 1936, the publication of his two poems, in which he admires I. V. Stalin. Despite the efforts, the power of the people did not forgive the Pasternak of his intercession for their relatives of Ankhmatova, as well as the defense of Gumilyov and Mandelstam. In 1936 it is practically removed from literary life, accused of remote from life and a mistaken worldview.


Pasternak received his fame not only as a poet, but also as a master of translating foreign poetry. In the late 1930s, the ratio of the country's leadership is changing to his personality, works are not reprinted, and it remains without livelihood. This forces the poet to refer to the translation. To them, Pasternak refers to the self-sufficient artwork. Suitable for working with special care, trying to make it perfect.

It starts working on translation in 1936, in the country in Peredelkino. Proceedings Pasternak are considered equal originals of great works. Transfers become for him not only the opportunity to contain a family in the conditions of persecution, but also in a way to implement themselves as a poet. Shakespeare's translations made by Boris Pasternak became a classic.


As a result of child injury, it is not subject to mobilization. Lost aside the poet also could not. Ends the courses, gets the status of a military correspondent and goes to the front. After return, it creates a cycle of patriotic content poems.

In the postwar years, it works a lot, deals with translations, as they remain the only earnings. Poems writes a little - all his time uses for translations and writing a new novel, works on the translation of the "Faust" Goethe.

"Dr. Zhivago" and Grass

The book "Dr. Zhivago" is one of the most significant works of the poet in prose, in many ways it is a autobiographical novel, over which Pasternak for ten years. The prototype of the main character of the novel was his wife Zinaida Pasternak (Nigauz). After the appearance of Olga Ivinskaya in his life, the new music of the poet, work on the book went much faster.

The narration of the novel begins from the beginning of the century and ends with the Great Patriotic War. The name of the book as I wrote it. At first she was called "boys and girls", then the "candle of burned" and "no death."

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For a truthful story and his own look at the events of those years, the writer was brutal injury, and Dr. Zhivago is not recognized as the leadership of the country. In the Soviet Union, the novel did not print, but his dignity was appreciated abroad. Published in Italy in 1957 Roman "Dr. Zhivago" received a flurry of enthusiastic reviews of readers and became a real sensation.

In 1958, the Nobel Prize is awarded Pasternak. The novel is translated into languages ​​of different countries and applies to peace, published in Germany, Great Britain and Holland. The Soviet authorities have repeatedly made attempts to remove the manuscript and prohibit the book, but it became increasingly popular.

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The recognition of the writer's talent by the world community becomes the greatest joy and grief at the same time. Increased injury not only power, but also colleagues. Accessible rallies are held at factories, at institutes, in creative unions and in other organizations. Collective letters are drawn up with the requirement to punish the stubble poet.

They offered to send it from the country, but the poet did not imagine himself without his homeland. He expresses his bitter experiences in this period in the nobel prize poem (1959), also published abroad. Under the pressure of the mass campaign from the award, he was forced to refuse, and he was almost accused of treason with verse. Boris Leonidovich excludes the USSR Writers' Union, but he remains in Litfond, continues to publish and receive fees.


In verses of the early period, the influence of symbolism is noticeable. They are characterized by complex rhymes, incomprehensible images and comparisons. During the war, his style changes dramatically - poems are becoming easy, understandable and easy to read. This is especially characteristic of its short poems, such as "March", "Wind", "Hmel", "Hamlet". The genius of Pasternak is that even his small poems contain significant philosophical meaning.

The work written in 1956 belongs to the late period of his work when he lived and worked in Peredelkino. If the first of his poems were elegant, then later the social orientation appears in them.

The favorite theme of the poet is the unity of man and nature. "July" is an example of a wonderful landscape lyrics, in which he admires the charm of one of the most beautiful months of the year.

In his last, his collection will enter the poem "Snow goes", written in 1957. The work consists of two parts: landscape sketching and philosophical reflections on the meaning of life and its frequency. The winged will be the line "and the longest century lasts day" from his poem "singular days" (1959), which also entered the last compilation.

Personal life

Boris Pasternak's biography cannot be complete without describing his personal life. The poet was married twice, the first time - in his youth, the second time - in adulthood. His third love was.

All his women were muses, gave happiness and were happy with him. His creative, fond of natural, drowning through the edge of the emotion was the cause of inconstancy in personal relationships. He did not go down to betray, but could not be a faithful one single woman.

Boris Pasternak and Evgeny Lurie

His first wife Evgeny Lurie was an artist. He met her in 1921 and considered them a symbolic meeting. During this period, Pasternak ends the work on the story of "Childhood of Luverx", the heroine of which was the embodiment of the image of a young artist. The heroine of the work was also called Evgenia. Delicacy, tenderness and sophistication were surprisingly combined in it with purposefulness and self-sufficiency. The girl becomes his wife and the muse.

Meeting with her in the soul of the poet caused an extraordinary lift. Boris was truly happy, they were born the firstborn - son Eugene. A strong mutual feeling in the early years of marriage was smoothed by difficulties, but over time the poverty and severity of the life of the 20s reflected on their family well-being. Eugene sought to be implemented as an artist, so the part of the family concerns Pasternak took over.

Boris Pasternak and Marina Tsvetaeva

Relationships spoiled when the poet begins to correspond with Marina Tsvetaeva, causing a burning jealousy of his wife, which in the upset feelings leaves to Germany to Pasternak's parents. Later, she will refuse to sell their creative abilities and completely dedicate himself to the family. But by this time the poet appears a new beloved - Zinaida Negauz. She is only 32, he is already 40, her husband and two children.

Boris Pasternak's wife

Nehigauses - the full opposite of the first wife. She is a good mistress and without the rest devotes to the family. It did not have a refinement inherent in the first wife, but he fell in love with her at a glance. Marriage and children chosen poet did not stop, he wants to be with her, contrary to everything. Despite parting, Pasternak always helped his former family, supported relations with them.

The second marriage was also happy. Thoughtful wife provided peace and comfortable conditions for work. The second son of the poet - Leonid was born. As with the first wife, happiness lasted a little more than ten years. Then the husband began to delay in redelo and gradually move away from the family. Against the background of cooling the family relations, in the editorial office of the magazine "New World", he meets with a new muse and editor of Olga Ivinskaya magazine.

Boris Pasternak and Olga Ivinskaya

Boris did not want to leave his wife, so repeatedly trying to break the relationship with Olga. In 1949, for contact with the Opt poet, Ivinskaya is arrested and sent for 5 years to the camp. For these years, he helps her mother and children - takes towards and ensures financially.

Heavy tests affect his health. In 1952, he finds himself in a hospital with a heart attack. After returning from Camps Olga, Pasternak has an unofficial secretary. They do not part until the end of his life.


Grass from the side of colleagues and the public pledged his health. In April 1960, Pasternak develops severe ailment. It was oncology with metastasis in the stomach. In the hospital near his bed, Zinaida is on duty.

Boris Pasternak

In early May, the awareness comes to him that the disease is incurable, and you need to prepare for death. May 30, 1960 he did not. Zinaida will leave life after 6 years, the cause of death is the same as Pasternak.

Pasternak's grave

On his funeral, despite the unfavorable attitude of the authorities, a lot of people came. Among them were Andrei Voznesensky, Bulat Okudzhava, Naum Korzorvin and others. His grave is located in the cemetery in Peredelkino. The whole family is buried there. The author of the monument at the site of the burial Pasternak is the sculptor Sarah Lebedev.

Works and books

  • "Twin in clouds"
  • "Childhood lover"
  • "Three chapters from the story"
  • "Security grarity"
  • "Airways"
  • "Second birth"
  • "Georgian lyrics"
  • "On early trains"
  • "When walking"
  • "Doctor Zhivago"
  • "Poem and poems: in 2 t"
  • "I don't write poems ..."
  • "Selected Works"
  • "Letters to parents and sisters"
  • "Correspondence Boris Pasternak"
  • "Earth Script"

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