Paul McCartney - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Songs, John Lennon, The Beatles 2021



Energy, warmth and incredible talentedness not only in music, but also in other areas - such is the Knight of Her Majesty Sir Paul James McCartney. The creativity of the composer, the artist, writer and the artist reflects the beauty of the surrounding world and inspires this amazing person to continuously create new projects.

Childhood and youth

The founder of the British rock band The Beatles Sir James Paul McCartney appeared in 1942 in the modest maternity hospital of Liverpool's suburbs. His mother Mary worked at the time a nurse in this clinic, later she got a job on a new post home midwife. The father of the boy James McCartney by nationality of the Irishman, during the war was a gunsmith at a military factory. With the end of host, he became a cotton trader.

In his youth, James was engaged in music, in the 20s he was part of one famous jazz gang of Liverpool at that time. Paul's father knew how to play a pipe and piano. He instilled his love for music: the eldest floor and younger Michael.

In 5 years, the floor entered Liverpool school. Here, at 10 years old, he took part in the first concert and received a reward, and a year later he was translated into secondary school, which was called the Liverpool Institute, where he studied before his seventeen. In 1956, McCartney's family experienced a heavy loss: Mother Mother died from breast cancer. After her death, the floor closed in himself.

Music has become a way out for him. Thanks to the support of his father, the boy masters the game on the guitar and writes the first musical compositions. It was this sad fact of the biography of the musician in many ways influenced his rapprochement with John Lennon, who also lost his mother in his youth.

During his studies, Paul McCarthy showed himself as an inquisitive student, he did not miss any significant theatrical premiere, was interested in art exhibitions, read fashionable poetry. In parallel with studying in college, Paul was engaged in a small business: he worked as a community. Such experience has become a useful acquisition for the whole of his future life: McCartney can easily support a conversation with any person, he is open and friendly to all others. Literary education The boy received from his school teacher, and it was on the literature that the floor was the only five on the exams. At some point, the young man decided to become a theater director, but it was not possible to enter the institute, since he filed the documents too late.

The Beatles.

In 1957, a significant first meeting of the future creators of the BEATLES group took place. School friend Paul McCartney invited him to try himself in the youth team called The Quarrymen, the founder of which was Lennon. In those days, John still badly owned the guitar technique, and the floor would gladly share with his knowledge with his own knowledge.

The relatives of both adolescents were perceived by the relatives of both teenagers in the bayonets. But this did not affect the relationship of young people, and they continued to jointly compose music. In the updated team of The Quarrymen Paul McCartney invited George Harrison, who will later become one of the participants of the legendary quartet The Beatles.

By 1960, the young music team had already performed at Liverpool's sites, Paul and John changed the former name to the more resistant The Silver Beatles, which, after the tour in Hamburg, were reduced to The Beatles. In the same year, bitleania began among the fans of the collective.

The first songs that caused a storm of uncontrollable emotions from the public were Long Tall Sally and My Bonnie. Despite this, the record of the first disk in the studio DECCA Records failed, and after the tour to Germany, the music group concluded the second contract with the Parlophone Records label. At the same time, the quartet appeared the fourth legendary participant Ringo Starr, and Paul McCartney himself replaced the rhythm guitar on the bass guitar.

During the two years, the first hits of the Love Me Does group appeared? The authorship of which is entirely owned by Paul McCartney. From the first singles, the young man showed himself as a formed musician, all participants of the group were listened to his advice.

The image of Benda from the very beginning was different from other musical teams of that time. The musicians were focused on their work, they looked like real intellectuals. And if in the first albums John and the floor composed compositions on their own, then later they came to the coitancy.

In 1963, Single She Loves You headed the hit parade of popular music in the UK and lasted on his top for almost two months. This fact officially secured the status of the most popular team.

1964 was a breakthrough for the Beatles on the world stage. The musicians went to tour in Europe, and then went to the United States. The quartet met the crowds of fans, the fans arranged real tantrums at their concerts. Finally, The Beatles won the United States after his speech on the central television channel in the ED Sullivan Show program, which was viewed by more than 70 million viewers.

Disintegration The Beatles.

Large to the removal of sex on the cases of the Group influenced the difference in the philosophical views of the musicians. In addition, the appointment on the role of the manager of the group of dubious Alan Klein, against whom one McCartney opposed, finally split the team.

On the eve of their departure from The Beatles McCartney created several immortal singles: Hey Jude, back in the u.s.s.r. And Helter Skelter, which entered the list of "White Album" songs. The cover of the latter was distinguished by a special design: she was absolutely white, without any photo.

Interestingly, this is the only record in the world that entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most quickly discovered. The last album Let It Be became finalizing Paul McCartney as part of the quartet.

Finally, it was finally issued with The Beatles McCartney managed to early 1971. Thus, the legendary group has ceased to exist, which for several years of creativity created six "diamond" albums, took the first place in the list of the 50 greatest performers, received 10 grammy premiums and one Oscar.

Solo career

Since 1971, in many ways, thanks to his wife Linde, the floor began the solo career. The first album of the "Wings" group, in the creation of which the Philadelphia Orchestra took part in the first place on the top of the hit parade in the UK and second place in the United States, and the duet of Paul and Linda was called the best.

Former colleagues McCartney expressed negative about the new experience of the musician, but Paul continued to compose songs for a duet with his wife. The famous British Musicians Denny Lane and Danny Saywell also entered the Supergroup.

Several times after that, Paul and John participated in joint concerts, they supported calm friendly relations before the death of Lennon, which occurred in 1980. A year after the death of a friend, the floor stopped his musical activity as part of the Wings Group because of concerns to be killed as Lennon. With this Bend, Paul managed to release the Band on the Run album, which became their most successful project.

After the dissolution of the "Wings" group, Paul McCartney created the Tug of War album, which is considered the best disc in the solo career of the singer. For his family, the musician acquired several vintage places and built a personal musical studio in his mansion. Regularly new albums McCartney receive high critics assessments, as well as popular with the public.

In 1982, the singer received the next reward from Brit Awards as the best artist of the year. He worked a lot and fruitfully. His new songs from the album Pipes of Peace dedicated the topic of disarmament, the world on the planet.

In the 80-90 years, Paul McCartney writes a lot of joint work with other famous performers, such as Tina Turner, Elton John, Eric Stewart. The floor is experimenting with arrangements, often recording songs accompanied by the London Orchestra. Creativity of the musician - a combination of faults and hits.

1999 was the year for McCartney the recognition of his solo talent. The musician was introduced into the Rock and Roll Fame Hall along with Billy Joell and Bruce Springstine.

Do not depart from rock and pop music, Paul McCartney writes many works of the symphony genre. The top of the classic creativity of the British Musician is his ballet fairy tale "Ocean kingdom", which in 2012 fulfilled the royal ballet troupe. Former soloist The Beatles creates soundtracks for British cartoons. In 2015, a cartoon film was released on the Paul McCartney and his friend Jeff Dunbar "high in the clouds".

Starting from the mid-80s, the singer tried himself not only in music, but also in painting. McCartney was regularly exhibited in New York Gallery. His Peru belongs for more than 500 paintings.

In 2012, Paul imagined the video on his song My Valentine. For shooting a singer, reincarnated in the director, called Natalie Portman and Johnny Depp. This is not the first collaboration of stars.

In 2016, Sir McCartney's participation was announced in the filming of the fifth franchise "Pirates of the Caribbean" called "The Dead does not tell fairy tales." In this film, the famous British artist played together with the permanent structure of the iconic picture: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Jeffrey Rashesh.

The scene in which the pop star spoke with his own song, entered the final version of the film. This is the first role of McCartney in the art film, before that he starred mainly in documentary films. In 2017, the film went on rental.

In 2016, Paul began a Gastro round ONE ON ONE. The first speech took place in April in Fresno (California), and ended in India (California) in October.

The next tour of McCartney's show was opened in Newark (New Jersey) and ended in Long Island.

In 2017, the singer united with the Ringo Starre to record the new drummer album The Beatles. McCartney performed a "magnificent bass party." Before that, the musicians met for joint creativity in 2010.

The main event of 2018 was the output of the solo album Egypt Station. Each composition has its own color, speaking a peculiar station of musical culture. Total tracks 16. The album ranked first in the ranking of the Billboard 200 chart. In the same period, two new songs were recorded: Home Tonight and In A Hurry.

In September 2018, McCartney opened the Freshen Up concert tour in Canada and completed him in North America in the summer of 2019.

By the end of December 2020, Sir Paul McCartney plans to release a collection of compositions McCartney III. The album is the continuation of the same names under numbers I and II. The tracks recorded by a musician alone, the tools were superimposed in turn, layer behind the layer.

In the same period, the musician posted a photo in "Instagram", which is 35 years old. The picture captures Freddie Mercury at the Wembley Stadium, where the grand charitable concert of 1985 was held. The money taken from the event was aimed to help the inhabitants of Ethiopia.

Personal life

With Jane Esher McCartney met in 1963. Communication with her greatly affected the worldview of the musician. The girl was a demanded actress, despite the young age, and often leaving towards touring. For five years, during which a love romance lasted, Paul McCartney came closer to Jane's parents who held a special position in the Supreme Society of London.

The young man settled in the penthouse of the six-story mansion of Esher. Together with the family, Jane McCartney visited avant-garde theatrical productions, acquainted with modern musical trends and listened to the classics. At this time, the floor created some of the most famous his works - Yesterday and Michelle. Gradually, the musician was removed from his friends in the group. He devoted all his leisure to communicating with the owners of famous art galleries and became the main buyer in the store books on the study of psychedelic.

After parting with Jane Escher, which occurred on the eve of their wedding because of the infidelity of the floor, the musician remained alone, but soon met a girl who became his first spouse. Linda Eastman was older McCartney for one year, she worked as a photographer. With his wife and her daughter, heter from the first marriage Paul McCartney settled outside the city in a small mansion and began to lead a fairly secluded lifestyle.

In marriage from Paul and Linda McCartney, three children were born: daughters Mary and Stella, Son James.

In 1997, he was assigned the English knightly title, and he became Sir Paul McCartney. A year later, the singer survived a big tragedy: his wife Linda McCartney died of cancer.

After some time, the musician found consolation in the arms of the former model Heather Mills, not forgetting the first wife. In her honor, he created an album, released a film with snapshots and photographs of the Linda. Charges from the sale of discs went to donations for the treatment of cancer patients.

In 2001, he learned about the fact that he lost another one of his old friend, George Harrison. But bitterness of the losses of Paul McCartney screamed the appearance of the Third daughter Beatris Milli in 2003. The girl instilled hope in his father, and he had a second breath for creativity.

In 2007, the musician began to meet with Nancy Shevell, an American business woman. The woman did not need money, in contrast to the second wife of the singer Heather, who sued a decent amount of a few million pounds of sterling from the former husband.

After 4 years, held together, lovers entered into marriage.

Now Paul McCartney with his family lives in his estate in America. In "Instagram" new photos of the musician regularly appear regularly.

Conflict with Michael Jackson

In 1983, by the invitation of Paul McCartney, Michael Jackson came to him, with whom they began working together on several songs: The Man and Say, Say, Say. There was a real friendship between the musicians. Together they visited several secular events.

British musician, deciding to learn his friend to business, gave him advice to acquire the rights to any music. A year later, at a joint meeting in the US, Jackson was joking a joke about what was going to buy the Beatles songs, after which he had his intention for several months. Thus, he plunged Paul McCartney in shock and became his enemy.

Paul McCartney in Russia

In the early 2000s, the first tours of the Rock and Roll king in Russia took place. Concerts on Red Square in Moscow took place within the world tour of the star back in the world. In the capital of Russia, Paul McCartney met with President Vladimir Putin in his Kremlin Residence.

After a year, the leader of the Liverpool Four spoke with a solo concert on Palace Square in St. Petersburg. The subsequent speeches of the pop star occurred mainly on Vasilyevsky descent, as well as at the Olympic Stadium. At the same years, he came with a solo concert in Kiev.

In 2012, he also defended the Russian scandalous group Pussy Riot and wrote a letter to Vladimir Putin.

Paul McCartney now

In 2020, the musician announced the release of a new album created by him during the pandemic period. In the same year, a joint interview with Paul and Taylor Swift (popular singer in the country style) took place. The daughter of singer Mary filmed a meeting of two legends.

The musician is also engaged in charity. Staying a vegetarian, the musician performs with concerts against the creation of fur clothing, believing that innocent animals are unfairly suffering for the pleasure of man.


  • 1970 - McCartney.
  • 1971 - RAM
  • 1973 - Red Rose Speedway
  • 1980 - McCartney II
  • 1982 - Tug of War
  • 1983 - Pipes of Peace
  • 1986 - Press to Play
  • 1991 - "Again in the USSR"
  • 1989 - Flowers in the Dirt
  • 1991 - Unplugged.
  • 1993 - Off The Ground
  • 1997 - Flaming Pie
  • 1999 - Run Devil Run
  • 2001 - Driving Rai
  • 2005 - Chaos and Creation In The Bacckyar
  • 2012 - Kisses on The Bottom
  • 2013 - NEW.
  • 2018 - Egypt Station
  • 2020 - McCartney III

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