Fedor Shalyapin - biography, photo, personal life, songs, death



Fyodor Shalyapin - Russian Opera and Chamber Singer. At various times, he was a soloist in the Mariinsky and Bolshoi theater, as well as in the Metropolitan Opera. Therefore, the work of the legendary bass is widely known and beyond his homeland.

Childhood and youth

Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin was born in Kazan in 1873. His parents were visiting peasants. Father Ivan Yakovlevich moved from the Vyatka province, he was engaged in an unusual for a peasant work - he served letters in the management of the Zemstvo. And Evdokia Mikhailovna's mother was a housewife.

Fedor Chaliapin with Father and Brother

As a child, a little Fedi got a beautiful conceal, thanks to which he was sent to the church choir, where he received the basics of knowledge of musical letters. In addition to singing in the temple, his father gave a boy to training for a shoemaker.

After completing several elementary education classes with honors, the young man goes to work as an assistant writer. These years then Fedor Shalyapin will remember as the most boring in his life, because he was deprived of the main thing in his life - singing, since at that time his voice was worried about the breaking period. So it would be on the rolled career of the young archivist, if one day he did not come to the presentation of the Kazan Opera House. The magic of art forever captured the heart of the young man, and he decides to change the activity.

Fedor Shalyapin in youth

At the age of 16, Fedor Shalyapin with the bass already undergoing listening to the opera house, but with a cracking fails. After that, he adds to the dramatic team of V. B. Serebryakov, in which he was taken to the post of statist.

Gradually, the vocal parties were charged with a young man. After a year, Fedor Shalyapin fulfilled the Battery of the Zaretsky from the Opera "Eugene Onegin". But in dramatic entrepreneurs, he is not delayed for a long time and after a couple of months later, a chorister is arranged in the music troupe S. Ya. Semenova-Samara, who leaves for Ufa.

Famous bass Fedor Shalyapin

Still Shalyapin remains a talented self-taught, which after several comically failed debuts acquires scenic confidence. The young singer is invited to the wandering theater from Malorus under the leadership of G. I. Derkach, with whom he makes a number of first trips around the country. Travel leads Shalyapin ultimately in Tiflis (now - Tbilisi).

In the capital of Georgia, the talented singer notes the teacher on the vocal vocal Dmitry Usatov, in the past the famous tenor of the Bolshoi Theater. He takes on the complete provision of a poor young man and does with him. In parallel with the lessons, Chaliapin works by the performer of bass parties in the local opera house.


In 1894, Fyodor Shalyapin enters the service to the Imperial Theater of St. Petersburg, but the rigor, reigning here, begins to quickly try it. For a happy accident on one of the performances, he notices the benefactor Savva Mamontov and lures the singer to his theater. Possessing a special little on talents, the patronage detects in the young temperamental artist incredible potential. He provides Fedor Ivanovich full freedom in his team.

During work in the Mammont Chaliapin troupe, revealed his vocal and artistic abilities. He quail all the famous bass parties of Russian operas, such as Pskovysian, Sadko, "Mozart and Salieri", "Mermaid", "Life for the king", "Boris Godunov" and "Hovhanshchina". His performance of the role of Mephistople in Fausta Charles Guno still remains reference. Subsequently, he recreated a similar image in the Aria "Mephistofel" in the "La Scala" theater than the success of the world public.

From the beginning of the 20th century, Shalyapin appears again on the frames of the Mariins, but already as a soloist. With the Metropolitan Theater, he touring Europe, he falls on the metropolitan-opera scene in New York, not to mention regular departures to Moscow, in a large theater. Surrounded by the famous bass, you can see the whole color of the creative elite of the time: I. Kubrin, M. Vrubel, K. Korovin, S. Rachmaninov, Italian singers T. Ruffo and E. Caruso. The photos are preserved where it is captured next to his close friend Maxim Gorky.

Fyodor Shalyapin and Maxim Gorky

In 1905, Fedor Shalyapin honored with solo performances, on whom he sang Romances and the folk songs of Dubinushka, "along St. Petersburg" and others. All means of these concerts singer sacrificed for the needs of the workers. Such concerts of the maestro turned into real political events than later Fyodor Ivanovich had evolved honor from Soviet power. In addition, friendship with the first proletarian writer Maxim Gorky secured the Shalyapin family from ruin during the Soviet terror.

After the revolution, the new government appoints Fyodor Ivanovich the head of the Mariinsky Theater and awards him the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR. But in the new quality, the singer worked for a long time, since he immigrated with his family from his family as the border with the first overseas gastrolers of 1922. No longer appeared on the Soviet scene scene. After years, the Soviet government deprived Shalyapin the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

The creative biography of Fyodor Shalyapin is not only his vocal career. In addition to singing, a talented artist was fond of painting and sculpture. He also starred in the cinema. He got the role of Ivan the Terrible in the same name of Alexander Ivanov-Gaya of the same name, and he also participated in the filming of the film of the German director of George Wilhelm Pabsta "Don Quixote", where Chaliapin fulfilled the main role of the famous wrestler with windmills.

Personal life

With the first wife, Shalyapin met in the youth, while working in the Mamontov's Affriter Theater. The girl was called Iola Tornagi, she was a ballerina of Italian origin. Despite the temperament and success in women, the young singer decided to tie himself as a marriage as a sophisticated woman.

Fedor Shalyapin and Iola Tornagi

Over the years of the Japan, Iola gave birth to Fyodor Shalyapin six children. But even such a family did not keep Fedor Ivanovich from fundamental changes in life.

Being in the service in the Imperial Theater, he had to live often in St. Petersburg, where he started the second family. At first, with his second wife, Maria Petzold Fedor Ivanovich met secretly, as she was also married. But afterwards they began to live together, and Maria gave birth to him for three more children.

Fedor Shalyapin and Maria Petzold

The dual life of the artist continued until his departure to Europe. At the tour, Prudantive Chaliapin left the entire second family, and in a couple of months, five children came to Paris to Paris from the first marriage.

Fedor Shalyapin with family

From the Big Fedor family in the USSR, only his first wife Iola Ignatievna and the eldest daughter Irina remained. These women became the keepers of the memory of the opera singement in their homeland. In 1960, the old and sick Iola Tornagi moved to Rome, but before leaving, she turned to the Minister of Culture Catherine Furtseva with a request - to create a museum of Fyodor Ivanovich Shalyapin in their home at the Novinsky Boulevard.


Last tour of the countries of the Far East, Shalyapin went in the mid-30s. It gives over 50 solo concerts in the cities of China and Japan. After that, returning to Paris, the artist felt not good.

In 1937, doctors diagnosed he had an oncological disease of the blood: the year of life remains Chaliapin.

The great bass died in the Paris apartment in early April 1938. For a long time, his dust was buried in French land, and only in 1984, at the request of Sala Chaliapina, his remains were transferred to the grave at the Novodevichy Moskdom Cemetery.

Grave Fedor Shalyapina

True, many historians consider the death of Fyodor Shalyapin rather strange. And the doctor in one voice said that leukemia with such a hedgehog bodium and at such age is extremely rare. There are also evidence that after the tour in the Far East, the opera singer in Paris returned in a painful state and with a strange "decoration" on the forehead - a lump of greenish color. Doctors argue that such neoplasms arise in poisoning with radioactive isotope or phenol. The question was what happened to Chaliapin on the tour, and the local historian was set out of Kazan Rovell Kashapov.

A man believes that Skalyapin "removed" the Soviet power as an objectionable. At one time, he refused to return home, plus to everything, through the Orthodox priest provided material assistance to poor Russian emigrants. In Moscow, his deed was called counter-revolutionary, aimed at supporting white emigration. After such a charge of return, there was no longer any speech.

Fedor Shalyapin

Soon the singer joined the power to the conflict. His book "The History of My Life" was printed by foreign publishers, and they received the press permission from the Soviet Organization "International Book". Shalyapina outstanding so unceremonious disposal by copyright, and he filed a court who ordered the USSR to pay him monetary compensation. Of course, in Moscow, this was regarded as hostile actions of the singer against the Soviet state.

And in 1932 he wrote the book "Mask and Soul" and published it in Paris. In it, Fedor Ivanovich in a tough form spoke in relation to the ideology of Bolshevism, to Soviet power and in particular to Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

Singer Fedor Shalyapin

In the last years of his life, Shalyapin showed maximum caution and suspicious persons to his apartment did not let. But in 1935, the singer received an offer to the organization of the tour in Japan and China. And during the tour in China, unexpectedly for Fedor Ivanovich, he is offered to give a concert in Harbin, although initially the performance was not planned there. Kashapov Kashapov Regional Kaspov is confident that there is a doctor of Wielzon, who accompanied Shalyapin in this round, was awarded an aerosol cylinder with a poisoning substance.

Fedor Ivanovich's accompaniator, Georges de Godzinsky, claims that before the speech, Witzon inspected the singer's throat and, despite the fact that he found it quite satisfactory, "sprinkled by Menthol." Herzinsky told that further tour was held against the background of the worsening health of Shalyapin.

Konstantin Korovin. Portrait of Fedor Chaliapina

In February 2018, 145 years old since the birth of the Great Russian Opera Singer. In the house-museum of Shalyapin at the Novinsky Boulevard in Moscow, where Fyodor Ivanovich lived with his family since 1910, the admirers of creativity widespread his anniversary.


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  • Prince Igor: Aria Konchaka "Health Lee, Prince"
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  • Faust: Aria of Mefistophele "Go to Darkness"

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