Vincent Van Gogh - biography, personal life, paintings, works, photos



Vincent Van Gogh is a Netherlands artist, one of the brightest representatives of postmingness. He worked a lot and fruitfully: for ten years with a small years, it created such a number of works that neither one of the famous painters was not. He wrote portraits and self-portraits, landscapes and still lifes, cypresses, wheat fields and sunflowers.

The artist was born near the southern border of the Netherlands in the village of Grotz-Süntert. This event in the family of Pastor Theodora Van Gogh and his wife Anna Cornelia Carbentus occurred on March 30, 1853. In total, there was six children in the family of Van Gogov. The younger brother Theo throughout his life helped Winsent, took an active part in his difficult fate.

Vincent Van Gogh.

In the family, Vincent was a difficult, naughty child with some oddities, so he was often punished. Outside the house, on the contrary, looked thoughtful, serious and quiet. He almost did not play children. The fellow villagers considered him a modest, cute, friendly and compassionate child. At the age of 7, he was given to the village school, a year later, they take away from there and teach at home, in the fall of 1864 the boys will be taken to the boarding school in Zewenbergen.

Departure wounds the soul of the boy and causes him a lot of suffering. In 1866 it is transferred to another boarding school. Vincent is well given languages, here it also gets the first drawing skills. In 1868 in the middle of the school year, he throws school and leaves home. His education will end in this. He recalls about his childhood as something cold and gloomy.

Vincent Van Gogh in childhood

Traditionally, the generation of Van Gogov has implemented themselves in two spheres of activity: trading in paintings and church activity. Vincent will try himself and as a preacher, and as a merchant, giving the work of himself. Having achieved some success, he refuses the other, sanctifying his life and all his painting.

Carier start

In 1868, the fifteen-year-old young man enters the branch of the art company "Gupil and Co." in the Hague. For good work and curiousness, he is sent to the London branch. For two years, which Vincent stayed in London, he becomes a real businessman and an expert in Engraner Engravings, quotes Dickens and Eliota, a gloss appears in it. Van Gogh awaits the prospect of a brilliant commissioner of the central branch of "Pipily" in Paris, where he should have moved.

From the book of letters to brother Teo

In 1875 there were events that changed his life. In a letter to the theo, he calls his condition "painful loneliness." The artist's biography researchers suggest that the cause of such a state in rejected love. Who was the object of this love, not exactly known. It is possible that this version is erroneous. The transfer to Paris did not help change the situation. He cooled to "go pupil" and was fired.

Theology and missionary activity

In search of themselves, Vincent is approved in his religious destination. In 1877, he moved to Uncle Johannes in Amsterdam and is preparing for admission to the Faculty of Theology. In school, he is disappointed, throws classes and leaving. The desire to serve people leads him to a missionary school. In 1879, he receives the position of the preacher in Vame in the south of Belgium.

Vincent Van Gogh. Self-portrait

He teaches the Law of God in the Mining Center in Boringe, helps the families of miners, visits patients, teaches children, reads sermons, for earnings draws Palestine cards. He himself lives in a miserable shack, feeds on water and bread, sleeping on the floor, tested himself physically. In addition, he helps workers to defend its rights.

Local authorities remove him from office, as they do not accept violent activities and extremes. During this period, he draws a lot of miners, their wives and children.

Formation of the artist

To get away from depression related to events in Pateurge, Van Gogh appeals to painting. Brother Theo supports him, and he visits the Academy of Fine Arts. But in a year she grabs study and travels to parents, continuing to do on their own.

Again falls in love. This time in my cousin. His feelings do not find a response, but he continues to courtishness than causes the irritation of relatives who asked him to leave. Because of the new shock, he refuses his personal life, leaving in Hague to engage in painting. Here he takes lessons from Anton Mauwe, works a lot, watching urban life, mainly in poor neighborhoods. He studies the "Figure Course" course of Charles Barga, copies lithographs. Mixing the mixing of various techniques on canvas, seeking interesting color shades in the works.

Vincent Van Gogh.

Once again trying to create a family with a pregnant street woman with whom he meets on the street. A woman with children moves to him and becomes a model for the artist. Because of this quarrels with relatives and friends. Vincent himself feels happy, but not long. The heavy character of the cohabitant turned his life into a nightmare, and they broke up.

The artist goes to the province of Drenthe to the North Netherlands, lives in the hut, which he equipped under the workshop, writes landscapes, peasants, scenes from their work and life. Early works Van Gogh, with reservations, but can be called realistic. The lack of academic education affected its figure, in inaccuracies in the image of the figures of people.

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He moves to his parents to Nyuen, draws a lot. During this period hundreds of drawings and canvases were created. Simultaneously with creativity, painting with students, reads a lot and takes music lessons. The subjects of the work of the Dutch period are simple people and scenes written in an expressive manner with a predominance of a dark palette, gloomy and deaf tones. The masterpieces of this period include the painting "Potato ETERS" (1885), depicting the scene from the life of the peasants.

Paris period

After a long random Vincent decides to live and create in Paris, where he moves at the end of February 1886. Here it is found with the brother of the Teo, who served before the director of the art gallery. The artistic life of the French capital of this period beats the key.

The exhibition of impressionists on Lafit Street becomes a significant event. For the first time, Xinyak and sulfur are exhibited there, which headed the movement of postpressionism, marked the final stage of impressionism. Impressionism is a revolution in art that has changed an approach to painting, which has given academic techniques and plots. The first impression is put in the head of the corner, clean colors, preference is given to painting at the pleinier.

In Paris, Van Gogh takes a brother Theo, intensify it in his house, introduces artists. In the workshop of the artist-traditionalist Fernan Kormon, he meets Toulouse-Lotrek, Emil Bernar and Louis Anquente. A great impression on it is painting Impressionists and post-imagressionists. In Paris, he was addicted to absinthe and even writes a still life on this topic.

Still life with absintrome

Paris period (1886-1888) was the most fruitful, the collection of its work was replenished with 230 canvases. It was the time of searching for technology, studying innovative trends of modern painting. He has a new look at painting. The realistic approach is replaced by a new manner, which is important to impressionism and postmingness, which is reflected in its still lifes with flowers and landscapes.

Brother introduces him with the most vivid representatives of this area: Camille Pissarro, Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and others. With their friends, artists often goes to the Plenuary. His palette will gradually brighten, becomes brighter, and over time turns into a riot of paints, characteristic of his work of recent years.

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In Paris, Van Gogh communicates a lot, visits the same places where his brothers go. In Tambourin, he even makes a small affair with his hostess of the agostyle conjunction, which once posted Degas. With her, he writes a portrait at a table in a cafe and several works in the style of Nu. Another meeting place was the bench of dads Tangi, where paints and other materials for artists were sold. Here, as in many other similar institutions, artists have expressed their work.

A group of small boulevards is formed, which includes Van Gogh and his comrades who have not reached such heights, as the masters of large boulevards are more famous and recognized. The spirit of rivalry and the tension that reigned in the Paris society of that time, for a impulsive and uncompromising artist become unbearable. He comes into disputes, quarrels and makes the decision to leave the capital.

Chuckled ear

In February 1888, he goes to Provence and tied to his entire soul. Theo sponsors brother, sending him 250 francs per month. In gratitude, Vincent sends his paintings to his brother. Removes four rooms in the hotel, it feeds in a cafe, the owners of which are becoming his friends and positive for paintings.

With the arrival of spring artist captivated by the southern sun, blooming trees. He is delighted with bright colors and air transparency. Impression ideas are gradually leaving, but it remains loyal to the light palette and painting at the plenier. The works prevailing yellow, acquiring a special radiance coming from depth.

Vincent Van Gogh cut off his ear

To work at night on the plenier, fixes candles on a hat and sketchik, lighting its workplace in this way. That is how his paintings "Starry Night over Rona" and "Night Cafe" were written. An important event becomes the arrival of the Gajen field, which Vincent has repeatedly invited to Arles. Enthusiastic and fruitful joint accommodation ends with quarrels and rupture. Confident, Pedantic Gaugugen was the exact opposite of the insufficient and restless Van Gogh.

The epilogue of this story becomes a rapid clarification of relations before Merry Christmas 1888, when Vincent cut off his ear. Gogen, frightened that the attack gather on him, disappeared at the hotel. Vincent wrapped the swarm of the ear of the ear into paper and sent it to their common acquaintance - a prostitute Rachel. In a puddle of blood, he discovered a fellow handle. The wound will quickly heal, but spiritual health again returns it to the hospital bed.


The inhabitants of Arlya begin to fear the citizen in dislike. In 1889, they write a petition with the requirement to save them from the "red madman." Vincent is aware of the danger of his condition and voluntarily goes to the hospital of St. Paul Maulzolian in Saint-Remy. During treatment, he is allowed to write on the street under the supervision of medical staff. So it has been working with characteristic wave-like lines and twists ("Starry Night", "Road with cypress trees and a star", etc.).

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In Saint-Remy, periods of violent activity are replaced by long interruption caused by depression. At the time of one of the crises, he swallows paints. Despite the frequent exacerbations of the disease, Brother Theo contributes to his participation in the September Salon independent in Paris. In January 1890, Vincent exposes "Red Vineyards in Arle" and sells them for four hundred francs, which is a pretty decent amount. It was the only picture sold during life.

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His joy was immeasurable. The artist did not stop working. The success of "vineyards" was inspired by his brother Theo. It supplies Vincent paints, but he starts to eat them. In May 1890, the brother negotiates with the therapist-homeopath Dr. Gasha about the treatment of Vincent in his clinic. The doctor himself is fond of drawing, so it is happy to be accepted for the treatment of the artist. Vincent is also located to Gasha, sees a kind and optimistic person in it.

A month later, Van Gogh is allowed to travel to Paris. Brother meets him is not very affectionate. He has problems with finance, the daughter is very sick. Vincent, such a reception derived from equilibrium, he understands that it becomes possible, and has always been for the brother for the burden. Shocked, he returns to the clinic.

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On July 27, as usual, it turns out to be pleasing, but not returning with etudes, but with a bullet in the chest. The bullet released from the gun got into the rib and went away from the heart. The artist himself returned to the shelter and lay down in bed. Lying in bed, he quietly smoked the phone. It seemed the impression that the wound did not hurt him.

Haache caused the Teo to the telegram. He immediately arrived, began to reassure the brother that he would help him that it was not necessary to indulge in despair. In response, the phrase sounded: "Sadness will last forever." The artist died on July 29, 1890 in half the second night. He was buried in the town of Mary on July 30.

Vincent Van Gogh's grave

Many of his friends-artists arrived with the artist. The walls of the room were hung off his last paintings. Dr. Haache wanted to say a speech, but I cried so much that I managed to say only a few words, the essence of which came down to the fact that Vincent was a great artist and an honest person, that the art that was above all for him will repay him, perpetuate his name .

The brother of the artist Teo Van Gogh was not six months later. He did not forgive himself a quarrel with his brother. His despair, which he shared with his mother becomes unbearable, and he gets sick by a nervous disorder. That's what he wrote in a letter of his mother after his brother's death:

"It is impossible to describe my grief, as it is impossible to find consolation. This is a grief that will last and from which I, of course, will never get rid of I am alive. The only thing that can be said is that he himself found peace to which she was sought ... Life was such a heavy burden for him, but now, as it often happens, everyone praises his talents ... Oh, mom! He was so mine, my own brother. "

Teo Van Gogh.

And this is the last letter of Vincent, written by him after a quarrel:

"It seems to me that because everyone is a bit inflicted and besides too busy, it is not necessary to fully figure out all the relationships. I was a little surprised that you as if you want to hurry the events. How can I help, rather, what should I do to suit you? Anyway, mentally, I firmly press your hands and, in spite of everything, I was glad to see you all. Do not doubt it. "

In 1914, the remains of Theo his widow rejected next to Vincent's grave.

Personal life

One of the reasons for the mental illness of Van Gogh could be his failed personal life, he never found himself a life companion. The first attack of despair happened after the failure of his daughter's housewife Ursula Loyer, in which he was secretly in love for a long time. The proposal sounded unexpectedly, shocked the girl, and she rudely refused.

The story was repeated with the widowed Kuzina Ki Stricker, but this time Vincent decides not to give up. Woman does not take care. In the third visit to the relatives of the beloved, he fuses his hand in the flame candle, promising to keep it so until she gave his consent to become his wife. With this act, he finally convinced the girl's father that he deals with a mentally unhealthy man. More to ceremony did not start with him and simply speakers from home.

Vincent Van Gogh.

Sexy dissatisfaction was reflected in his nervous state. Vincent begins to like prostitutes, especially not very young and not very beautiful, which he could raise. Soon he stops the choice on a pregnant prostitute, which settles him with a 5-year-old daughter. After the birth of the son, Vincent is tied to children and thinks to marry.

The woman posed the artist and lived with him about a year. Because of her, he had to be treated from gonorrhea. Relationships deteriorated finally when the artist saw how cynical, cruel, rustling and differently. After parting the lady indulged by his former classes, and Van Gogh left Hague.

Margo Behemanne

In recent years, Vincent has pursued a 41-year-old woman named Margo Hymann. She was a neighbor artist in Nuenen and really wanted to marry. Van Gogh, rather from pity, agrees to marry her. Parents did not give consent for this marriage. Margo almost did not commit life, but Van Gogh saved her. In the subsequent period, he has many random connections, he visits public houses and is treated from venereal diseases from time to time.

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