Fedor Dostoevsky - Photo, biography, personal life, novels, cause of death



Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky appeared on November 11, 1821 in Moscow. His father Mikhail Andreevich occurred from the kind of gentry of Dostoevsky coat of arms Radvan. He received a medical education and worked in the Borodino Infantry Regiment, the Moscow Military Hospital, as well as in the Mariinskaya Hospital for the poor. The mother of the future famous writer, Nechaeva Maria Fedorovna, was the daughter of the Moscow merchant.

Fedor's parents were not rich people, but they worked tirelessly to provide a family and give children a good education. Subsequently, Dostoevsky was repeatedly recognized that he was immensely grateful to the father and mother for excellent education and education, which was worth it difficult.

The boy learned to read the mother, she used the book "104 Sacred Stories of the Old and New Testament." In part, therefore, in the famous book of Dostoevsky "Brothers of the Karamazov", Zosima Character in one of the dialogues says that in childhood he learned to read this on this book.

The reading skills Young Fedor mastered on the Bible Book of Job, which was also reflected in his subsequent works: the writer used his reflections on this book when creating a famous novel "Teenager". Father also made his contribution to the education of the son, teaching his Latin.

In total, seven children were born in Dostoevsky's family. So, Fedor was the elder brother Mikhail, with whom he was especially close, and the older sister of Varvara. In addition, he had the younger brothers Andrei and Nikolai, as well as the younger sisters Vera and Alexander.

In his youth, Mikhail and Fedor taught N.I. Durshus, teacher Alexandrovsky and Catherine school. With its help, the older sons of Dostoevsky studied French, and the sons of the teacher, A.N. Drashusov and V.N. Drashus, taught boys in mathematics and literature, respectively. In the period from 1834 to 1837, Fedor and Mikhail continued their studies in the metropolitan guesthouse L.I. Cram, who was then a very prestigious educational institution.

In 1837, terrible happened: Maria Fedorovna Dostoevskaya died from Chakhotka. Fyodor at the time of the death of the mother was only 16 years old. Remaining without a wife, Dostoevsky-Sr. decided to send Fedor and Mikhail to St. Petersburg, to Pension K.F. Kostomarova. Father wanted the boys to subsequently entered the main engineering school. Interestingly, both older Sons of Dostoevsky at that time were fond of literature and wanted to devote their lives to her, but the father did not perceive their passion to seriously.

Moving the will of the Father The boys did not dare. Fedor Mikhailovich successfully passed training in the guest house, entered the school and graduated from him, but he devoted all his free time to reading. Shakespeare, Hoffman, Byron, Goethe, Schiller, Rasin, Homer, Lermontov, Gogol, Pushkin - The works of all these famous authors he swallowed, instead of enthusiastically comprehending the aza engineering science.

In 1838, Dostoevsky, together with friends, even organized their own literary circle in the main engineering school, in addition to Fedor Mikhailovich, Grigorovich, Beketov, Vitkovsky, Berezhetsky, were entered. Already then the writer began to create his first works, but still did not decrease to finally stand on the path of the writer. Having completed training in 1843, he even received the post of engineer-companion in the St. Petersburg engineering team, but he climbed the service for long. In 1844, he decided to engage exclusively literature and resigned.

Personal life

The first wife of Dostoevsky became Maria Isaev, with whom he met shortly after returning from the cautious. In total, Fedor and Mary marriage launched about seven years, before the sustainable death of the writer's spouse in 1864.

During one of his first trips abroad at the beginning of the 1860s of Dostoevsky, the emancipated Apollinaria Suslov was fascinated. It was from her that Polina was written in the "player", the Naviya Filippovna in Idiot and a number of other female characters.

Although on the eve of the fourth-year anniversary behind the writer, there were at least a long-term relationship with Isaeva and Suslova, at that time his women had not yet presented him with such happiness as children. This disadvantage of the second wife of the writer - Anna Dnikkin. She became not only the faithful spouse, but also an excellent assistant to the writer: assumed the troubles on the publication of Dostoevsky's novels, rationally solved all financial issues, prepared his memories of the genius husband for the publication. Roman "Brothers Karamazov" Fyodor Mikhailovich dedicated to her.

Anna Grigorievna gave birth to a spouse of four children: daughters Sophia and love, sons of Fyodor and Alexey. Alas, Sophia, who had to become the first child of the married couple, died a few months after childbirth. Of all the children of Fyodor Mikhailovich, only Son Fedor became the successor of his writer.

Start of a creative path

Although the family did not approve of the decisions of the young Fedor, he diligently began to bang over previously launched works and develop ideas of new ones. 1844 was marked for a novice writer with the release of his first book - "poor people." The success of the work exceeded all the expectations of the author. Critics and writers highly appreciated the Roman Dostoevsky, raised in the topics book found a response in the hearts from many readers. Fyodor Mikhailovich took the so-called "Belinsky circle", he began to be called "New Gogol".

Success lasted long. At about a year later, Dostoevsky presented to the public the book "Double", but it turned out to be incomprehensible to most admirers of the talent of young genius. Delight and praise the writer were replaced by criticism, dissatisfaction, disappointment and sarcasm. Subsequently, the writers estimated the innovation of this work, it is not disliked on the novels of those years, but at the time of the release of the book it did not feel almost no one.

Soon Dostoevsky quarreled with Turgenev and was expelled from the "Belinsky circle", and also quarreled with N.A. Nekrasov, editor of the "contemporary". However, publishing his works immediately agreed by the publication of "Public Notes" edited by Andrei Kraevsky.

Nevertheless, the phenomenal popularity that Fedor Mikhailovich brought his first publication was allowed him to make a number of interesting and useful dating in the literary circles of St. Petersburg. Many of his new acquaintances partly became prototypes of various characters of subsequent works of the author.

Arrest and Katorga

The fateful for the writer became acquaintance with M.V. Petrashevsky in 1846. Petrashevsky satisfied the so-called "Fridays", during which the abolition of serfdom, freedom of typography, progressive changes in the system of proceedings and other issues of this plan were discussed.

During meetings, somehow connected with Petrashevs, Dostoevsky met with a communist hurry. In 1848, in 1848 organized a secret society from 8 people (including his self and Fedor Mikhailovich), which was overlooking the coup in the country and for the creation of an illegal typography. At the meetings of the Society, Dostoevsky has repeatedly read "Letter of Belinsky Gogol", which was then forbidden.

In the same 1848, Roman Fyodor Mikhailovich "White Nights" was published, but, alas, he could not enjoy the deserved glory. The same connections with a radically tuned young people played against the writer, and on April 23, 1849 he was arrested, like many other Petrashevtsev. Dostoevsky denied his blame, but he was remembered by the "criminal" letter of Belinsky, on November 13, 1849 sentenced the writer to the death penalty. Before that, he languished in conclusion in the Petropavlovsk fortress for eight months.

Fortunately for Russian literature, a brutal sentence for Fedor Mikhailovich was not fulfilled. On November 19, the audience general considered him not corresponding to the fault of Dostoevsky, and therefore the death penalty was replaced by an eight-year-old cautor. And at the end of the same month, the emperor Nicholas I immediately softened the punishment: the writer was referred to the catguard into Siberia for four years instead of eight. At the same time, he was deprived of noble rank and state, and at the end of the platforms, it was produced in ordinary soldiers.

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Despite all the treasures and deprivation, which suggested a similar sentence, entering the soldiers meant the full return of Dostoevsky of his civil rights. It was the first similar case in Russia, since usually those people who sentenced to religious work, until the end of the life lost their civil rights, even if they survived after many years of imprisonment and returned to free lives. Emperor Nicholas I regretted the young writer and did not want to ruin his talent.

The years that Fedor Mikhailovich spent on Katorga, made an indelible impression on him. The writer was seriously experienced endless suffering and loneliness. In addition, he had a lot of time to establish normal communication with other prisoners: those for a long time did not take it because of the noble title.

In 1856, the new Emperor Alexander II gave forgiveness to all Petrashevs, and in 1857 Dostoevsky was pardoned, that is, he received a full amnesty and was restored as a publication of his works. And if, in his youth Fedor Mikhailovich, who was not determined in his fate, trying to find the truth and build a system of life principles, then at the end of the 1850s he became a mature identity formed. Heavier years at the Katorga made a deeply religious person from him, which he remained until the very death.

Flowering creativity

In 1860, the writer published a two-volume assembly of his writings, in which the story "Village Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants" and "Uncle Sleep". It happened about the same story as with the "double" - although later works were given a very high assessment, the contemporaries they did not fall to taste. However, the publishing of "Notes from the Dead House" was helped to return the attention of the readers to the mature Dostoevsky, dedicated to the life of the convicts and written in mostly during the conclusion.

For many residents of the country that did not come across this horror on their own, the work became almost shocked. Many people were stunned by what the author told about, especially given the fact that earlier the theme of the cortician for Russian writers was something like a taboo. After that, Herzen began to call the Dostoevsky "Russian Dante".

Notable for the writer became 1861. This year, in collaboration with his elder brother Mikhail, he took up the publishing house of his own literary and political magazine called "Time". In 1863, the publication was closed, and instead of him, Dostoevsky brothers began to print another magazine - called the "Epoch".

These magazines, first, strengthened the positions of the brothers in the literary environment. And secondly, it was on their pages "humiliated and offended", "notes from the underground", "Notes from the Dead House", "Nice Anecdote" and many other works of Fyodor Mikhailovich. Mikhail Dostoevsky soon passed away: he left his life in 1864.

In the 1860s, the writer began to ride abroad, finding in new places and familiar inspiration for his new novels. Including, precisely at that time, Dostoevsky originated and the idea of ​​the work of the "Player" began to be implemented.

In 1865, the publication of the magazine "Epoch", whose subscribers were steadily reduced, had to be closed. Moreover: Even after the closure of the publication, the writer faced an impressive amount of debts. To somehow get out of the difficult financial situation, he concluded an extremely unprofitable agreement on the publication of a meeting of his works with the publisher Stelovsky, and soon after that he began to write his most famous novel "Crime and Punishment". The philosophical approach to social reasons was widely recognized among readers, and Roman glorified Dostoevsky while life.

The next great book Fedor Mikhailovich became "Idiot", published in 1868. The idea of ​​portray an excellent person who is trying to make any other characters, but cannot overcome hostile forces and, as a result, suffers and itself, turned out to be easy for incarnation only in words. In fact, Dostoevsky called "Idiot" one of the most difficult to write a book, although Prince Myshkin and became his favorite character.

Having finished work on this novel, the author decided to write an epic called "Atheism" or "Life of the Great Sin". He could not realize his idea, however, some ideas collected for the epic formed the basis for the next three great books of Dostoevsky: the "demons" novel, written in 1871-1872, the works of "Teen", completed in 1875, and the novel "Brothers Karamazov ", work on which Dostoevsky finished in 1879-1880.

Interestingly, "demons" in which the writer initially assumed to express his disapproving attitude to representatives of revolutionary currents in Russia, gradually changed during the writing. Initially, the author was not going to make Stavrogina, who later became one of his most famous characters, the key hero of the novel. But his image was so powerful that Fyodor Mikhailovich decided to change the idea and add a real drama and tragedy to the political work.

If in "Besnes", among other things, the theme of fathers and children was quite widely revealed, then in the next novel - "Teenager" - the writer brought to the fore the question of the upbringing of a matured child.

A peculiar result of the creative path of Fyodor Mikhailovich, the literary analogue of summing up, the "brothers of the karmazov" became a literary analogue. Many episodes, plot lines, the characters of this work were partly based on the writer's previously written novels, starting with his first published novel "poor people."


Dostoevsky died on January 28, 1881, the cause of death is chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis and emphysema. The death of the writer on the sixtieth year of life.

To say goodbye to the writer crowds came crowds of admirers of his talent, but Fedor Mikhailovich's greatest fame, his timeless novels and wise quotes were still after the death of the author.

Quotes Dostoevsky

No one will take the first step, because everyone thinks that this is not mutually required to destroy a person: it is only necessary to convince him that the case he is engaged in, no one needs. Soboroba is not to restrain ourselves, and in how to own it. The writer, whose works were not successful, easily becomes a bullive criticism: so weak and tasteless wine can be an excellent vinegar. There may be one sun ray with a soul! The world will save beauty. Self who knows how to hug - a good person. Do not register your memory with the insults, otherwise there may simply be not to stay for wonderful moments. If you went to the goal and become an expensive stay to stop the stones in any dog ​​barking on you, you will never come to Objectives. He is smart, but to be cleverly to do - one mind is not enough. Who wants to benefit, that even with knitted hands can make a lot of goodness. Life suffocates without a goal. Love life more than the meaning of life Never enjoying his Russian people as if it would be enjoyed. There is no fortune-happiness, but only in its achievement.

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