Agnia Barto - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Poems, Books and Latest News



Agnia Lvovna Barto was born in Moscow on February 17, 1906. According to some information, at birth, the girl was called the hetel Labovna Volova. Agnia was born in the educated family of Jewish origin. Her father was Lev Nikolayevich Ovov, a veterinarian, and Maria Ilinichna Volova (in the Maiden Bloch), which after the birth of her daughter took up households.

The girl's father loved the Basinie Krylov and since his childhood his daughter regularly read them for the night. He taught a little daughter to read, on the book of Leo Tolstoy. Magnia's father loved the works of the classic of Russian literature very much, because on the very first birthday gave his daughter a book called "How Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy" lives and works.

Agnia Barto in youth

Even in early childhood Agnia began writing poems. He subsequently recognized the poetess itself, in the first grades of the gymnasium, she gave tribute to love topics: I wrote not one sheet with naive poems about "in love with marquises and cups." However, to compose rhymes about languid beauties and their ardent lover girls are quickly tired, and gradually such poems in her notebooks were changed to bold epigram on girlfriends and teachers.

Agnia Barto in youth

Like all children from intelligent families of those times, Barto trained German and French, went to a prestigious gymnasium. In addition, she entered the choreographic school, intending to become a ballerina. At the same time, the financial situation of the Jewish family, and even in the conditions of the October Revolution, left much to be desired. Therefore, at 15 years old Agniya faked documents, increasing his age per year, and went by the seller to the store "Clothing" (his staff gave her herring heads, from which it was possible to cook soup).

Creative career

One day, the choreographic school in which Agnia Barto was engaged in the People's Commissar of Anatoly Lunacharsky. He came to the graduation standings of the school pupils and, among other things, heard the young poetess under the accompaniment of music Chopin read a very impressive poem "Funeral March" of his own essay. Although the work was by no means humorous, Lunacharsky could hardly resist laughter and confidently stated that the girl would write beautiful, funny and joyful poems.

Agnia Barto in ballet troupe

In 1924, Agnia Lvovna completed training in the choreographic school and successfully entered the ballet troupe. However, to build a successful career on stage, she still failed: the troupe emigrated, and Father Agnes did not agree to let her go from Moscow.

His first works of the poetess incurred to the Gosizdat in 1925. "Bear-thieves" and "Wan Lee" liked the publishing house, and the poems were published. Next followed the collection of poems "toys", "Briters", "Boy on the contrary", "bullfding", "Boltunya" and many others.

Agnia Barto and her readers

Works of young poets quickly quickly provided it with great popularity among the Soviet readers. She was not a fan of non-feasible, but created humorous and satirical images, ridiculed human flaws. Her poems were read not as boring notations, but as fun teasers, and thanks to this they were much closer to children than the works of many other children's poets of early 20th century.

At the same time, Agnia Lvovna has always remained a very modest and shy man. So, she was crazy about Mayakovsky, but at the first meeting with him did not even dare to open his mouth. However, afterwards the conversation about child poetry, Barto and Mayakovsky still took place, and Agnia had a lot from him for his future creativity. And when one of the poems of Agnes listened to the roots of Chukovsky, she stated that a five-year-old boy wrote him. No less exciting for the writer became a conversation with Maxim Gorky.

Agnia Barto and Vladimir Mayakovsky

Both in the youth, and in more mature years, Agnia Lvovna was distinguished by a kind of linguistic perfectionism. Once she went to the Book Congress, which was held in Brazil. She had to make a report, and translated into English. Nevertheless, Barto repeatedly changed the text of the Russian-speaking version of his speech, than almost brought a translator crazy.

Agniya Barto

In the war years, Agnia Barto, together with his family, was evacuated to Sverdlovsk. She spoke a lot on the radio, printed military articles, essays and poems in newspapers. In the 1940s, she had the idea of ​​the work of young adolescents, which continuously work on defense plants in numerous machines. To master the topic, she even took possession of the Tokary profession, and in 1943 he wrote a long-awaited work "there is a student".

Post-war period

After the war of the poetess often attended children's homes, talked with orphans, read her poems, even reading some kind of children's homes. In 1947, Agnia Barto published one of the most psychological heavy works - the poem "Zvenigorod", dedicated to numerous children who have a war of parents.

After the publication of Zvenigorod, she wrote a woman from Karaganda, who lost her daughter in the war years. She asked Agnia Lvovna to help find her. The poetess attributed a letter to the organization that was engaged in the search for people, and the miracle happened: the mother and daughter found each other several years later separation. This case was written in the press, and numerous letters from children and parents, thirsting to find each other, began to come to the Barto.

The poetess took up the work that was not able to anyone. In her radio program, "find a person", the children told about their fragmentary memories of those times when they still lived with their parents. Barto read the passages of letters, listeners helped her: as a result, a huge number of people found their relatives thanks to Agnia Lviv.

Agniya Barto

Naturally, the work of the poetess did not forget, and continued to write books for the smallest. Her poems for children "Grandfather and Granddaughter", "Leshane, Leshenka", "Bear and Uncle Vova", "First-grader", "Voving a good soul" and many others were published in large circulations and read the children throughout the country with pleasure.

In addition, according to the scenarios of AGNIA, films "Alyosha Polysin produces character", "elephant and rope" were removed. The small filmography of the poetess also includes a picture of "Podlidysh", write a script for which Barto helped Rina Green.

Personal life

The first husband of Agniya Lvovna - Poet Pavel Barto, the last name of the poetess subsequently wore a lifetime. This marriage, enclosed in the youth of both poets, lasted less than ten years.

Agnia Barto with first husband

Paul and Agnes have born the son of Edgar, who died in the 18-year-old age in an accident.

Andrei Scheglyev, with whom she lived in happiness and love, became the second spouse, with whom she lived in happiness and love until 1970, when Andrei Vladimirovich died due to the oncological disease.

Agnia Barto with husband Andrei

In this marriage, Tatyana's daughter was born, subsequently became the candidate of technical sciences.


Agnia Barto died on April 1, 1981, the cause of death is a heart problem. After opening, the doctors were amazed by the fact that the poetess lived a long enough life despite the fact that she had extremely weak vessels.

Tomb of Agnes Barto

Many fans of Agnia's creativity subsequently recalled her phrase "Almost every person has a minute in life, when he makes more than it can" - and noted that for Barto, such minutes stretched in whole years.

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