Alexander Pushkin - biography, photo, personal life, poems, dum, death



Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born on June 6, 1799 in Moscow, in the family of Major retired, the hereditary nobleman, Sergey Lvovich Pushkin. The mother of Nadezhda Osipovna was the great-grandfather Abraha Hannibal, the famous "Arape Peter Great". It was from the mother and its African roots inherited Pushkin his hot temper, an unbridled love for life, and the poetic talent allowed him to virtuoso to endure the thoughts of the thoughts on paper, infecting his feelings of contemporaries and descendants.

In addition to Sasha in the family there were two more children: Lion and Olga. Alexander's parents were very educated even by the standards of their time, when the entire secular society was characterized by knowledge of Latin and French, foreign and domestic history, literature. The house was constantly visible creative personality: artists, poets musicians.

Alexanda Serageevich Pushkin Family

The home education of Alexander Sergeyevich was excellent, but it would hardly have to study the French literature to give the world of that poet, whom we all know and love, with his reverent attitude towards the history of Russia, folk tales, legends, legends and to the Russian people. For this love Pushkin to all Russian, a separate thanks to his grandmother, in the village of which he spent a lot of time. Maria Alekseevna herself spoke and wrote only in Russian, and it was she who hired a nanny Arina to service Rodionovna.

Thanks to the nanine fairy tales, stories, her singers and sincere love, a little boy got used to the sound of popular speech, her natural beauty and poeticity. Subsequently, it made it possible to balance the typical "French" education and education, which was then characteristic of the entire noble Russia. Even his first poem, young Pushkin wrote in French.

Alexander Pushkin with Nanny

However, it was not only a love for a foreign language, but also the exotic nationality of African Prapraded. It was the origin and heredity in many respects affected the formation of a hot character and a bright appearance of the poet.

Sasha as a child not only studied the language and other sciences of the French governors, and he listened to the tales of Arina Rodionovna. The boy read a lot, doing self-education. It has been at its disposal was the magnificent father's library, books from the library of the Bourning and Uncle of Vasily Lvovich.

Tsarskoselsky Lyceum

It was in the company who first got a twelve-year-old Pushkin to the metropolitan Petersburg, in order to enroll in only the discovered Tsarskoselsky Lyceum. The lyceum was under the patronage of the imperial family and was located in the Flegele, adjacent to the Ekaterini Palace. Alexander entered the first thirty students who studied in his walls to various wisdoms.

Tsarskoselsky Lyceum

The learning system used in the lyceum was truly revolutionary. Boys-nobles from the best families were trained by the humanitarian sciences young, enthusiastic teachers, and in the Lyceum itself reigned a friendly and liberated atmosphere. The teaching proceeded without bodily punishment, which was already innovation.

Pushkin's lyceum quickly began his friends with the rest of the students. His classmates were Delvig, Kühelbecker, Pushchin, and Alexander Sergeevich managed to preserve and carry this innocent, sincere youth friendship throughout life, retaining the most pleasant and enthusiastic memories of lyceum years.

Alexander Pushkin in Lyceum

Lyceumists of the first issue, which was subsequently recognized as the most successful, listened to lectures of famous professors, and their exams regularly accepted members of the Academy of Sciences and teachers of the Pedagogical Institute.

The students themselves paid a lot of time creative, making handwritten magazines. The young men organized a circle of poets and novelists, his members were collected in the evenings and composed verses with an expression. Subsequently, three of the friends and one-handmen of Pushkin became the Decembrists, two of them were convicted (Pushkin and Kühelbecker). Alexander Sergeevich himself miraculously managed to avoid participation in the uprising (mainly by the efforts of his friends).

Pushkin, Pushkin and Kyhelbecker

Already then the poetic talent of the young Pushkin was highly appreciated by friends, and soon he was noticed by such cornea as Batyushkov, Zhukovsky, Derzhavin and Karamzin. In 1815, Alexander, passing the exam, read the poem "Memories in the Tsarskoye Selo" in the presence of Derzhavin. The elderly poet was delighted.

Service and Career

In 1817, Alexander Pushkin entered the Foreign Affairs College. By that time, the poet family moved to the capital. Pushkina lived in Kolomna, on the fountain, occupying an apartment from seven rooms on the third floor. Here Pushkin lived from 1817 to 1820. It is believed that it was in this apartment that the poet wrote to him the fame of the work: ODU "Velost" and the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Manuscript Alexander Pushkin

The college of foreign affairs was located in the English embankment, in the building of the current Ministry of Foreign Ministry. The colleagues of the young diplomat were his classmates-lyceumists Kühelbecker, Korsakov and Gorchakov. The diplomatic career was little occupied by the poet, but he regularly visited the service station from 1817 to 1824. The knowledge gained Alexander Sergeevich then used "notes in the Russian history of the XIII century written in 1822.

Pushkin attracted a stormy metropolitan life, which seemed especially attractive and interesting freedom-loving poet after voluntary imprisonment in the Lyceum walls. No wonder this educational institution, his graduates in a joke called the monastery - so strictly were his rules, isolated students from the outside world.

Alexander Pushkin in Lyceum

The circle of communication of the poet was very diverse: he was friends with hussars and poets, with artists and musicians, fell in love, fought on duels, visited theaters, trendy restaurants, salons, literary circles. Women have always occupied one of the main places in his life and work, and at the time of youth especially. Pushkin admired her muses, devoted poems to them, extoling their mental quality. Cardiac experiences of young Alexander Sergeevich for the most part worn sublime, platonic.

Alexander Pushkin in youth

By this period, the proposal of the hands and hearts of the younger daughter of the veninary, Anna. Pushkin often visited the deer mansion on the fountain, where all the literary light of St. Petersburg gathered. Having received the rejection of Anna Olenina, the poet soon met a new Muse, the nephew of the hostess at home, Anna Kern. She later devoted the poem "I remember a wonderful moment."

In the society of that time, a universal mental rise was observed, caused by pride for his people on the Victory Wave over Napoleon. Simultaneously in the minds of outstanding people walked free and dangerous ideas, not just advanced, but revolutionary. This freedom-loving spirit absorbed Pushkin, which consisted in one of the radical literary circles "Green lamp". The result was unnecessary, but famous to the wide St. Petersburg public poems "Velia", "Village", "on Arakcheev".

The consequences did not slow down to affect. The young poet fell into disfavor of the emperor, he threatened the link to Siberia. Caring and troubles of friends Siberian reference managed to replace the Southern Exile, and on May 6, 1820, the poet left for a new service under the post of Lieutenant General I.N. Inzas.

In the period of "wandering" from 1820 to 1824, Pushkin had a chance to visit various cities and weights of the Russian Empire:

  • Ekaterinoslav;
  • Taman;
  • Kerch;
  • Feodosia;
  • Gurzuf;
  • Bakhchisarai;
  • Simferopol;
  • Kishev;
  • Kamenka;
  • Akkerman;
  • Bender;
  • Ishmael;
  • Kiev;
  • Odessa.
Alexander Pushkin

The result of these official wanders became rich impressions and emotions, which inspired the poet for a number of poetic and prosaic works. In the period of the southern link, Pushkin writes the poems "Caucasian Captive", "Bakhchisarai Fountain", "Gypsy", "Gavrilliada". In Crimea, Alexander Sergeyevich first arose the idea of ​​Evgenia Onegin, the work on which he began in Chisinau.

In Kamenka, the Poet had managed to close up with members of the secret society, and in Chisinau even was accepted into the Masonic Life.

Reception in the Masonic Load

In Odessa, with her opera, restaurants and theaters, Pushkin arrived already by the famous romantic poet, which was called the Singer of the Caucasus. However, in Odessa, Alexander Sergeevich immediately did not immediately have a relationship with the boss - Graph M.S. Vorontsov.

Rumors about the poet's novel with the wife of the graph, who soon found a way to eliminate the disadvantaged subordinate. The Moscow Police opened the letter of Pushkin, where he confessed in the enthusiasm atheism, which was immediately reported by the state of the emperor. In 1824, Alexander Sergeyevich was removed from the service, and he left for the mother's estate, the village of Mikhailovskoye.


Return to the father's house for the poet turned another reference. Own father supervised for his native son, and such a life for freedom-loving Alexander Sergeevich was simply unbearable. As a result of a serious conflict with his father, the whole family, including mother, brother and sister, left Mikhailovskoye and moved to the capital. Pushkin remained alone in the company Arina Rodionovna.

Despite the depressed state and despondency, for two years spent in Mikhailovsky, the poet has a lot and fruitfully worked. Pushkin were alien to ordinary "landlords" fun. He read a lot, felt gaps in home and lyceum education. The poet constantly wrote down books from the capital, which was inspected by the police, his letters were also revealed and read.

Uprising December 14, 1825

Under these conditions, the Caucasian Prisoner, Boris Godunov, "Count Nulin", many poems (including "Winter Morning", "Napoleon", "Song about Oleg"), a number of articles, several chapters "Eugene" Onegin. "

It is known that during the reference in Mikhailovsky to Pushkin, his longtime and best lyceum friend - Pushchin came. Also, the poet communicated with the family of Osipovoy - landlords, who belonged to the neighboring village of Trigorskoe.

The news of the uprising on December 14, 1825, in whose organizations, many of the friends and acquaintances were participated, caught Alexander Sergeevich surprise. The likelihood that Optial Pushkin would take part in the uprising, was so great that friends deceived him, calling the wrong date of the preparing coup and retaining the great poet for the birthplace. Many meter participants were exiled to Siberia, and the main instigators are hanged.

Mature years

The emperor Nicholas I climbed on the throne pardoned the Opt poet, returning him from the link, and allowed to live where he would be pleased. Nikolai decided to publicly "forgive" Pushkin, hoping to stroke these discontent in society caused by arrests and execution of the most progressive part of the noble youth after the events of December 14. From now on, the king himself became the official censor of all the manuscripts of Alexander Sergeyevich, and controlled this process Head of the III of the Office of the Office Benkendorf.

Alexander Pushkin and Nikolay I

From 1826 to 1828, Pushkin repeatedly requested the permission from the sovereign to go to the abroad or in the Caucasus, but his requests remained unanswered. As a result, the poet competently went on a trip, for which he received a strict reprimand upon return. The result of the trip was the poems "collapse", "Caucasus", "on the hills of Georgia ..." and the essay "Journey to Arzrum".

At the same time, Alexander Sergeevich met Natalia Goncharova and fell in love with her sorry. All his women, love and novels tuck in comparison with the young beauty, which became the most passionate and desired dream of the poet. From this point on, the stormy once personality of Pushkin focused on the only lady of the heart - Natalie, as he gently called the bride.

Marriage and family

The situation with the proposal of the hand and the heart was complicated by a number of facts. Pushkin's parents and parents of his future wife were in very despondency circumstances, if not on the verge of ruin. Goncharov could not give any dowry for their beautiful daughter, and this was considered to be a movieton in the higher light. The father of the poet with difficulty was able to allocate one villages for his son in two hundred and souls of the peasants, which was near his generic estate in Boldino.

Pushkin had to go to Boldino to join the rights of painting. The poet planned subsequently lay it out to collect the dowry for his bride. On September 3, 1830, Alexander Sergeevich arrived in Boldino (before that he lived in St. Petersburg, then in Moscow). Pushkin intended to quickly donate with the affairs, return to Moscow to Natalie and play the wedding, to which the personal blessing of the sovereign was already received.

Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Goncharov

However, the groom's plans destroyed the cholera epidemic. Because of this terrible Disease of the road from Boldin to Moscow, as elsewhere in the central part of Russia, were blocked. This unwitting gate presented the world a lot of wonderful poems, the ages and poems, among whom were the "ladies of the peasant", "Shot", "Misel", "Surround Knight", "Pier during the plague", "History of the village of Gulihin" and other masterpieces .

Pushkin confessed that she always loved the autumn and winter, during the cold season he usually experienced an extraordinary tide of energy and the desire to write. The period from September to December 1830 Pushkinovyov called Boldinsky in the fall. She became golden sometimes for Alexander Sergeyevich, who inspiredly worked away from the bustle of capitals and everyday trouble.

Alexander Pushkin with his wife

In Moscow, Pushkin managed to return only on December 5, and on February 18, 1831, he finally married Natalia Goncharova. At the time of the exchange of rings, the ring, which was holding the poet, slipped out of his hands, and the candle went out. Pushkin found it a bad omen, but it was still immensely happy.

At first, the newlyweds lived in Moscow, in the house on Arbat, but then the newly-made spouse rushed from the mother-in-law, and Pushkina left. Some time they shot a wooden house in the royal village, so nice to the heart of the poet. In addition, Nicholas I expressed a desire that Pushkin's wife adorns the court balls, which the emperor gave in the Ekaterini Palace.

Natalia Goncharov

Natalia Nikolaevna on the Hot Passion of the spouse answered calm and quiet love, was intelligent, aristocratic, virtuous, perfectly kept in society and left the home of household, the birth and raising of children. From 1832 to 1836, Pushkin had two daughters and two sons: Maria, Alexander, Grigory and Natalia.

The father of such a large family had to literally tear away into parts to feed his wife, children, two sisters of his wife, to arrange guest evenings and go to the light by visiting the salons and balls. After moving to St. Petersburg, in the summer of 1831, Alexander Sergeevich again entered the service. At the same time, he continued to work hard, because the edition of the poems and novels also brought a small income. In this period, the poem "Yevgeny Onegin" was completed, written "Boris Godunov", "Dubrovsky" and "History of Pugacheva" were performed.

Duel and death

In 1833, the emperor complained Alexander Pushkin Camera-Junker title. The poet was deeply offended, since this title was given only by the unfair Yunsham, and he was already thirty-five. At the same time, the Chamber-Junker title gave access to the court, and Nikolay wished to Natalia Pushkin, to attend imperial bala. As for Natalie itself, which was only twenty-two years old, she passionately wanted to dance, shine and catch admiring glances.

While the emperor plastered Platonically for Natalia Nikolaevna, Alexander Sergeevich tried in vain to correct financial affairs. He took a loan from the sovereign for loans, published the "history of Pugacheva", then he took up the publication of the contemporary magazine, where the works of Gogol, Vyazemsky, Turgenev, Zhukovsky and Pushkin himself were printed. However, all his projects were unprofitable, and the debt before the treasury increased.

Baron Dantes.

1836 was unhappy for Alexander Sergeevich. He worked a lot, trying to deal with debts. In the spring, his mother died, and the poet very burned. Next followed gossip associated with the name of Natalia Nikolaevna and the Guardian-French Baron Dantes, who cared for his wife Pushkin without constrained.

The first duel of the efforts of friends of the poet still did not take place, although Alexander Sergeevich was ready to defend his honor with a weapon in his hands, in the loyalty of which was absolutely sure.

Soon the rumors were raised again in the capital, and Heckern himself intrigued against Pushkin and his wife, trying to defame both. The wake-up poet sent an offensive letter. Heckern did not have the opportunity to personally fight a duel, as this meant the collapse of his diplomatic career, and Dantes, speaking in defense of his adopted father, called Alexander Sergeevich to Duel.

Dying A.S. Pushkin

Rock meal of opponents took place on January 27, 1837 on a black river. The bullet, released by the French, struck the neck of the hip and fell into the belly of Pushkin. This was the cause of the death of the poet, since at that time such an injury was incurable. Alexander Sergeevich lived two days in terrible torment.

Without losing the courage and the presence of the Spirit, Pushkin corresponded with the emperor, who promised to take care of his family, confessed by the priest, said goodbye to his loved ones and died on January 29 (February 10 - on a new style) of 1837.

Tomb of Alexander Pushkin

The Sun of Russian Poetry in the Church of the Savior Savior Savior Owned, and the funeral took place on February 6 in the Svyatogorsk Monastery. The grave of the poet, according to his desire, is located next to the Mother's grate.

After the death of Pushkin, grateful descendants have erected many monuments in his honor. Only in St. Petersburg and Moscow there are about forty.

Interesting Facts

Already after the death of the poet there was a lot of legends related to his life, creativity and even with death. So, one of our contemporaries living in Canada put forward a version that Pushkin and Alexander Duma are the same person. However, no matter how much to extend the life of Alexander Sergeevich, this legend does not stand any criticism.

Alexander Pushkin and Alexander Duma

Information that Pushkin and Lion Tolstoy - long-range relatives, absolutely true. Alexander Sergeevich's great-grandmother and the great-grandfather Lion Nikolayevich were sisters.

Alexandra Sergeevich really has poems with a mat and an abnormative vocabulary (usually these words publishers replace spaces and dots), as well as rather vulgar comic poems.



  • "Ruslan and Ludmila";
  • "Prisoner of the Caucasus";
  • "Gabrialima";
  • "Vadim";
  • "Brothers Robbers";
  • "Bakhchisarai fountain";
  • "Gypsies";
  • "Count Nulin";
  • "Poltava";
  • "Tazit";
  • "House in Kolomna";
  • "Ezersky";
  • "Angelo";
  • "Bronze Horseman.

Roman in verse

  • "Eugene Onegin"

Dramatic works

  • "Boris Godunov"

Small tragedies:

  • "Surround Knight";
  • "Mozart and Salieri";
  • "Stone Guest";
  • "Feast in Time of Plague";
  • "Mermaid".


  • "Arap Peter the Great";
  • "Shot";
  • "Blizzard";
  • "Undertaker";
  • "Stationander";
  • "Baryshnya-peasant woman;
  • "History of the village of Gulihin";
  • "Roslavlev";
  • Dubrovsky;
  • "Peak lady";
  • "History Pugacheva";
  • "Egyptian nights";
  • "Journey to Arzrum during the campaign of 1829";
  • "Captain's daughter".

Fairy tales:

  • "Groom";
  • "The fairy tale of the Pop and the employee of his Bald";
  • "Fairy Tale of Medvedikha";
  • "The tale of Tsar Saltan, about his son's nice and mighty Bogatyr Prince Gwidon Saltanovic and about the beautiful princess swans";
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish";
  • "Tale of the dead princess and seven heroes";
  • "Tale of the Golden Cockerel."

783 poems

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