Viktor Shenderovich - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Viktor Shenderovich is a Russian writer, a publicist, publicist and human rights activist, leads his own column in The New Times magazine. Openly expresses the rejection of Russian power.

Childhood and youth

Victor Anatolyevich Shenderovich was born in the intelligent Moscow family in 1958. Father Anatoly Semenovich Shenderovich worked as an engineer, often printed in the humorous almanac of the Crocodile. He released small satirical essays under the pseudonym of Shenders, as the national question in those years still existed.

Viktor Shenderovich in childhood and youth

Viktor Shenderovich himself later says that he identified himself with Jewish nationality only in the desire for education and culture. But to a greater extent he feels like a Russian writer, brought up on works by Boris Pasternak, Osipa Mandelstam, Joseph Brodsky.

Mother of the writer Inesse Evseevna Dozortseva taught the violin in a music school. Victor since childhood loved the theater, he was engaged in the acting studio for children, whose head was Oleg Tabakov.

After the completion of secondary education, Victor entered the Institute of Culture to the Faculty of Directors of Amateur Teams, which ended in 1980. After receiving a diploma, the young man went to the service in the army. Low growth, but a strong physique (Growth of Victor - 165 cm, the weight is now - up to 70 kg) the young man on the distribution fell into the Chita region. For the first time, his literary talent was manifested in the army, Victor began to write humorous feuilleons.

Viktor Shenderovich in the army

After returning to Moscow, Viktor Anatolyevich goes to work in a children's theater studio. Under his leadership, the creative career of the star Russian cinema Olga Cabo and Victoria Tolstogan began.

In parallel with the work, Viktor Shenderovich enters the graduate school of Schukinsky school at the Faculty of Scenic Movement and ends it in 1988. After that at the age of 30, he begins to teach in Gitis for the specialty received. His students were students of Professors Andrei Goncharov, Leonid Haifez, Oleg Tabakov.

Writer Viktor Shenderovich

Together with theatrical activities, Viktor Shenderovich continues to write, but before 1991 his works are not printed anywhere. A breakthrough for literature Shenderovich was the performance of Gennady Khazanov with his story "... in the village of Gadyukino - Rain, which was broadcast on central television. Later, Satiri's repertoire was replenished with another early story of Shenderovich "Puddles", describing the history of the city of Picky, over the course of two centuries.

At the same time, two more books come out: "Flowers for Professor Plaisuner" and "Seeds". A year later, Prosaik was taken part of the Union of Russian writers.


Since 1992, Viktor Anatolyevich starts working on television, first on the ort channel, and then on NTV. The first project was a documentary film about the actor Zinovy ​​Gerdt, later the light saw the ribbon about Gennady Khazanov. But the most significant work, which appeared under the guidance of Viktor Anatolyevich, was the transfer of "dolls".

Viktor Shenderovich on television

The issues of the program were gained great popularity among the population of the country. For 8 years, humorous sketches on the topic of politics went on the NTV channel. The author of the transfer several times for the television career received prestigious awards, including Teffi.

After coming to power, Vladimir Putin, an unbalanced conflict began between a politician and writer, which resulted in the closure of the Chief draft Shenderovich. In addition, after the change of the leadership of NTV, Viktor Anatolyevich finally decides on the departure from the channel. Since the beginning of the 2000s, programs of public figure "Total", "free cheese" appear on TV-6 and TVS.

Viktor Shenderovich - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021 17962_5

The writer became the leading gear "Melted cheese" and "all free", which were on the air of radio stations "Echo of Moscow" and "Radio Liberty". Shendderovich and the main specialty forgets: he participates in theatrical productions as an actor in the Oleg Tabakov theater and as director of the stage movement.

In 2004, the writer enters into the ranks of the "Committee - 2008", the opposition block of the ruling power. At the head of the party stood Harry Kasparov and Boris Nemtsov. In 2005, Shenderovich ran into the place of deputy of the State Duma, but did not pass through the number of voice acquired.

Viktor Shenderovich

Shenderovich entered the intelligentsia group, which in 2010 turned to the executive authority with open manifesto "Putin should leave." In addition to political activities, Shenderovich continued to create current programs "In short!" And the "raisins of the bevel" on the TV channels "RTVI" and "public television".

Each speech on the screen journalist tries to take place in a literary form, so appear the same with the books of the book. In addition, the Bibliography of Shenderovich is replenished with the works of the "chrome verse", "inappropriate-free, or as I won the brand tween," "EURORORAMON: Stories." Book "Blockade of the Brain 2014" Russian book retailers refused to sell in Russia.

Publicist and human rights activist Viktor Shenderovich

In 2015, three labor of the writer was seen in 2015: "Pelopa Curse", "Recilion and other love stories", "solo on flute". Due to the election of the syllable, Viktor Shenderovich's story is often dealt with readers for aphorisms and quotes.

Professional activities Politics and public figures inevitably entails the appearance in the press and Internet of the quarrels and verbal discussions between representatives of different political fronts. So in the biography of Viktor Shenderovich, several large unpleasant incidents appeared.

In 2010, a sexual scandal broke out, the heroes of which, in addition to Shenderovich, were political figures Alexander Belov, Ilya Yashin, Edward Limonov. Several compromising rollers came to the expanses of the Internet, in which each of these persons entered into an intimate relationship with some Catherine Gerasimova, a girl of easy behavior.

Viktor Shenderovich

In addition to the main video, completely ugly clips were broadcast, which were created by mounting.

Provocators, posted in free access, these videos, of course, sought to discriminate and humiliate opposition. But Shenderovich and his family calmly postponed this shame. On his page in Facebook, he led decent arguments to defend his honor. In addition, the affected party was submitted to the Prosecutor General's Office in order to investigate the fact of discrediting sexual nature.

In 2012, the writer in the Live magazine's personal blog spoke in a disrespectful tone of Ksenia Sobchak. In response, he received a sarcastic response from a secular lioness. Social figures later exchanged critical remarks addressed each other.

Viktor Shenderovich and Ksenia Sobchak

In the midst of the Sochi Olympiad, Viktor Shenderovich gave an assessment of the actions of the Russian government, releasing the note "Putin and the girl ice skating" in the microblog. The small text contained a comparative characteristic of the Russian figure skater of Julia Lipnitskaya and Athlete Hans Velke, a representative of Germany at the 1936 Olympics, held in Berlin. The communication was criticized by a number of Russian public figures, in particular by the leader of the United Russia party, Vladimir Vasilyeva. For this, Viktor Shenderovich replied that, unlike political figures, 200 thousand readers of his microbloga did not express a negative opinion about the publication.

Viktor Shenderovich and Lesya Ryabtseva

In 2015, a quarrel broke out between the editor of Lesya Ryabtseva and Viktor Shenderovich on the Echo Channel "Echo of Moscow" in the live program "Special Opinion" after non-extended statements of the journalist to the writer. The verbal journalist jokes was commented by the head of the channel Alexei Venediktov in Twitter. Repeatedly, this conflict was discussed in many leading blogs of the country.

Personal life

The personal life of Viktor Shenderovich writer is calm, the writer is more than 30 years old in marriage with Lyudmila Chubarova. Young people got married in 1985, and in a year the daughter of Valentine appeared in the family.

Viktor Shenderovich and his wife

Wife Viktor Anatolyevich is engaged in journalism, it shares the political views of their spouse.

Viktor Shenderovich has no personal profile in "Instagram", but the social network regularly appears publications on the activities of the writer.

Viktor Shenderovich now

Now the writer continues to be printed in his blog, commenting on the situation in Russia and Ukraine. Actual news The writer clarifies the rain on the air. On the Internet portal of the information resource, the writers of the "Shenderovich" and "here and now" are operating at the writer.

Critic power Viktor Shenderovich

In 2017, publications were published about the criticism of the existing political regime in Russia, as well as about the appointment of Trump by the President of the United States. His performances in the video block on You Tube about the elections in America received high ratings of the views.

In an interview with 2018, Viktor Shenderovich affects political persecution themes, leading to the example of Oleg Sentzov's arrest. Also, a public figure commented on the holding of Mundial in Russia, using the phrase "shameful concentration camp". The writer believes that everything that happens around the sporting event is hysterical, and it is much more terrible than victory and defeat of the Russian team.

Viktor Shenderovich supported Vakhtang Kikabidze after the Georgian actor openly expressed his dislike for Soviet symbols and joy about the collapse of the USSR. In response to the statement of the artist, a flurry of critics woke up. Among the few supported the position of Kikabidze in the matter of attitude to the story turned out to be a musician Yuri Loza.


  • 1991 - "Flowers for Professor Playshner"
  • 1993 - "... in the village of Gadyukino - Rain"
  • 1999 - "Moscow Landscape"
  • 2000 - "Kuklyada"
  • 2005 - "Repeated Film Cinema"
  • 2007 - "Chrome verse"
  • 2012 - "Renovation: Stories"
  • 2014 - "Blockade of the Brain 2014"
  • 2015 - "Pelop Curse"
  • 2015 - "Solo on Flute"


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