Falconary Eye - Marvel Character Biography, Film, Actor and Character


Character History

Falconary eye did not receive such popularity as Captain America, Iron Man, Spiderman and other bright characters of the fictional Universe "Marvel". However, the hero is not as simple as it seems. The tagged shooter, who visited both the side of evil and on the side of good, was lingered in comics for half a century. On the way, he managed to enter several films and in all the cartoons created by "Marvel".

History of creation and biography

A falconian eye joined the team of superheroes of the Marvel Comics publishing house at the beginning of the fall of 1964 and no longer left the page of graphic novels. "Parents" of the character - writer Stan Lee and the artist Don Heck - invented him a difficult life.

Writer Stan Lee and artist Don Heck

Clinton Barton is the son of a butcher who in alcoholic intoxication brutally beat his children. The point in the life of the father-monster put the car accident, where he died with his wife. Clint with the elder brother was nomaded on the shelters and receptional families, from where they constantly ran. As a result, the boys found a refuge in the circus, where the future falcony eye received invaluable fencing lessons and archers.

Having become acquainted with the exploits of an iron man, Barton got a cumier and also wanted to decorate the life with heroic feats. So the nickname of falcony eyes and bright suits appeared. At first, the career wrestler with evil was not set - the police counted Barton Thief. Immediately under his wing, the clint took Natasha Romanova, a black widow, famous under the pseudonym, and they joined the track of the war with an iron man. At the same time, a couple tied down tender feelings.

Falconary eye and black widow

However, Barton was tormented by the conscience - the hero of the feast of the criminal, and he decided to join the ranks of the Avengers team. Members of the Organization welcomed the newcomer and were not mistaken: the falconian eyes turned out to be a strong assistant and a faithful friend.

For the history of the Universe "Marvel", the character managed to work both with the avengers and alone. On the airportal list is also a guide to the security service of the organization "Sch.I.T.", where there was a meeting with the future wife of Bobby Morse on the nicknamed reinforcement.

Falconary Eye and Bobby Morse

An important milestone in the life of a falconian eye was the leadership in the Team "Thunder", mostly consisting of criminals. Barton, along with the beetle, atlas, moonstone and other team members, defeated the sworn enemy of the Ghost Rider - Mephisto, however, he climbed into prison. Like many residents of the "Marvel" universe, a falcony eye dies once, but the creators of comics return life to him.

Barton distinguished itself to the destruction of two bright characters of graphic novel. A falconian eye kills a black widow - a traitor, the fault of which the family of the clint died, and the torus was also unfairly punished. Naturally, the death of a woman was waiting for the arrows, a laborn barton in the forehead.

Clinton Barton

And in comics released in 2016, the oldest character of fictional worlds - Hulk dies. Superheroes learned about the prophecy that Bunner Banner will destroy the alter-ego of Bruce Banner in the civil war. To prevent fate, a falcony eye kills the Hulk.


Best Agent "Sch.I.T." Not lucky with congenital talents. Nature has tried superpowers, but this lack of interest was compensated by the persistent character and sharp vision of Clinton Barton. Thanks to the diligent training, the falcony eyes managed to climb the top of the rifle skill: a character can release several arrows from the cross or onion, almost always falling into the center of the target. Complements the skills of the arrow acrobatic agility and endurance.

Falcine eye with bow

Captain America taught his comrades on the team of Avengers by martial arts, so that the clint was not equal in the world in hand-to-hand combat.

Thanks to the cunning um and strategic wisdom, Barton managed to easily keep the steering wheel control of organizations and heroes, and villains.

Enemies and allies

Joining the avengers, a falconian drove an ambiguous friendship with the team leader in Captain America: on the one hand, he deeply respected the superhero, on the other hand, he took the dispute with him, pulled the blanket for himself, considering himself the best candidate for the role of the head of this organization.

Falconary Eye and Captain America

From the list of enemies in the company of friends of Barton, an iron man was transferred. Also with one member of the team - Alo Witch - the character had love.

At various times, Clint Barton opposed evil in the face of Altron, Norman Ozbard, Loki, as well as the alien creatures of the scrulls.


In the films of the filmmatic universe "Marvel", the role of a falconian eye went to the actor Jeremy Renner. The first yield of the character on the movie screen took place in 2011 - in the picture "Tor" he acts as a guest hero.

Jeremy Renner as a falconian eye

However, already a year later, Barton took a place in the list of the main actors of the film "Avengers", where the world will save the world side by side with an iron man, Torok, Halk and captain America. The male company diluted the black widow, the image of which embodied the actress Scarlett Johansson.

Jeremy Renner entered the acting tapes "Avengers: Era Altron" (2015) and "First Avenger: confrontation" (2016).

Interesting Facts

  • The black widow fell into the Avengers team on the recommendation of the falconian eye.
  • Barton did not always performed as a falcony eye. Once, taking the serum growth and getting the ability to increase in size, the character performed feats under the pseudonym Goliath.
  • No animated series about the avengers do without this superhero. Moreover, a falcony eye appears in animated films dedicated to a spider person and an iron man.
Falconary eye in cartoon
  • When preparing for the shooting "Avengers" (2012), Jeremy Renner was trained at the Olympic archers.
  • The creators of the picture "Avengers: Era Altron" handed over the falconry advanced weapons: automated quiver with reloading arrows and onions with sound and infrared sights.


"It doesn't matter how difficult it is to get into the goal ... I do not miss." "Who did not get cool nicknames - they are honored with titles." "Seriously? I retired everything ... how many minutes five minutes? And then there is already a damn that. "" The commander, on us there is a raccoon and a tree will be scanned. Open fire? "" Order, Kolson. And then he begins to like. "

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