Jean Duzharden - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Jean Duzharden - the famous French actor. I purchased fame after participating in the pictures "Agent 117: Cairo - Spy Nest", "Agent 117: Mission in Rio", "99 francs", "Artist", "Wolf with Wall Street" and "Treasure Hunters", as well By the lead role in the series "Guy and Girl". Duzharden - laureate of numerous premiums, including the Golden Globe and Oscar. Double was nominated for the prestigious French award "Cesar".

Childhood and youth

The comedy actor, which by nationality is a Frenchman, Jean Duzharden appeared in the summer of 1972 in the town of Ryuway Malmeason. The parents of the boy were far from the world of cinema, and the young man himself was fond of philosophy and Pantomimoy.

Jean Duzharden in childhood and youth

After graduating from college, Jean gave the debt to Fatherland and began creative activities together with the comedy quartet of plastic actors "Nous C Nous".

Young people create a talk show on television, write a music disc and become popular for the whole France. During this time, Jean understands that he wants to seriously take an acting career.


At the age of 29 years, for the first time, Jean Duzharden receives a major role in the family Sitkom "Guy and Girl", in which he starred four seasons with the actress Alexander Lami. Brief comedy sketches made this duet famous among the public and the film agents. The main hero of the series received many awards for work, including the AMMI award.

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The actor is invited to a big movie. The first significant role of the comedian was the work in the film "Ah, if I were rich," after which Jean Duzharden could be seen in the films "All girls of Mad", "Family Rose", "Wedding" and "Brism". Beautiful plastic artist, aristocratic appearance, high growth (182 cm, while the artist of 90 kg weighs) made a man famous and in France, and throughout Europe.

After the shooting of the film-parody of the producer of Michel Azanavichus "Agent 117: Cairo: a spy nest", in which Jean Duzharden played a major role, the actor waited for world success. And the comedy gathered in 2006 in the international rental of about half a million dollars. After three years, the second film Franchise "Agent 117: Mission in Rio" followed.

Jean Duzhardden in the image of a policeman in the film

For Jean, the role of the unavomable policeman was entrenched, from which he could not get rid of for a long time. The director invited the artist on the role of a similar plan, which prevented creative growth.

The most interesting works of this period can be considered the screening of the novel Frederick Begmeder "99 francs". Jean recreated an image of the obsessed work of the clerk, which spends all his life energy to advertising.

We remember the audience and other works of the talented Frenchman: the shootings in the main roles in the comedy "Outways" and the drama "Man and his dog". In the last picture, he played along with another film screen of Jean-Paul Belmondo.

Jean Duzharden in the film

The piggy bank of interesting roles of the artist replenished work in the films "Lucky Luke" and "Slices of Ice". The shooting in these tapes revealed the polymanity of the talent of Jean, revealing not only comedy sides, but also a serious dramatic vein.

Of course, the most important picture in the biography of Jean Duzharden was the "Artist" tape, which Michel Khazanavichus was removed. The original idea in the breakdown of the era of nanotechnologies to remove the film in the style of a silent movie began the beginning of the era of the cinema and film crimits.

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The story of how I came up with the completion of the Career of the star of silent Cinema George Valentine and how he managed to use new opportunities for sound cinema Assistant Men Peppi Miller, brought the creators a large number of premiums. But the main ones were two Oscars, awarded Jana Duzhardenu and film producers.

Alexandra Lami and Jean Duzharden in the film

In 2012, the French comedian discovered the director's talent. Jean has long tried the idea of ​​creating a film about love, and participating in the filmalman "the right to" left "" provided such a chance.

In 2013, the talented Frenchman is invited to the joint Russian-French painting "Mebius", which was based on a love spy drama. The next success of the artist was the picture of Martin Scorsese "Wolf with Wall Street", in which Jean played the role of banker-aristocrat.

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In 2014, the famous Frenchman starred in the Nespresso coffee brand advertising campaign with American star George Clooney.

The descended friendship between actors led to the fact that to create a historic comedy "Treasure Hunters" George Clooney invited to one of the main roles of the French colleague. The picture did not bring the next Oscar to his authors, but gathered a decent amount in global boxes.

Jean Duzharden in the film

2016 was marked by the output on the screens of the lyrical comedy "Love not in size". The unusual idea, which was voiced by the producer of the paintings, liked the director Lauren Tirara, and he invited Jean Duzharden and Virgini Efira to the main roles of Jean. The girl was to love the intellectual handsome, which is below it for several tens of centimeters.

To create the necessary proportions of the hero, Jean had to reduce growth in the film using computer equipment. Artista such an experience fell to taste not only the opportunity to implement the idea technically, but also to create an image of a non-comical character in ridiculous conditions.

The picture was filmed in Marseille, and later Jean admitted that he immediately fell in love with this city.

Personal life

The personal life of Jean Duzharden was ambiguous. Today, the actor is married for the third time. In the first marriage with Gael Demar, two children were born - Simon and Jules sons.

Jean Duzarden and Gael Demar

The second family, the artist created only in 2009 with actress Alexander Lami, the novel with which he had to shoot at the filming of the first series "Guy and Girl".

For six years, the couple has met, after which they registered relations in the church in one of the departments of France. The young were happy in married for five years, after which the relationship was dissolved.

Jean Duzarden and Alexander Lami

The third wife of Jean has become a young talented figure skater Natalie purshal, which soon after the start of living together, in 2015, gave the actor to Jeanne. The spouse loves her husband very much and wants to live with him more than a dozen years.

In one interview, Duzarden shared that he likes funny and cleaned girls. Cook a man could be a liveliness of mind, understanding, humor and support.

The thousandths of the fans are watching the life and work of the stars in the Social School "Instagram". There, the artist shares with fans of personal and working photos and video. In the summer of 2018, a record was made in the official microblog of the artist, dedicated to the victory of the France team at the World Cup, which was held in Russia.

Still at Jean Duzharden recorded an account in Twitter. But there the man did not share tweets with readers since May 2017.

Jean Duzarden now

In 2017, Jean Duzharden tried himself as a dubling actor. The man voiced one of the heroes of the Cartoon Sugar. In addition to him, the characters presented the voices of Omar Si, Luan Emer, Frank Gastambid and others.

Then Duzharden followed the image of the unemployed Great-aggrass wife of a slacker in the picture "Little Player". According to the plot, a man decides to correct financial position and signs to participate in the poker tournament, which suits the local billionaire.

Jean Duzharden in the film

One of the leading roles was performed by Jean in the comedy "12 melodies of love." The company artist was Eric Dupon, Johnny Hollide, Nadia Fars and others.

In February 2018, the audience saw her favorite artist in the painting "Hardell". Jean on the screen appeared before the audience Lovelas, Captain Nevel, who went to Austria with Napoleon's army. Floating, the man promised his beloved Polun daily to write and store loyalty. But there are no letters, and the heart of the girl is broken. Then the sister of Beauty, Elizabeth, decides to write letters on behalf of Nevlya.

Jean Duzharden in the film

Having painted the feats and at the end of the Hero's borony, the sister Polinne does not suspect that the captain will reappear on the threshold of their home.

Melanie Laurent, Keemi Merlan, Christoph Montenez and others were made by the actor colleagues.

In October of the same year, the audience will see Jean in the comedy "I FEEL Good", where the artist will fulfill the main role.

Still fans of Duzharden's creativity will be able to enjoy the playful star game in Ledaim tapes and The Frhench Detective.

Jean Duzharden in the film

It is known that the second project is a series, and the director and producer of the multi-sized film will perform Luke Veson. The script is based on the books of James Patterson.

The plot is built on the life of a detective from Paris Montcrif's hatch. A man joins the New York police officer to start a new chapter of his biography. The role of Luca went to Jana Duzhardenu.


  • 1999 - "Guy and Girl"
  • 2006 - "Agent 117: Cairo - Spy Nest"
  • 2007 - "99 francs"
  • 2009 - "Agent 117: Mission in Rio"
  • 2011 - "Artist"
  • 2012 - "Right to" Leo ""
  • 2013 - "Wolf with Wall Street"
  • 2014 - "Treasure Hunters"
  • 2016 - "Love is not in size"
  • 2017 - "Little Player"
  • 2018 - Hearted
  • 2018 - I Feel Good
  • 2018 - Ledaim
  • 2018 - The FRENCH Detective

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