Dmitry Shostakovich - biography, photos, works, personal life and creativity



Shostakovich Dmitry Dmitrievich - Soviet pianist, public figure, teacher, doctor of art history, People's Artist of the USSR, one of the most prolific composers of the 20th century.

Dmitry Shostakovich was born in September 1906. The boy had two sisters. Dmitry Boleslavovich's older daughter and Sophia Vasilyevna Shostakovichi called Maria, she was born in October 1903. Dmitry's younger sister received the name Zoya at birth. Love for music Shostakovich inherited from his parents. He and his sisters were very musical. Children along with parents from the young age took part in home improvised concerts.

Dmitry Shostakovich in childhood

Dmitry Shostakovich since 1915 he studied in a commercial gymnasium, at the same time he began to attend lessons in the famous private music school of Ignatia Albertovich Glasser. Studying the famous musician, Shostakovich acquired good pianist skills, but the mentor did not teach the compositions, and the young man had to do it on his own.

Dmitry recalled that Glasser was a man boring, narcissistic and uninteresting. Three years later, the young man decided to leave the course of study, although the mother in every way prevented this. Shostakovich, even at a young age, did not change his decisions and left the music school.

Dmitry Shostakovich in his youth

In his memoirs, the composer mentioned one event of 1917, which strongly crashed into memory. At the age of 11, Shostakovich saw the Cossack who dispersed the crowd of the people, destroyed the boy's saber. At the young age, Dmitry, recalling about this child, wrote a play called the "Mourning March of the Memory of the victims of the revolution."


In 1919, Shostakovich became a student of the Petrograd Conservatory. Knowledge acquired by him in the first year of school helped the young composer to end its first large orchestral essay - scherzo Fis-Moll.

In 1920, Dmitry Dmitrievich wrote Two Basini Krylov and "Three Fantastic Dance" for Piano. This period of life of the young composer is associated with the appearance of Boris Vladimirovich Asafyev and Vladimir Vladimirovich Scherbachev in his surroundings. The musicians were part of the "Anna Fogh" circle.

Shostakovich studied diligently, although he experienced difficulties. The time was hungry and complex. Grocery pack for students of the conservatory was very small, the young composer was hungry, but did not leave music. He visited Philharmonic and classes, despite hunger and cold. There was no heating in the conservatory in the winter, many students were ill, there were cases of fatal outcome.

In his memoirs, Shostakovich wrote that in that period, physical weakness forced him to go on foot. To get to the conservatory on the tram, it was necessary to squeeze through the crowd of those who wish, as the transport went rarely. Dmitry was too weak for this, he came out of the house in advance and went on foot.

Dmitry Shostakovich in Blocade Leningrad

Shostakovichi really needed money. The situation aggravated the death of the breadwinner of the family Dmitry Boleslavovich. To earn some money, the son settled to work the tape in the cinema "Bright Ribbon". About this time Shostakovich recalled with disgust. The work was low-paying and exhausting, but Dmitry endured, as the family really needed.

A month later, Shostakovich went to the owner of the Cinema Akim Lvovich Volynsky's cinema to get a salary. The situation was very unpleasant. The owner of the "light ribbons" shaped Dmitry for his desire to get earned pennies, convinced that people art should not take care of the material side of life.

Dmitry Shostakovich

Part of the sum of seventeen-year-old Shostakovich turned out, the rest could only be obtained. After a while, when Dmitry had already had some fame in musical circles, he was invited to the evening of the memory of Akim Lvovich. The composer came and shared his memories of the experience of working with Volyn. The organizers of the evening came to indignation.

In 1923, Dmitry Dmitrievich graduated from the Petrograd Conservatory in the class of piano, and after another two years in the class of composition. The diploma work of the musician was Symphony No. 1. The work was first fulfilled in 1926 in Leningrad. Foreign Premiere of Symphony took place a year later in Berlin.


In the thirties of the last century, Shostakovich presented to fans of his creativity Opera "Lady McBet Mtsensky County". During this period, he also finished work over five of his symphony. In 1938, the musician composed the "Jazz Suite". The most famous fragment of this work was "Waltz No. 2".

The appearance of criticism in the Soviet print regarding the music of Shostakovich forced him to revise his look at some work. For this reason, the fourth symphony was not represented by the public. Shostakovich stopped rehearsal shortly before the premiere. The public heard the fourth symphony in the sixties of the twentieth century.

After the blockade of Leningrad, Dmitry Dmitrievich considered the wiring of the work of the lost and began to process the sketches preserved for the piano ensemble. In 1946, copies of the fourth symphony for all tools were found in the archives of the documents. After 15 years, the work was presented to the public.

The Great Patriotic War found Shostakovich in Leningrad. At this time, the composer began working on the seventh symphony. Leaving Blocked Leningrad, Dmitry Dmitrievich took the outline of the future masterpiece. The seventh symphony glorified Shostakovich. It is most widely known as "Leningrad". Symphony was first fulfilled in Kuibyshev in March 1942.

The end of the war Shostakovich marked the essay of the ninth symphony. Her premiere took place in Leningrad on November 3, 1945. Three years later, the composer was among the musicians who came to opal. His music was recognized as "someone else's Soviet people." Shostakovich deprived the title of professor obtained in 1939.

Dmitry Shostakovich

Given the trends of time, Dmitry Dmitrievich in 1949 presented to the public Cantatu "Song of the Forests". The main task of the work was the praise of the Soviet Union and its triumphal recovery in the postwar years. Cantata brought the composer to the Stalin Prize and good location of critics and authorities.

In 1950, a musician inspired by the works of Bach and Landscapes of Leipzig began an essay of 24 preludes and fugues for piano. The tenth symphony was written by Dmitry Dmitrievich in 1953, after an eight-year interruption in work on symphony works.

Dmitry Shostakovich at piano

A year later, the composer created the eleventh symphony, the name "1905". In the second half of the fifties, the composer deepened to the instrumental concert genre. His music has become more diverse in shape and mood.

In the last years of his life, Shostakovich wrote four more symphonies. He also became the author of several vocal works and string quartets. The last work of Shostakovich was Sonata for Viola and Piano.

Personal life

People close to the composer remembered that his personal life began unsuccessfully. In 1923, Dmitry met a girl named Tatiana Gylinee. Young people had mutual feelings, but Shostakovich, burdened by the need, did not dare to make a beloved sentence. The girl who was 18 years old, found a different party. Three years later, when Shostakovich's business got a little bit, he suggested Tatiana to get away from her husband to him, but the beloved refused.

Dmitry Shostakovich with the first wife

After a while, Shostakovich married. His chosen was Nina Vazar. The wife gave Dmitry Dmitrievich twenty years of life and gave birth to two children. In 1938, Shostakovich became the Father for the first time. He had a son Maxim. The youngest child in the family was Galina's daughter. The first wife of Shostakovich died in 1954.

Dmitry Shostakovich with his wife

The composer was married three times. The second marriage turned out to be a speedless, Margarita Kaino and Dmitry Shostakovich did not compare the characters and quickly issued a divorce.

The third time the composer married in 1962. The wife of the musician became Irina Supinskaya. The third wife faithfully cared for Shostakovich in the years of illness.


In the second half of the sixties, Dmitry Dmitrievich fell ill. His disease was not amenable to diagnosis, and Soviet doctors only diluted with their hands. The spouse of the composer recalled that her husband was appointed vitamin courses to slow down the disease development process, but the disease progressed.

Shostakovich suffered from Charcot (lateral amyotrophic sclerosis). Attempts to cure the composer made American specialists and Soviet doctors. According to the advice of Rostropovich, Shostakovich went to Kurgan for reception to Dr. Ilizarov. Treatment proposed by a doctor helped for a while. The disease continued to progress. Shostakovich struggled with an ailment, made a special charge, took medicines by the clock. The consolation for him was a regular visit to concerts. In the photo of those years, the composer is most often depicted with his wife.

Dmitry Shostakovich and Irina Supinskaya

In 1975, Dmitry Dmitrievich and his wife went to Leningrad. There was a concert, on which Shostakovich's romance was performed. The artist forgot began than very excited the author. Upon returning home, the spouse caused "ambulance" for her husband. The Shostakovich diagnosed the heart attack and took the composer to the hospital.

The grave of Dmitry Shostakovich

The life of Dmitry Dmitrievich broke on August 9, 1975. On this day, he was going to look with his wife Football in the hospital ward. Dmitry sent Irina by mail, and when she returned, the spouse was already dead.

A composer was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

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