Jean Tatlaan - biography, personal life, photos, news, concerts, wife, clips, nationality, in youth 2021



Jean Tatlaan is a pop singer, the repertoire of which is so diverse that includes Soviet crossbars of the 60s, traditional songs of different peoples and French chanson. The love of music performer carried through his whole life and presented the listeners, expressing in the work.

Childhood and youth

Jean Harutyunovich Tatlaan was born in August 1943 in Greece. He was a junior child in the family. Father Jean emigrated from Armenia to France in the twenties of the last century. In Marseille, the eldest Tatlaan found out that his family saved from Turkish genocide is in Greece. He found his relatives and settled in thessaloniki, who met a future wife. She was also an Armenian by nationality. Pary had three children. By the time of the appearance of Jean, his father was 56 years old.

Being a journalist, Tatlaan got a small editorial office, where she later took the editor. Jean's mother worked as an educator in kindergarten.

Spouses Tatlaan moved to Soviet Armenia after the end of the Great Patriotic War, when Zhana turned 5 years old. They hoped for a calm full life, but the reality was harsh. Hunger and post-war destruction, as well as his wife's illness forced Harutyun along with his family to move to Abkhazia. After moving, Jean was taken to the Philharmonic of the city of Sukhumi.

Professional education Future artist received in Kiev, where he graduated from a pop-circus school.


The creative biography of the singer began in the State Jazz Orchestra of Armenia and continued in Leningrad, where, working in Lenconcert, he created his own orchestra under the leadership of Grigory Knight.

In 1965, under the accompaniment of the instrumental ensemble Arno Babajanian, the performer released the hits "Sea calls", "Street lights" and "Song about drops" to the poems of Robert Christmas. The next year the lyrical composition "Autumn Light" and another song in collaboration with the poet - "Memory" came out.

In the sixties, the plates of the singer diverged by millions of circulation. There were more concerts in his schedule than days a year. Western press called Tatlaan by Frank Sinathy Soviet Union. In the youth, the crowds of fans met him after the speeches, they left love confession to the glasses of his car, glued to the walls of their rooms his photo, sent gifts and flowers.

At the beginning of the seventies of the last century, Jean emigrated to Paris, where he continued the musical career. The singer had to conclude a fictitious marriage with a Frenchwoman to leave abroad.

In Paris, Tatlaan came without knowing the language, but quickly mastered. He spoke at the "Moscow Star" restaurant and Kabarea "Rasputin", where Serge General Gensbour and Edith Piaf sang at different times. The repertoire of the artist consisted mainly of folk - Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Armenian and gypsy songs, which, according to Tatlaan, was a good school and brilliant practices for voice.

Jean quickly acquired useful links and popularity in Paris. It helped him to open his own restaurant, which he called "two guitars".

After leaving the singer from the USSR from the sale, his songs were seized. Tatlaan's music albums were betrayed by oblivion, concert records were destroyed. Only some materials have been preserved. In Paris, Jean recorded only one album, which was published in 1977.

In the eighties, the musician committed a number of world touring tours. Tatlaan became the first Soviet singer, who entered into a large five-year contract with the American Casino "Imperial Palace". It was there that the performer met with the legendary stars: Frank Sinatre, Tom Jones, Cher.

According to the singer, he never participated in show business, did not sang under the phonogram, did not shoot clips to promote, just sang.

In the nineties, Jean Harutyunovich flew to Russia and gave several concerts, all the tickets were bought off. In 2000, after another anchlating concert in St. Petersburg, the singer decided to return to the country of his youth.

At the same time, the performer released a series of disks, most of the songs for which was written to them by himself. The "Autumn Light" combined the compositions of the 60s with tracks in Armenian, French and English. Only the author's songs were included in the Album "Night Dilijans", among which "bells" and "Bridge of Love".

The latter is especially the road to Petersburgers due to the fact that in the 90s its name decorated the wall of the house at the corner of Mokhovoy and Belinsky. The inscription "Jean Tatlaan. The bridge of love "For some reason he touched the hearts of local residents. Soon the building became an informal attraction of the city, and the wall even "lit up" in the film Yuri Mine "Window to Paris".

In 2012, Jean Harutyunovich gave a concert in the walls of the Native Abkhaz State Philharmonic. The President, the Prime Minister of the country and friends who knew the Tatlyan were still a boy came to listen to Matra.

The singer presented a concert and St. Petersburg. In honor of the 316th anniversary of the city of Chance spoke at the festive concert "Song flies over the Neva" in the spring of 2019. The audience took the Matra with delight, recognizing that only the appearance of the artist - the voice and the penetrating manner of execution remained the same as in the 60s.

Personal life

Personal life Jean Tatlaan still keeps the musician in the strictest secrecy. The singer admits that he had a lot of novels, because for a creative person, love is the main source of inspiration. Tatlaan married late. In one of the interview, he admitted that he made a lot of mistakes, but found his chief.

It is known that the wife appeared at Tatlaan when the musician has already passed fifty years. The singer is happy with his wife and tries to convince the time leaving it without her. Does Jana have extramarital children - unknown. According to Tatlaan, Tabu on a personal life is his attempt to protect his well-being from the evil eye.

The singer has dual citizenship, but most of the time lives in Russia. In St. Petersburg, the singer's own apartment, which he has equipped and separated personal taste. Very loves the singer to spend time in the house in Ladog, who also updated with his own hands.

In 2002, the artist was registered the trademark "Tatako". The company produces dry sauces and seasonings.

Jean Tatlaan now

About myself, Jean Arutyunovich always said that he did not sing, he was not acting, but it works. And now, being in the moonful age, the singer continues to work.

Tatlaan appeared visiting the "Hi, Andrei" program, where he spoke about early work and colleagues of that time.

At the beginning of 2021, Jean Arutyunovich spoke at a music party dedicated to the composer Arno Babajanian with the Sea Calling Song.

In the spring, the exit of the autobiographical celebrity book and the collection with the records of the best songs was scheduled.


  • 1966 - "Songs Arno Babajanyan"
  • 1967 - "Jean Tatlaan sings his songs"
  • 1977 - "Russian songs"
  • 2001 - Night Diligence
  • 2001 - "Autumn Light"
  • 2001 - "Russian Blues"
  • 2001 - "Bridge of Love"
  • 2002 - "Life Mirror"

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