Arno Babajanyan - biography, photos, songs, personal life, cause of death, music, composer



The Soviet composer Arno Babajanian was born in 1921 in Yerevan, in the family of teachers. The day of his appearance on the world fell on the day of the death of the leader of the proletariat of Vladimir Lenin. Therefore, the father of the future musician had to postpone the date of birth of her son so that she did not coincide with the date of mourning.

The father of the boy Arutyun loved to play flute. Together with Mother Artsvik, they emigrated with the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory. Babajanyanians could not have their children for a long time and therefore took the girl to custody, their natives died during the Armenian genocide.

Since childhood, the boy loved music, he showed great musical abilities. At a three-year-old, the child mastered the game on an old harmonic, and after two years, Aram Khachaturian, after listening, noted the baby and strongly recommended his parents to give his son to a special music school at the Yerevan Conservatory.

After a year of receipt in the ten-tiece, young Arno composed his first play "Pioneer Marsh", and in 12 years he won the republican competition of young performers.

A natural continuation of training in the music school of a talented young man was his receipt to the conservatory. But two years later, the studies of Arno decided to try happiness in Moscow. In 1938, he comes to the capital of the USSR and comes to Professor E. F. Gnesiny to the music school created by it. In parallel with the Performing Faculty, the young musician receives a second specialty in the class of composer V. Ya. Shebalina. Two years later, Babajanyan entered the MGK in the specialty of the piano to the teacher B. M. Berlin, and in two years he translated back to the USC.

In Motherland, a young musician is improving as a composer at Professor V. G. Taliana. In the youth, Arno becomes a member of the Armenian mighty bunch, whose leaders were Aram Khachaturian and Dmitry Shostakovich. After the war, Babajanian returns to Moscow to continue studying in graduate school at the famous Pianist K. N. Igumnova and in the classroom of the composition of the city of I. Litinsky.


In 1950, in love with his homeland, the composer returned to the capital of Armenia to work as a teacher in a higher musical educational institution. But after six years, he finally moved to Moscow and visits only occasionally in Yerevan. These infrequent visits to the Caucasus always inspired the composer for the composition of new works, which were rare successful.

By the time of his move, Babajanian has already written all its main symphonic works: a concert for piano with orchestra, string quartets, a concert for violin with the orchestra, "Armenian Rhapsodia", "Heroic Ballad".

His classic opuses were highly appreciated by the advanced musicians of the USSR: Mstislav Rostropovich, David Sailor, Emil Ggels. In Moscow, Arno Babajanian was closely communicating with Aram Khachaturian. He was grateful to the master all his life, who helped recognize and reveal his talent. In honor of Khachaturian in 1978, the Armenian composer wrote a wonderful work of Elegia.

Interesting the fate of such an essay of the author as "Nocturne". The play did not leave the musicians indifferent or the public. For a long time, the Soviet singer Joseph Kobzon persuaded to remake this work under the song, but Babajanyan did not agree to change anything. However, after the death of the composer, Robert Christmas created a wonderful poetic text on the music of genius, and the song "Nocturne" sounded with pop.

In Moscow, Babajanian begins to write music mainly for cinema and pop. As the composer himself noted, work on the song required no less talent and deposit of skill than symphonic music.

In these years, his creative cooperation with Poets Robert Christmas, Andrei Voznesensky, Evgenia Yevtushenko and Leonid Derbenhev. With them, he created his most famous vocal works. The most popular songs that came out from under the composer's pen, became the "beauty queen", "Blue Taiga", "be with me", "hello wheel", "Return to me music", "The Best City of the Earth", "First Love Song "

Since 1964, the creative team has been formed on the domestic stage, which included Arno Babajanyan, Robert Christmas and young Muslim Magomaev. Joint work on the first vocal works has become a new twist in the musical biography of the composer. Each song, barely sounded according to the Soviet radio, immediately became a hat.

The popularity of Muslim Magomaeva grew up in geometric progression, and concerts always passed with anchlats. In his first albums included such songs like "Wedding", "Thank you", "Call me" and "Certain a desire." Hit "Queen of Beauty" Babajanyan wrote for the famous singer during a trip to his homeland, where at that time one of the first Soviet beauty contests took place at this time. The composer was so inspired by this idea that even became one of the members of the jury of the event.

Personal life

Personal life of the composer was distinguished by stability. With his wife, Teresa Oganesyan, he met immediately after the war at the Moscow Conservatory, where the young girl at that time was trained. After the wedding, she sacrificed his pianos career for the sake of family.

In 1953, a couple had a son who called Ara. He went to the footsteps of his parents, becoming a musician. In addition to the singe career, Babajanyan Jr. became interested in the theater and worked for a while actor.

Appearance of the composer

Arno Babajanian possessed a special appearance, his nose was disproportionately large, which can be seen in all the photos of the musician. And if in his youth he was very worried about this, then over time he began to perceive this fact with irony.

Arno Arutyunovich realized that the nose became an integral part of his image. Many artists and sculptors created his portraits, not shy to focus on this part of the face of the composer.


Since 1953, the musician diagnosed a terrible disease, which at that time in the USSR was not completely treated - blood cancer. But thanks to the lucky accident at this time, at the invitation of Alexei Koshygin to the Soviet Union from France, an outstanding oncologist arrived. The composer's friends managed to persuade the doctor to advise Babajanyan and appoint him a treatment.

Thanks to the efforts of the doctor and the care of his wife, Teresa Arno managed to defeat the Belokroviy for the whole thirty years. The illumination of Arno Harutyunovich only in 1983, causing his death.

The funeral was held in Yerevan, the hometown of the musician. Arno Babajanyan's grave is located on the Yerevan Cemetery. Every day there are live flowers from the faithful fans of the musician and his relatives.


  • 1967 - "Song Arno Babajanyan"
  • 1972 - "Arno Babajanyan"
  • 2002 - "Do not rush"

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