Yuri Levitan - biography, personal life, photo, voice and cause of death



The voice of this man became truly legendary, bringing it to the owner of the glory, honor and building a successful professional career. Rare talent, even a gift, made Yuri Levitan a guest in every home in the entire Soviet Union. He brought in every family joyful and sad news, reported information on important documents of state importance.

The speaker Levitan became the voice of a whole era in the history of the country, surviving together with all one of the most severe trials that was brought to overcome the Soviet people. The phrase "says Moscow" became the branded card Yuri Borisovich.

Parents Yuri Levitana

Real name and patronymic of Levitan at birth - Yuka Berkovich. He was born in 1914 in the city of Vladimir. The nationality of the family was well known and on external signs, and on the names - Jews. The boy rose is low, quite proud, with a very violent curly chapel.

From the oldest age, Yuri was distinguished among the peers in an incredibly strong voice - he was often asked for neighbors to convene them guys home, and then the voice of Levitan could be heard even through the river. The loud-living Jura was a pet from all the neighbors, had many friends and grew up a happy child.

Since childhood, purposeful Yuri dreamed of tie his life with cinema, he was dream about glory and all-union fame. Such that they ran up on the streets and asked to leave the autograph. In Vladimir, he received a direction to the samples in the profile technical school.

Yuri Levitan as a child

After graduating from school, Levitan arrives in Moscow and does not pass the selection stage of the receiving commission. Of course, the actor in Yuri Borisovich did not see - a low growth, a thin body, a specific language, an ill-made appearance and the lack of a clear image prevented the dictator to become a star of film and television.

Perhaps the world would not know about Levitan if the fate itself did not suggest him to try his hand at work on the radio. On the way with samples in the technical school, Yuri saw a unbelievable announcement that a set of speakers was opened. He decided to experience good luck and did not lose.

Of course, the admission committee first did not perceive the guy seriously. He appeared before the commission of the unreasonable young men, in sportswear and with incomprehensible hairstyle. Moreover, he had a strong regional emphasis. However, Levitan's voice struck professionals - he was so clear, strong and drum, the timbre was rare, almost unique. He was immediately offered an internship on the radio as part of a group of students in radiocomite.

Yuri Levitan on the radio

Yuri Borisovich began with the role of a charm of newspapers and coffee cookrs for eminent speakers. It was a day, and at night he spent many hours, working on his pronunciation. He read everything in a row - prose, poems, news, did it standing, sitting, constantly changing the position, sometimes even getting up his legs.

The future chief speaker of the country methodically got rid of the "Okane", put it in question and developed his rich natural voice data. I made my voice even more sonorous, melodic and all-consuming. Gradually, it began to be released in the night ether - Levitan read the fresh issues of periodicals, so that residents of remote regions of the country could first hear the most important news of Moscow.

Carier start

One such night has become for the fate of Yuri Borisovich defining. He is in a habit of measured and carefully read the newspaper live, voicing the agenda of the coming day in the country. And did not know that during these few minutes the main person of the country listens to his night ether.

It is well known that the head of the Soviet Union worked at nights with an inclied radio receiver. And the confident, rich and impressive voice of Levitan heard and highly appreciated Joseph Stalin himself. Joseph Vissarionovich urgently called the head of the radio and reported that his report for the party's congress on the radio should read this announcer, this "voice."

Yuri Levitan and Joseph Stalin

The next day, Yuri, who was incredibly worried and was almost on the verge of fainting from the nerves, sat down to read the report of Stalin in the literal air. During the long five hours, the announcer performed this task, never having rushing or making an error. So, in fact, for one day, Levitan became the main voice of the country.

Victory voice

The most difficult period of the work of Levitan became, of course, the period from 1941 to 1945. It was he who, overcoming his own fear and horror, loudly informed the residents of the country that Hitler declared a war to the Union. It was Levitan who reported all the information about the battles arriving around the clock from the Soviet Information Office.

For a long five years, he worked in fact without rest - the residents of the Soviet Union woke up with him and fell asleep. Yury Borisovich's voice was listened to the soldiers at the front, rear workers and evacuated people, people in the occupied cities.

In 1941, Yuri was evacuated from the capital to Sverdlovsk, together with him I went to work in complete secrecy of Olga Vysotskaya speaker. They jointly worked at the microphone, informing the inhabitants of the USSR about the progress of events, inspiring them the hope and faith in the fact that the victory is possible and feasible.

There is a legend that the association between Levitan and the ambulance over the Germans was so strong among the people that Hitler called on compatriots to find and neutralize the announcer, appointing a huge amount of money for his death.

In 1945, Levitan reported to the long-awaited victory over the enemy. It was logical - only Yuri Borisovich, who read the announcement of the beginning of the war, could complete this sore part of the country's history.

Post-war years

After the war, the announcer stopped working on the radio, reading the usual news. The voice associated with all the residents of the USSR with great news, complex and serious, could not be exchanged for passing informational messages. Levitan begins to voice the documentary films about the war, leading transmission about veterans, conducts reports from the country's main events on Red Square.

Yuri Levitan

Few people know, but up to the 60-70s of the speech of Levitan on the radio were carried out live, so there are no records of his radio messages. All those audio, which in modern Russia are considered entries "Levitan, who informs about the war", were actually recorded separately, many years later. They do not contain those not fake emotions that survived the announcer in those concrete moments, but in general give an idea of ​​the sound of Yuri Borisovich in the war years.

Yuri Borisovich became the first speaker in the history of the country, which received the title of folk artist.


Levitan remained the main speaker of the country throughout the career, so all the important dates and reasons associated with the Patriotic War were not held without his participation. In 1983, the Great Speaker was invited to their homeland, to the Belgorod region, for the event with the participation of the battle veterans near Kurk. Even before the trip, Yuri noted that he was unhealthy.

Grave Yuri Levitana

Levitan decided to go firmly, but no one expected that unbearable heat and the sun would lead to the onset of a heart attack. The cause of death was prosaic, age and heart failure against the background of a high temperature of the air led to such a tragic result.

The funeral of this great person took place in Moscow, the grave of Levitan is located on the Novodevichy cemetery.

Personal life

He was famous for the whole country, but in the face of Levitan, units knew only close colleagues, friends and relatives. Yuri Borisovich possessed a legendary voice that did not correlate with his appearance. This gave him the right to a privacy without interventions from the random passers-by and fans.

Yuri Levitan and daughter Natalia

Yuri Levitan had a full-fledged family for 11 years - a loving wife and educated children. However, the marriage collapsed, the spouse of the main voice of the Soviet Union went to another man, leaving the family. By the way, the second marriage of a woman did not last long, she left and from this man with her son in her arms.

Yuri did not conclude a second marriage with another woman, remaining actually one until the end of his days. He began to live together with the former mother-in-law, who adored son-in-law. Later, the native daughter of Levitan joined them in the house. When the daughter started his own family and gave birth to the Son, Yuri Borisovich moved to a separate apartment in a nearby residential building.

Yuri Levitan with grandson Boris

In the family of Levitan after his death, a big misfortune happened - at the beginning of the new millennium, his only daughter was killed. The main suspect was the grandson Yury Borisovich, who was with her mother in the apartment at the time of death. How exactly the murder had happened, and that it was led to it - it still has to establish a consequence. This business was widely covered in the press.

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