Prince Harry - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Megan Plan, Wedding, Second Child 2021



Prince Harry, who received at birth, Henry Charles Albert David, - the sixth heir to the throne, the second son of the royal family, the grandson of the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II. Known by his wayward behavior, eccentric actions. After marriage to American film actresses, Megan Marcle received the title of Duke Susseksky.

Childhood and youth

In childhood, Harry was naughty, but charming. Parents of the boy - Prince Charles and Princess Diana - Souls did not care in the youngest mischievous son. Like the elder brother, Prince William, Harry did not receive an individual education, and went to the London school with children of non-Korolev blood.

When his mother died in an accident, the boy was 12 years old. The adolescent years, Harry passed violently, did not cost without going beyond the limits of decency and law. He had situations with the use of alcohol and light smoking drugs. The scandals were very upset by the royal family, but the young man did not stop it.

Prince Harry was repeatedly evident in racist statements, xenophobia. Perhaps the last drop was the act Harry on the eve of the day of all saints when it appeared at a party in the Nazi form. More precisely, it was an army costume with the image of a swastika on the shoulder.

After that, the son of Charles and Diana brought public apology to everyone who had a bad idea with a suit, and went there, where he, as the second son of the royal couple, was waiting for a long time ago - a guy with open arms met the army.

Like a brother, Harry rose high, his height is 189 cm. In his youth, the passage of the prince was the rugby game, which he stopped engaged only because of injuries. But sports has a positive way influenced Harry's physical training, which was evaluated in that military unit where he fell.

In the army, Harry's playfulness did not disappear anywhere. Having matured, it remained thereby prince who can a couple of photo to jeopardize the reputation of the type of windsor. Thus, his vacation in Las Vegas became memorable, because photographs of the naked young man in the company with several divided girls bright and causing appearance scattered on world information agencies.

Scandals and gossip always surrounded the royal family, especially the personal life of Mother Harry, Princess Diana, discussed. It is known that after the divorce she had a secret novel with Major James Hewitt, Charles also had novels, but Diana had more interest anyway.

When Harry matured, the British noticed his external resemblance to Hewitt: the guy has the same red hair, a similar look and oval faces. But more aware people say that a man cannot be a real father of the prince, since Roman Diana with James was a lot later the birth of the heir to the throne.

Personal life

Women Prince Harry is a separate topic of his biography, which they loved to discuss the media. Harry himself regularly twisted new reasons. His personal life has always been the subject of gossip and referred. The celebrity had many short-term novels, a difficult relationship was tied, but several women were emphasized among his love conquests.

The girlfriend with a school bench for Harry became Chelsea Davy. Had children after separation met again on another continent - in Africa, they fell in love there, they spent a lot of time together. As the couple growing, it was announced about the strength of the Union and the seriousness of intentions, they unexpectedly diverged after the rapid clarification of relations.

In total, for 6 years, young people parted 3 times. The last nail to the coffin cover for their relationship was the wedding of the elder brother and his chosen Kate Middleton.

It was the royal ceremony, followed by worldwide, so the whole process and action of participants were clearly calculated and distributed to minutes. Chelsea could not withstand such strong pressure, although he behaved with dignity. After the wedding, she admitted that he was not ready to live all his life under such closer attention, so I escaped from England to Father in Africa and ruined relations with Harry.

The prince did not have anything left, except for the decision of the girl - he himself could not pass on her to the other edge of the world, abandoning the obligations imposed on his origin.

After Chelsea, the Prince had a simple on the love front, he could not find himself a whaleter. He had models, and aristocrats, and singers.

In 2013, Harry tied a novel with a British dancer, model and actress Cresanov Bonas. She also had a reputation as an aristocrat, often in the circles of the Princess Eugene, who acquainted a couple. In 2014, young people broke up, but they retained friendly relations. Bonas became a guest at the wedding of the former lover.

In the future, Harry had a different relationship, at the same time the object of his adoration was the actress Emma Watson. The girl stalled the attention provided by the prince, but their fleeting novel did not lead to anything serious.

In 2016, Harry began a relationship with actress from America Megan Marck, who was filmed in popular television series. At the same time, they kept the nascent novel in secret, it became officially known for only in the fall of 2016. At the end of the year, the journalists were captured together - Photo Megan and Harry, who, holding her arm, walk through the central London, flew around the whole world.

According to the statement of representatives of celebrities, they appreciated the opportunity to conduct personal life in private, but they did not want to hide from the press and were not against sometimes appearing together in public. Behind this royal novel watched the whole world.

At the beginning of 2017, news appeared that the pair everything develops seriously. The dream of millions of girls soon changed the status of a bachelor and married. Harry presented Megan family members, the first became the wife of Brother Kate - she is close to Harry, he often listens to her opinion. My Duchess was liked, the meeting was welcome.

Judging by rumors, Grandma Harry, Queen of Britain Elizabeth II, was not pleased with the choice of the younger grandson. She still believes that for the sake of the crown, all the heirs of the royal family should marry themselves like, and not in the call of heart. But times are changing, and the new generation of the British royal family is ready for everything to marry love.

Unlike Prince William and Kate Middleton, who made the engagement in secret, Harry and Megan turned out to be less secretive. On November 27, it became known that Prince Harry and Oplas were engaged.

May 19, 2018 a wedding took place. The celebration was attended by members of the royal family, celebrities and ordinary people. To the altar, Archlie, the prince of Charles himself, because the father of the girl could not come. After the solemn ceremony, the titles of the Duke and Duchess Susseki were granted to the newlyweds.

In October 2018, it became known that Megan Marck is pregnant. The first child of Prince Harry and his wife appeared on May 6, 2019. In the official instagram account, the couples reported that Marcle gave birth to a son weighing 3.3 kg. The boy received the name Archie Harrison Mountbetten-Windsor.

Relations between husband and wife do not always develop smoothly. In 2019, at the celebration about the birthday of the queen, who became the first after childbirth, the prince in front of the public did Megan's remark. The dramatic moment was fixed on the camcorder.

The couple is located in the far left corner of the balcony, Megan stood ahead of the spouse and turned to the public with his back to support his conversation with other guests. The man made her the first sharp remark. Smiling awkwardly, she turned away for a second, but then she got sideways again, trying to say something to Harry. At that moment, the duke again answered the spouse with displeasure on his face, and she had no attempt to speak with him again. The British noted that after the incident, Oplan no longer looked so fun, on the contrary, her eyes were filled with tears.

A married couple, like the family of Senior Brother William, cares about not only thanks to the eccentric actions or the birth of children. For several years now, English fashion and fashionista are watching about the changes in the style of the royal persons. After Harry reflected the beard, sales of bristle care products increased in the UK.

With a pleasant message, Chet pleased with the press at the beginning of 2021. Harry and Megan shared that they would expect a second child, whose floor was first held in secret. Already in March, it became known that the future family member is a girl. The daughter of the couple was born on June 4, she was given the name Lilibet Diana.

Army and Career

Harry entered the service to the Army Air Forces, participated in risky operations in the Middle East. According to unofficial data, in Afghanistan Harry destroyed one of the leaders of a terrorist organization. This was the reason for the appearance of threats that the young man from terrorists received. Prince strengthened protection and increased the degree of secrecy when performing military tasks.

The man also showed his best features that over the years we only strengthened: Harry paid a lot of time and paid to charity, he was always present at all royal events, participated in the public life of Great Britain.

In October 2019, for everyone, it became a surprise that Harry, together with his wife, declared war on the tabloid, publishing information about each of their step and often criticized their actions. The duke submitted claims to the court immediately against the three editions.

In the same month, the film "Harry and Megan: African Travel" came out at British television, in which the couple gave a frank interview and told about unbearable pressure from the media.

Refusal of the throne

In early 2020, the married couple Harry and Megan made an official statement that both refuse royal powers and rights to the throne, while retaining the titles of Duke and Duchess Susseki.

The statement also mentioned that the pair plans to stop using financing from the British treasury and will contain itself independently. It is known that Harry was engaged in producing and for the AppleTV + service, together with Obinfri prepared a documentary film.

The news appeared in "Instagram" and caused an excitement from the public: the spouses decided, without consulting with relatives. The news shocked Queen Elizabeth II, which soon after the application of the grandson and his wife collected the Family Council to discuss the current situation. Father and brother Prince Harry arrived at the meeting, and he himself.

Residents of the Palace took a couple of days to discuss this issue and making a final decision. And by the end of January, the world found out that the queen officially deprived Titula Harry and his wife. In addition to the title, the prince was forced to abandon military patronage, he lost and the title of the Royal Marine Captain General, received in 2017. Position went to Princess Anna. Despite the change of status, Elizabeth II stated that the couple and their children will remain their favorite members of her family.

Later on the speech before the charity organization, Sentebale Harry said that he regretted the refusal of the throne. According to a man, together with his wife, he hoped to continue serving the Queen, the Commonwealth and military associations even without state support in the form of funding. "Unfortunately, it was impossible," the duke resums.

After Harry refused royal powers, he left England and went to Vancouver. A man with his family decided to settle in Canada, however, the inhabitants of this country did not even happily perceived this news. One thing is their vacation there, but completely different is permanent accommodation.

People were concerned that their taxes will be spent on the protection of the family, since those are famous. Simple citizens are not ready to pay from their pocket. And even the fact that Megan spent many years in Canada, did not make them farewell to the news voiced in the media. However, the Canadians did not have to worry about, soon Harry and Megan moved to the United States.

Prince Harry now

In March 2021, Prince Harry and Megan Markle for the first time acted on television after they refused the throne and left the United Kingdom. According to Harry in an interview with Opera Winfrey, the father of Prince Wales Charles stopped talking to him after the news of the refusal of the senior members of the royal family. When Harry and his wife left in Canada, the prince talked three times with her grandmother Elizabeth II and twice - with his father, after which he stopped to contact, having transferred the proposal to express any information in writing.

According to Harry, the prince would never leave the family if she did not marry Megan. The girl was hard to experienced pressure due to acquired duties. The restriction in communicating with the public was affected by the plane so much that the prince's spouse began to pursue suicidal thoughts. Megan admitted that he felt in a trap due to forced isolation.

Another upset Duchess Sussek's moment was abandoned by someone from the royal family the question of the birth of Archie about how dark the child's skin color will be. Megan found the remark of Racist, but according to her father, who very respects the family of the son-in-law, this anxiety has nothing to do with nationalism.

In continuation of the show, Megan Marcle opened the secret, which was combined with a marriage with a fiance three days before the official wedding celebration. On the ceremony there were only newlyweds and archbishop of Canterbury.

After the cessation of the receipt of finance, the case had to secure himself. Now the pair exists at the expense of contracts with American Internet service Spotify and Netflix. In addition, the Prince has an inheritance left by Princess Diana.

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