Evgeny Dog - biography, photos, personal life, music, songs and latest news 2021



Evgeny Doga is one of the most talented and favorite composers of Soviet times. The native of Moldova, he became incredibly popular in the USSR and beyond. A talented composer is assigned many ranks and awards. His waltz from the film "My tender and gentle beast" was recognized by UNESCO as one of the main musical masterpieces of the 20th century.

Day of Evgeny Dogs - March 1, 1937. His appearance on the world coincided with the beginning of the Moldovan holiday "Merstsichor". The place of birth of the future composer - the village of Mokra Rybnitsky district (the current Transnistria), located in a picturesque nizine with a small river flowing through it. Nearby - famous coders with oaks-giants, sprawling maples and slender ash.

Evgeny Dog in youth

The beauty of the surrounding nature attracted and manila, giving birth to creative sprouts in the child's shower. The boy grew up without his father, since he did not return from the front. Together with peers disappeared on the street, in the spring collected gentle, sour taste leaves sorrel, from which Mom cooked delicious spring borscht. In the post-war years, together with berries and occasionally, the falling champignons it was one of the available foods, saving the family from hunger.

The vivid memories of childhood were speeches in their rural club of the orchestra of folk music and orchestra from Chisinau. The orchestra of symphonic music was so big that he did not fit on the scene. The musicians stood before the musicians and threatened with them with a wand. It was amazing that the orchestra played, but no one danced. The children approached, the furtively touched to the tools that seemed to them a fantastic wonder from the distant and incomprehensible world.

Evgeny Dog in youth

Soon this world will enter the life of Zhenya, which in 1951 after the seven-year-old, without prior training, will go to the music school in Chisinau studying the game of cello. In 1955, he will finish the School and will go to the Conservatory. From 1955 to 1960, it is studying and operates in parallel in Moldovan Radio (1957-1962). Hand palsy puts a cross on a cellist career. Dog again enters the 1st course of the Conservatory and the compositions of another 5 years (1960-1965).

The novice composer secretly composes something and writes to the notebook. The first of his work "New Year's Song" sounded on the radio on January 1, 1957 at the Orchestra concert under the management of Shiko Aranova performed by the children's choir. The second song "White Flower Garden" has become the debut of classmates and future opera prima donna Mary Beshu on Moldovan TV.

Composer Evgeny Doga

In the conservatory, he continues to compose, studies the theory of music, undergoing a course of conducting. With vocals, Eugene does not add up, at the first occupation, its vocal abilities characterized as Natural Grayless. During his studies, he works a lot, engaged in the orchestration of the works of Khachaturian, Shostakovich, Griga, Schubert, Moldovan composers, including semi-professional.

In 1963 he writes the first string quartet. For two years after the conservatory, the certified composer composes nothing. During this period, he is fond of the theory of music. The result of enthusiasm becomes a textbook for which his students studied. In 1962-1967 He teaches the composition in his native school and music theory in another educational institution.


To the composition, he returned under the influence of his senior colleagues, such as Emil Lotanu, Ion Ungurean and George Vodode. The composer addresses the origins of the folk smallness and melodies, having tried the dodecafonium and other directions before that. It attracts a serious, but available for a wide range of music listeners.

Evgeny Doga

In his creative career, the music of various genres and styles. Evgeny Doga - author of the opera and ballets, symphonic poems for choir and orchestra, musical comedies, Cantat for children's teams, overturer, works for violin and piano, string quartets, suite, waltz, romances and song compositions. He writes music for pop, theatrical performances, cinema, composes plays for different musical instruments.

Since 1972, touring the country and foreign countries. His performances are met with stormy applause at home and abroad. The works of Eugene Dogs are performed by many outstanding musicians, such as Yuri Medyanik and others. His music in the repertoire of famous teams under the guidance of famous conductors. His concerts are held in the best halls of Moscow, Leningrad, Chisinau, Bucharest, etc.

Music for movies

In the piggy bank of the Dogy's creativity, a huge niche makes music for the films that he starts writing since 1967. In his creative career there are more than two hundred movies. A significant event was the work on the film director E. Loutyan "Lautara". The picture about Moldovan musicians whose music was familiar to Eugene since childhood received prizes at different festivals.

FilmProduction "My White City" (1971) has become the final step to exit a large scene of Sofia Rotaru. With her, she received the main prize at the Bulgarian competition "Golden Orpheus" and performed in the final of the Song of the Year. The musical composition written for the film "Chisinau, Chisinau", became the official anthem of the Moldavian capital.

The next outstanding work is "Tabor goes to the sky" (1976). The painting telling about the Gypsy love was also awarded the prizes of international film festivals.

A significant event in the career becomes a film of all the same lot "Anna Pavlov". Stunning music for the film about the same amazing and amazing fate of the legendary Russian ballerina touched the souls of ordinary people and received a high assessment of professionals.

Evgeny Doga

One of his wonderful works in the movie was music for the movie "Mercedes leaves against the chase" (1980). A huge number of movies has become the result of its cooperation with many film studios of the former USSR, television and creative studios and associations, with the Central TV Goseradio of the USSR, as well as the well-known Soviet film directories.

Thanks to Walsa, written by the dog, the film "My tender and gentle beast" and its creators received worldwide fame. What is surprising, the famous Waltz was improvisation and created by the composer in one night during filming, held in the estate of Valuevo in the suburbs.

Waltz got great popularity: he sounded during the mass performance of the gymnasts at the Olympics-80, at the opening of the 2014 Olympics, is used by the choreographers and athletes in the formulation of ballet and dance shows, they are performed by professional and street musicians, newlyweds are dancing under it on his marriage. "Waltz of the Year" called Ronald Reagan.

Social activity

The biography of the DAGs is filled with events connected not only with musical activity, but also in public. He is a member of the Union of Composers and Cinematographers of the Moldavian SSR and the USSR, a member of the Collegium Member of the Ministry of Culture of Moldova and the Committee on Leninsky and State Prizes. Twice was a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Moldovan SSR and the People's Deputy of the USSR, is a member of the Academy of Moldova Sciences.

Personal life

Evgeny married in 25 years. The decision to marry came on the third day after dating. Natasha by profession was an engineer, he saw a woman in it, the image of which was buried in his soul. In 1966, his wife gave birth to a daughter Viorika, and in 2001 - the grandson Dominic appeared.

Evgeny Dog with family

Now the family lives in a big house in the center of Chisinau, Eugene is often in the Moscow "Oder" in Krylatsky.

Evgeny Dog now

In 2012, the anniversary concerts of Dogs in the largest halls of Russia, Moldova, in Kazakhstan and Romania were held. In 2014 in the Ateneum Roman Hall in the Romanian Academy, his waltz "Gramophone" is performed. In 2016, the composer continues to lead active creative and social activities.

Evgeny Dog now

In 2017, Yevgeny Dogs Anniversary - the composer marks 80 years. In the Kremlin Palace, a large festive concert dedicated to the birthday of the composer will be held on the main scene of Russia.

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