Olga Aksenova - biography, photos, personal life, movies and latest news 2021



Actress Olga Evgenievna Aksenova Rod from Izhevsk, born in 1987 in mid-February. Her father is engaged in photography, and the mother works as a psychologist. Native Uncle on Father Pavel Aksenov is famous for its artworks that can be seen even in the Tretyakovka.

A girl who grown in a creative family, from an early age decided to become an actress. All audioskasi Olya listened to several times and knew them by heart. During study at school he was fond of music. The girl inspired the work of such groups as "The Beatles", "Pink Floyd", "DDT", "Aquarium".

Olga Aksenova in his youth

Later, she took the selection to the city children's studio "Myth", where he studied acting, speech technique, participated in performances. In the last grades of school, Olga began to engage hard on the program for admission to theatrical university. In this she helped the artist of the Dramatic Theater Yuri Malashin. As a result of enhanced classes, the girl of medium height with russes with color hair was accepted on the course of V.M. Beilisa and R.G. Solntsea in the Shchepkinskaya school, which graduated in 2009. Its diploma works were roles in the play "Month in the village", "Don Juan from Agrigento", "Black Snow" and "Barbara".


After graduating from the educational institution, Olga Aksenova was adopted by the service of the "Sphere" theater. The actress plays at the invitation also in the team "Theater.doc". In its repertoire, you can meet roles from plays and prose A. P. Chekhov, M. Gorky, A. Milna, Yu. Olesha, A. Platonova and E. Hemingway.

Olga Aksenova in the theater

Olga Aksenova and his roles in the productions of the Center for Dramaturgies and Directors A. Kazantsev and M. Roshchina. Here it appeared in the performances "Candid" and "mixed feelings".

Olga Aksenova does not give some particular preference neither theatrical nor cinema. It is equally interesting for the work on the scene and in the frame.


The debut of the creative biography of Olga Aksenova in the movie was her job a short film "Start", in which she starred, while still a 2-year student. After that, the young promising artist was to invite to cinema and teleprojects. Roles in films, such as "Ceremc-3", "split", "Trekha-2", "Father Matvey", "Theory of Incredibility", "Dark World: Equilibrium", "Live further", "Freud", "Freuda 2 "," Archipelag ".

Olga Aksenova in the film

I remember the actress with my roles in the TV series "Craple" and "bad blood", in which Valery Zolotukhin, Alexey Guskov, Daria Moroz, and Pavel Priluchny and Maria Kozakova became its partners in the filming platform.

Actress Olga Aksenova is known not only by its acting works. She is also in demand at the dubbing studio. Her voice was announced by many characters of Kinokartin "Burlesque", "Social network", "Black Swan", "Observing". The artist in the dubbing of the cartoon Madagascar 3, which gave her great pleasure to her.

Olga Aksenova in the series "I won't remember"

At the end of February 2017, the TV series "I remember" was repeated on TV, in which Olga Aksenova plays one of the main roles. Together with her, artists Artem Osipov and Valery Burduja starred in an exciting detective drama. The history of the girl who falls into the hospital with Amnesia and the photo is like a millionaire's deed in a fire, makes local detectives begin investigating this confusing business. But not everything is so simple, as it seems at first glance.

Personal life

Olga Axenova's personal life is not known anything, the artist hides, does she have a spouse and children. It is only known that at some point she began to be signed by Olga Kavalai-Aksenova.


  • "Start" - (2007)
  • "Volkova Hour" - 2 - (2008)
  • "Gluch-3" - (2010)
  • "Bugs" - (2011)
  • "Yolki-2" - (2011)
  • "Crapkin" - (2012)
  • "Emergency" - (2012)
  • "Bad Blood" - (2013)
  • "Another year" - (2013)
  • "Live further" - (2013)
  • "Judas" - (2013)
  • "Dark World: Equilibrium" - (2013)
  • "I remember everyone" - (2013)
  • "Archipelag" - (2014)
  • "Father Matvey" - (2014)
  • "Freud-2 method" - (2015)
  • "New Light" - (2015)
  • "Theory of Incredibility" - (2015)
  • "Moscow, I suffer to you" - (2016)
  • "At the depth" - (2016)

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