Alexander Kuznetsov (actor) - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death, news



The famous Russian actor Alexander Kuznetsov, famous for the role of Jack Eights, was born in the seaside village of Petrovka in December 1959. The parents of Alexander Relations to Art did not have - the Father by profession an engineer, and Mom worked as a teacher of literature.

In school years, Sasha Kuznetsov's tendency to the exact sciences was discovered, so the guy studied in a physical and mathematical school. Successfully graduating her, he went to the capital and easily entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, choosing the Faculty of Radioelectronics of aircraft.

But in Moscow, Alexander Kuznetsov suddenly first realized that he was inspisitably pulling to art: "techinar" unexpectedly discovered the captivating world of the theater and cinema. The future actor began to attend the student student studies. And the more Sasha attended them, the reigns understood that the art of a hyseride is his fate.

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At the last rate of the aviation university, Kuznetsov doubt remained no longer: he chose not his way. Therefore, the young man without regret threw the institute and went to enter the famous Schukin school. He came from the first attempt and was enrolled on the course of talented teachers T. K. Kopteva and V. V. Ivanova.

In 1985, Alexander Kuznetsov received a diploma of higher theatrical education. At that time, he has already worked as a day in the theater troupe on a small armor, where he was taken when he was a third-course student.


In 1984, the Trek-Master Alexander Kuznetsov brilliantly played the role of Lopotukhin in the formulation of Lion Durov "And she still spins." The performance had a huge success, a novice actor noticed. In the same year, Kuznetsov entrusted to play the eared in the "Two arrows" by Alexander Volodin.

Two years later, the premiere of the "loving Kolya loving", in which Alexander Kuznetsov received the role of adjutant, was held at the stage of the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Critics and theater workers accepted the performance enthusiasm.

On the scene of the theater on a small armored artist, it was published until 1989.


The cinematic biography of Alexander Kuznetsova began in the first year of "Pike": he starred in the episode of the film "Heavenly Trails". But they noticed and loved the artist after the release in 1983, the paintings of the director Sergei Ovcharova "Nonbyvalchina". This sensational project should be considered a real debut of Kuznetsov in cinema.

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Alexander played the villagers of the stall, but the fate of the picture was not easy: the film was called anti-Soviet, and Goskino officials decided to destroy the negative. The film was able to save through the efforts of the famous director Gleb Panfilov.

In 1986, Alexander Kuznetsov found out that such a real, deafening glory: the cult painting Evgenia Tatar "Jack Eight-member -" American ", in which a young actor fulfilled a star role in the screens. As it turned out later, the film was a prophetic for Kuznetsov, because a few years after his release, Alexander really found himself in the United States.

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The tape was largely innovative, because she went into perestroika time and told Soviet people about a private business and an entrepreneur who works for himself. Critics called the picture with the sign of their time.

After the grand success of Jack Eight Girl, the actor played the main roles in the paintings "Primorsky Boulevard" and "Aelita, do not stick to men." Both films warmly accepted viewers and film critics, the career of the artist rapidly developed on ascending.

At this point, at the very takeoff, Alexander Kuznetsov unexpectedly left the Soviet Union and went to work in the United States. He was invited to be filmed in the 13-serial American project "Alaska Kid" on the work of Jack London and a full-length picture "Running on the ice".

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Alexander Kuznetsov, filming in the last film, again visited Moscow: the film director decided to remove one of the scenes on Red Square. It was a period when the GCCP broke out in Moscow. The actor at that time removed the apartment on Smolensk Square and found himself in the very epicenter of events - he visited the barricades several times.

After the end of the shooting, Alexander Kuznetsov returned to America, which was very happy, because in the 90s, domestic cinema was plunged into a deep crisis. In Los Angeles, the actor starred in several projects, among which the serials "Beverly Hills 90210", "Police of New York", "Destroyer", "Peacemaker" and "Space Cowboys" were the most vivid. Its partners in the shooting platform were real Hollywood stars, such as Clint Eastwood, Sylvester Stallone, Nicole Kidman and George Clooney.

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In the US, Kuznetsov visited the classes of famous acting schools of Darlel Hikman and Lee Strasberg. In 1995, Alexander Kuznetsov founded his International Acting School International Actors School and was repeatedly invited to conduct acting and directorial trainings in other Los Angeles schools.

After 18 years of life in America, the actor decided to return to Russia. Kuznetsov taught at the Studio Studio MCA and founded his own acting school "The Forge of Cinema and Television".

Personal life

This talented artist has not only a career, but also a personal life was stormy. For the first time, Alexander Kuznetsov married his classmate and colleague Lyudmila Sobyko. The couple played a fun student wedding, but soon broke up: after the end of the theater university, young actors with a head plunged into the construction of a career, moving away the family to the second, and then the third plan.

For a long time, the Kuznetsov was immersed in work, there was no time for his personal life. But at one fine moment, Alexander met at the shooting with a talented and charming Julia Rutberg. Roman broke out, who soon crowned with official marriage.

The wife gave her husband to the firstborn, whom they called Grisha. But the work again selected a personal life and family from the actor: because of frequent filming, the spouses saw each other. And when Alexander Kuznetsov decided to stay in the USA, Julia Rutberg with his son refused to leave Russia, considering it impossible to be filmed in American cinema.

According to unconfirmed information, Alexander Kuznetsov created his third family with a Russian emigrant and his colleague, which met on set in America. The wife gave him the second son - Ivan. But the birth of a child did not save this marriage.

The artist did not like to talk about his personal life, so it's impossible to argue with confidence how many children he is impossible.

Last years, Alexander Kuznetsov was happy and loved: In 2011, he met Christina Tatarenkov's beautiful. The girl works in the advertising business and has no relation to the cinema.

It was closer to get acquainted with his half the audience could in the summer of 2016: visiting Alexander Kuznetsov and his bride Christina Tatarekova visited the popular transfer "While all at home."


For recent years, Alexander Kuznetsov was a popular actor: he starred in the full-length film and serials. The most striking projects with his participation are films "Ceremak. Continued "," Karpov "," Mushroom Tsar "," Freud Method "," Almond Protection of Love "and" I remember everything. "

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Alexander Konstantinovich Kuznetsov pleased his fans not only by film collections - he reached theatrical layouts again. The premiere of the play "Seagull" of Robert Manukyan took place on the scene of the film acter. Alexander Kuznetsov played Trigorin. Later in the repertoire of the theater, two new productions with the participation of Kuznetsova - "Beautiful Life" and "Trofaldino from Bergamo" appeared.

On June 6, 2019, Emmanuel Vitorgan reported Alexander Kuznetsov's death at the age of 59. It turned out that the actor since 2014 struggled with a oncological disease.


  • 1983 - "Nonbyvalchina"
  • 1986 - "Jack Eight Girl -" American ""
  • 1988 - "Aelita, do not stick to men"
  • 1992 - "Running on Ice"
  • 1993 - "Alaska Kid"
  • 1993 - "Destroyer"
  • 1997 - "Peacemaker"
  • 2000 - "Space Cowboys"
  • 2005 - "Fight with shadow"
  • 2012 - "Karpov"
  • 2013 - "Freud" method "
  • 2013 - "I won't remember"
  • 2015 - "Almond Prike Love"
  • 2016 - "Provocateur"

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