Goldi Hawn - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Goldie Houne is an American actress, whose biography is full of unexpected turns. Loving mom and spouse, brilliant artist - these are the qualities that make up the basis of a person, all his life dedicated to his beloved business. The creative way of Goldie was not easy, she ran into a lot of difficulties, to get through which family and confidence helped her.

Childhood and youth

Houn was born in a creative family, the head of which was a talented musician, and Mom professionally engaged in dancing and owned a jewelry store. The name of Goldie received in honor of the aunt of his mother Laura. By nationality, the woman was a Jewish, her ancestors were emigrated from Hungary. Father Edward had German and British roots.

The family has grown up the older sister of Patty, who later devoted the life of journalism in the field of entertainment. Even before birth, Goldi has experienced a heavy loss - their son Edward Jr. died in infancy.

Goldi has absorbed the love of creativity from their parents and since childhood has suffered dance skills. At the age of five, she first spoke before the audience - Houne went on stage with a ballet number, which the audience took care of interest.

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After a few years later, the girl becomes a frequent guest on the holidays and participates in dance and theatrical productions. But the peak of her popularity as a creative person came in 1961, when she spoke at the big scene as the main participant of the "Romeo and Juliet" play.

At the age of 16, Goldie moves to New York, where he enters the local university at the Faculty of Acting and Dramatic Mastery. True, it is not too fast for studying - frequent absenteeism due to the teaching of lessons in its own dance studio leads to the fact that the Hoy is expelled from the school. After failure in study, it concentrates on art, and it brings appropriate fruits.

Goldy always appreciated family relationships. Especially close was always an actress with a mother. In the early 90s, the Goldi stopped to remove: she cared for Laura, which was diagnosed with oncology.

Personal life

As Goldie itself says, the happiest event in her personal life was a meeting with the most famous actor Kurt Russell. Lovers for many years live happily, but still did not fix relationships officially, and this was preceded by a number of significant events that influence the mental state of the actress.

In his youth, Goldi had short novels with Mark Leadardird and Kruner Spiro Vendurav.

In 1975, just after take-off a career, Goldie met with a future husband - actor Gas Trikonis. He became the first man who broke the heart of the girl. Yes, it was not easy to smashed, but sustained the amount of $ 75 thousand from the former spouse that at that time was considered a solid state.

After the divorce Hone met with the second spouse, also an actor and, apparently, the same not so reliable person. Bill Hudson, in the Union with whom the celebrity had two children, filed a short time after a short time (4 years passed), and again the court was favorable not to Goldi.

Hudson took her chic house in Malibu, and the unfortunate woman remained almost on the street with two children. After the divorce, Goldie tried to build relations with the French actor Yves Rainier, Tom Tom Sellek and Moroccan businessman Victor Dyme. But all these novels happiness did not bring the artist.

Nevertheless, the son of Oliver Hudson and daughter Kate Hudson became the second marriage of the son of Kate Hudson became a true pride. In the future, both have chosen an acting path for themselves, and Kate in addition has become a nomineer to Oscar and the Golden Globe Prize winner.

Surprisingly, the story of Love Goldie and Kurt began in 1968 on the set of "one single genuinely original family orchestra." Then still young actors did not imagine that in the future, passion will turn around in both hearts.

Colleagues looked closely to each other, and their relationship was limited to polite greetings. Apparently, fate itself ordered so that they survive some unsuccessful experience in life, which will allow to appreciate a light feeling.

At one time, journalists tried to predict and ahead of the emergence of the ambulance of Russell and Houne, but they did not decide to officially become her husband and his wife. Kurt was worried about how their union would appreciate the children of the beloved, because Hollywood is so crowded with unreliable families, and the official marriage allows partially to protect themselves from a speedy separation.

The decision to live together the lovers came with caution, but this seemed to both a rational solution. Russell and Hoy during numerous interviews were recognized that it is not always necessary to put a signature to love a person.

The actress compares the marriage with a locked cage, and only the relationship with Kurt is calling in an interview with an open door cell. The lack of printing in the passport adds Goldie confidence in the partner.

Although the actress has long moved away from the film industry, it does not cease to fill on the pages of magazines, where its family life is broadcast. For decades, spent next to Kurt, Goldi coped with past mental injuries and is now enjoying a family cooler.

Children of actors grew up and gave grandchildren's parents, and the lovers did not dare to wedding. Russell has long been joking for a long time that their children mature and acquire their own families, and they will not be broken from Goldi. So it happened, but to whom it is to formalities, if two people are in love.

"I'm crazy about happiness, when I wake up and see him next," says Goldi in an interview. "We are biased to public orders. I'm not used to respecting different stereotypes, but I respect her, so that in this bad? " - Confidently answers Kurt.

Goldy always made the effect on the opposite sex. Perhaps the whole guilt of the zodiac sign Scorpio, whose representatives are famous for special attractiveness. In addition, with a height of 168 cm, the weight of the celebrity in the youth did not exceed 54 kg, and today it reaches 61 kg.

Thanks to impeccable appearance, she looked younger than his own age, and the original haircut with an elongated bang made a how icon of the style of the 90s. The actress still regularly defills the paparazzi in a swimsuit, demonstrating the perfect figure. Her beach photos periodically become the public domain.

His "Instagram" acts in the family. Here are pictures of her children and numerous grandchildren. The actress does not advertise the use of plastics, but the specialists are confident that the performer has repeatedly made a facelift and walked Fillers to the lip area.


The actress Goldi began suddenly and unexpectedly for himself - the famous agent who saw an outstanding talent was noticed on a dance speech. A man, who commemorated the bright acting data from the smaller beauty, invited her to the cinema, and since then the dancer began another, but no less exciting career on the movie screen.

The attractive appearance (bright blue eyes and a constant smile on the mouth) caught the views of the audience, so that no one doubted the actress in the success of the first work. TV series "Good morning, world!" And the musical "One Single Genuine Original Family Orchestra" reducing the respect of critics and the love of the audience, and Goldi did not notice the era of her growing popularity.

Starful hour struck after the filmography of Goldi Houne was replenished with a masterpiece called "Cactus flower". After filming in this film from 1969 to 1975, she won the prestigious Oscar premiums and the Golden Globe, which are still considered to be the most weighty achievements. Of course, Goldy and after the "Cactus" was nominated for many awards, but it was he who became her best work, which the star is proud to this day.

After the 1970s, Houn lit up in such paintings as "Private Benjamin", "Butterflies are free", "Dirty game".

In the 90s, Goldi continued to shine in Hollywood filmcomy. In the adventure picture of the "Bird on the Wire", Mel Gibson came to her partner. And in a fantastic comedy "Death to her face", Houn got into the acting ensemble with Meryl Streep and Bruce Willis. The film was appreciated by American film critics: his creators were awarded the Oscar premium for visual effects.

Another bright work of this period is the romantic melodrama "Mistress of the House", in which Hone starred together with Steve Martin.

After numerous success, the celebrity began to invite more and more often, but for Goldi ahead of the movie there was a family, and she more dreamed of becoming a happy mom than a star of Hollywood.

Nevertheless, Khoun continued to periodically appear on the big screen. The actress can afford to choose the scenarios in which she really is interesting to take off. In 2017, a nontrivial picture of "Daughter and her mother" was released on the screens, in which Mi Sumer played with Goldi.

Goldi Houne now

Today, news from Goldi Houne is not every day appear on the first lanes tabloids, but it is known that at the end of 2020 the actress prepared a new job. She became a member of the filming of the second film "Christmas Chronicles", in which, as in 2018, fulfilled the role of Mrs. Claus. Family acting in the film appeared: it's Kurt Russell, and the son of the performer Oliver Hudson.


  • 1968 - "One Single Genuine Original Family Orchestra"
  • 1969 - "Cactus Flower"
  • 1978 - "Dirty Game"
  • 1987 - "Overboard"
  • 1990 - "Bird on the Wire"
  • 1992 - "Death to her face"
  • 1996 - "Club of First Wives"
  • 2002 - "Lighter sisters"
  • 2017 - "Daughter and her mother"
  • 2018 - "Christmas Chronicles"
  • 2020 - "Christmas Chronicles - 2"

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