John Hurt - biography, personal life, photos, movies and cause of death



John Herrt is a true Englishman with characteristic appearance and indisputable acting abilities, which played many emotional and bright roles. He received a BAFTA award four times, awarded the Golden Globe Award, twice competed for the Oscar Award and even received the knightly title. Each role Hirst was original and exciting, but the greatest fame was involved in the films "Midnight Express", "Alien", "Elephant" and "Melancholia".

John Hourh is born in the small English city of Chesterfield on January 22, 1940. The father of the future star - Arnold Herurt, professionally engaged in mathematics for some time, but later chose the path of the priest of the Anglican Church and became vicar of Shirbrook. John's mother - Phillies Herurt, by profession was an engineer, but he was glad to worked in an amateur theater.

John Hurt in youth

In addition to John, the family was the eldest son Michael, who later became a Catholic priest. Also, the parents of the future star took on the upbringing of the receiving child - the girl Monica. In his youth for John was familiar severity and hard discipline. Father often limited his children even in communicating with other guys, if they considered them not enough religious and educated.

With eight years, Herurt studied in the Anglican School (County Kent). One day the boy took part in the theatrical statement of the "Blue Bird". He was so fascinated by the acting game that he decided to become an actor in the future. Parents knew about the hobby of the Son, but did not approve the choice of John. Instead, they recommended the boy to become a teacher in art.

John Hurt in youth

After receiving secondary education, 17-year-old Heroch went to Grimsby Art School (School of Arts). A little later, in 1959, the target guy received a scholarship and continued his studies in the capital - in College of St. Martin. But after a year, John overcame a harsh contest and got into the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Two years later, a graduate of a prestigious educational institution began to receive the first roles.

Carier start

For the first time, John Herurt appeared on television scans in the film "Wild and Thirsty" (1962). Then other secondary roles followed, but a little young actor accumulated valuable experience and became recognizable. He played in projects of the most distinguished plan. So, Herurt starred in the historic project BBC "I, Claudius" (1976), where Emperor Kaligul played.

1978 brought a promising actor a spectacular role in the Midnight Express Thriller, which was directed by Alan Parker. Subsequently, the film has won six "golden globes" and two Oscars. For its role, Herurt received the Golden Globe for the best secondary male role, as well as the BAFTA Prize. John fought for the Oscar premium, but was forced to give up Christofera Wasen.

John Hurt with award

Also at the beginning of his career, John Hörurt starred in the fantastic horror movie "Alien" (1979). He was assigned the role of the security officer, in which the embryo of someone else was settled. In general, this film was in some kind of epochal, received many awards, including Oscar, and also gave the beginning of a series of famous films from Sigurn Waiter.

In 1980, Hort was assigned to the main role in the Drama "Man-Elephant" of the cult directory David Lynch. His acting skills was again appreciated by the nomination for Oscar. Four years later, the talented actor played the role of Winston Smith - the central figure of the famous novel George Orwell "1984".

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For 1991, there is another Nomination of Hert on the BAFTA Prize. He played a small role in the field "Field" Jim Sheridan, but his excellent game was worthy of such a solid award.

An important stage in the film train John Hurta was to participate in the filming of a series of films about Harry Potter. So, in 2001, the talented actor appeared in the film "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". He brilliantly fulfilled the role of Olivander - a specialist in making magic chopsticks. In addition, in 2010 several episodes were shot with Hero Hero for the film "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows".

John Herrt in the movie "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

A talented actor has repeatedly worked on sounding movies. For example, in 2006, he made an invisible storyteller in the film "Perfumer: the story of one killer." In addition, Hörti often voiced cartoons for children: "The Lord of the Rings" (1978), "Kingdom of Monkeys" (1999), "Adventures of Tigroles" (2000), etc.

The famous Aktera filmography also includes participation in the screening of history about Indiana Jones. In 2008, Herurt appeared in the film "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", where he played the role of archaeologist and friend Harold Oxley's main character.

In addition, this year began shooting fantasy series "Merlin", developed by the Air Force Channel. It was based on Merlin's wizard legends, as well as his relationship with King Artur. At the same time, one of the important roles was allocated - the Great Dragon. The series enjoyed great popularity from British TV viewers, until 2012 five seasons were presented.

Even in the solid age, Herurt continued to be filmed annually. Often he was given the roles of minor heroes, but his emotional and eccentric characters were always remembered to the viewers. For example, in 2013, Hörtov played a military doctor in the popular TV series "Doctor Who".

Until the death of Herurt worked immediately over several projects. In 2016, a fighter "Tarzan was released with his participation. Legend". For 2017-2018, the emergence of Drum "My Name IS Lenny", "Hypergraphia", as well as the historical film "Hard Time".

John Hert and Ian McKelllen

It should be noted that John Hurta was often compared with another, no less than an actor Ien McKellen. Their external similarity and almost the same growth were of interest, both the viewers and directors. In one interview, McCellen told a fun story with the filming of the "Hobbit". When he argued with the director Peter Jackson, the latter often shouted that he was tired of "Capricious McKellen" and demanded to call John Hörta. Once Ian replied that he was John Hourhurt and had long got rid of McKellen, but no one noticed.

Personal life

The relationship between John Hert with women was the same saturated as his actor career. The first time he married in 1962. His chosen was the actress with a spectacular appearance of Annette Robertson. But this marriage lasted only two years, and in 1964 the couple broke up.

Then followed the prolonged relationship of the actor with the Mari Liz Voluel-Pyrro model. They met for 15 years, and only the tragic death of the Frenchwoman in 1983 separated a couple.

John Hurt with his wife

The second time the actor married at the end of 1984 on the actress Donna Picok. Star Couple wanted to have children, but even artificial fertilization did not help them. This led to a celebrity marriage in January 1990. The man for a short time remained alone and a few days later married Joe Dalton - Assistant Director. The couple had two boys, but children could not keep parents together. In 1996, John Hörto divorced with a third wife.

After that, the famous actor remained idling for a long time. Only in 2005, Herurt decided to marry the fourth time, and his choice fell on Annex Rice Meyers. By profession, the woman was an advertising producer.

Disease and death

In 2015, John Hörta overtook a heavy illness - pancreatic cancer. The disease was discovered at an early stage, so doctors were confident in the ability to overcome the disease. The actor kept the hardness of the Spirit and was intended to work even during treatment.

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A man struggled with a disease for about two years, but it was she who caused the death of a talented actor. He died on January 25, 2017 at home in a small town Edge.


  • 1978 - Midnight Express
  • 1984 - 1984.
  • 1979 - Alien
  • 1980 - Elephant Man
  • 1997 - Contact
  • 2001 - Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone
  • 2004 - Hellboy: Hero from the bake
  • 2005 - the key to all doors
  • 2006 - V - So Vendetta
  • 2008 - Indiana Jones and Kingdom of Crystal Skull
  • 2016 - Tarzan. Legend

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